Can my new computer play HL2 properly?

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Oct 9, 2003
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This is my computer specs.

Intel P4 2.6c (support hyper threading technology)
256 MB DDR PC400
Intel 865PE ChipSet
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Ultra 128MB (1st batch - more efficient)
17 inch LG Flatron F700B
Casing with 450 watts (i think so)

I am really scard if i use this machine and can't see any nice effects of Half Life 2.

I had a low budget.

I play Homeworld2 yesterday and modify some video settings, it crashes. I don't want to play HL2 like playing HL1 (no effects :( )

Any help? Thanks.
Originally posted by chuawenching
This is my computer specs.

Intel P4 2.6c (support hyper threading technology)
256 MB DDR PC400
Intel 865PE ChipSet
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Ultra 128MB (1st batch - more efficient)
17 inch LG Flatron F700B
Casing with 450 watts (i think so)

I am really scard if i use this machine and can't see any nice effects of Half Life 2.

I had a low budget.

I play Homeworld2 yesterday and modify some video settings, it crashes. I don't want to play HL2 like playing HL1 (no effects :( )

Any help? Thanks.

That computer will run HL2 better than well, but if you have Windows XP I'd suggest atleast 256MB more DDR.

(BTW... your monitor does no difference and power source rarely either so you don't need to list them.)

EDIT: That definately is NOT a low budget computer.
Ahhh.. the good old days, when these threads popped up every 5 minutes :)
Originally posted by Shuzer
Ahhh.. the good old days, when these threads popped up every 5 minutes :)


EDIT: For the crashing and other problems I'd give a legendary suggestion: updating drivers (3D card, motherboard IDE and AGP, sound card, DirectX 9.0b (if not already), motherboard BIOS...)
Motherboard BIOS.. hmm.. do we need to update these too?

Hmm... ok i will try to update everything. Thanks.

It is really low budget. I would expecting ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or XT. I am saving up money now.

Chua Wen Ching :p
I heard 3d mark 2003 can benchmark my 3d card. Just wonder, what other benchmark i can do for my ATI card? What software i can download for free and test?

Yeah i am using windows xp. I think i will update soon as memory is pretty cheap now.

Originally posted by chuawenching
I heard 3d mark 2003 can benchmark my 3d card. Just wonder, what other benchmark i can do for my ATI card? What software i can download for free and test?

Yeah i am using windows xp. I think i will update soon as memory is pretty cheap now.


PiFast for processor (Mostly information).
Don't remember what was the program for CPU burning (overloading processor), perhaps PiFast had it.
Memtest 86 for RAM (Error checking mostly, has bandwidht display too though).
3D Mark 2001 SE for 3D card, Aquamark (whenever it's coming), there's others but I can't remember them.
SiSoft Sandra for about everything.
Originally posted by =)PoLo(=
Don't quite follow you, but it's available...


Sorry, should have checked that first (wasn't available a month ago or so).
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