Can someone fill me in?


Oct 17, 2004
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Can someone fill me in? I know this isnt DIRECTLY tied to hl2 but in a sense it is. I noticed in other forums people were talking about how opposing force finished and how it might effect hl2(ie g-man) Although i started the game i have not finished it. I dont have the desire or the time to. But anways,what im asking is for someone who has beaten the game to fill me in on what happened.

Please no flames. :afro:
Well, its been a while, but IIRC, the G-man basically tells you that you did very well, you are working for him, and that you will be going to sleep!? Something like that.
The G-Man tells you that you will be put in a place where "you can cause no harm, and no harm can come to you." Not an exact quote but you get the idea.
You get put on ice. No choice.
GMan says that he's been distracted by other events (presumably Dr Freeman) and that's why he hasn't been paying you much attention. He says he has a fasination with survivors because they remind him of himself but that his employers don't feel the same way. However he's managed to talk them into storing you (rather than killing you?) because that way you can't blab to people about what happened.
Game ends with text that says you're in storage.

I ran throught the game again a couple of days ago.

Oh yeah, you see Freeman as he enters the portal to Xen about ten minutes before you destroy the end of game boss, whilst GMan is filling you in a nuke takes out the Black Mesa Complex.
So im guessing theres really no signifigance to it. Unless gman calls upon shepard to dispose of free (or atleast attempt to) Ok thanks guys. The help is very much appreciated!

EDIT: Didnt they say something about bigger plans?

Im sorry if this information has been covered,i tried searching but had no luck.
It would be a crime if Valve doesn't release an "Adrian Shepherd" expansion for HL2. I bet it would take place in City 1-16 or something.
The storylines were essentialy seperate, the GMan doesn't tell you anything new. There were new creatures but of course the game was produced outside VALVe so it's not like they have to follow it at all. I'm confused how anyone could think that it might have an impact on HL2, care to enlighten me?

Personaly I would like to see Shepard reappear.
i think it will be brought back up. opposing force 2 maybe? it has more leg lenghth than what we got in op force 1! I wuld love to see Corperal shepard defrosted!!
But the Opposing Force in HL2 is the The Combine, not Shepard.

I'm sure if Freeman can be thawed out Adrian can too.
oh, i have something where people could fill me in.

I need to find a post of the guy with the middle finger in his sig (ascii art).

sorry for the ot'ness, but it isn't worth a new thread and this was easiest thread to pust a random question in.
It's significant in that it destroys Black Mesa; but other than that, there's not a lot of long lasting info contained therein. A little bit of info on the Gman and a possible character to pull out for a future expansion.. That's about it.

Jeremy Dunn
Don't know who you mean Joepens.

Personaly I assumed that they destroyed the base even before I played Op4. Even so I don't see how this actually impacts on HL2. I'd love to know what these people are theorising.

Edit: Oh hang on though, they might be referencing spoilers. In which case I don't want to know.
Bait said:
It would be a crime if Valve doesn't release an "Adrian Shepherd" expansion for HL2. I bet it would take place in City 1-16 or something.

Didn't Gearbox develop OP4?
mrxskinny said:
Didn't Gearbox develop OP4?

What's your point? Doesn't stop Valve from releasing an Adrian Shephard expansion, I'm sure they're allowed.
Opp Force was so cool, but I can't even remember how it ended! That was such a long time ago ... and BlueShift the same, what happened at the end of BS???
I severly doubt that Gearbox being the developers could effect the chances of a sequel. Er, follow up. Er, Shepard appearing in a HL2 expansion.
I never played BS unfortunately. :(
I believe the Opossing Force 2 would follow that story line, not HALF LIFE 2
Guys it does make a difference. I did not notice this until I read the thing that says at the end of whatever game your talking about (all I know it has something to do with Hl1 right?). Anyways I read somewhere and I am 100% sure I read this but I am sorry I do not remember where. I read an article about when the game takes place, and it says you wake up in the far future after being asleep for a long time, and they say the specifics are fuzy but thats what they know. Come to think of it I think it was IGN. But reading this thread really helped me, because I thought there was just HL1 and thats it, and HL2 would directly follow HL1. Thanks I guess
Well, Barney Calhoun's in HL2, and he's from Blue Shift... so I wouldn't say it's impossible that Shepherd could show up again.

He's actually more popular than Gordon with a lot of people, too...
hehe remember the training mission from opposing force. so bad. rip off of Full Metal Jacket except with no foul language. kind of defeted the purpose.
OpFor was so damn good, I hope they work shepard into a hl2-expansion or hl3. Or that he is in hl2 and nobody said anything about it.
Crash Happy said:
Oh yeah, you see Freeman as he enters the portal to Xen about ten minutes before you destroy the end of game boss, whilst GMan is filling you in a nuke takes out the Black Mesa Complex.
How fast were YOU playing? :eek:
It might have been a bit longer than that, but not much I don't think. If you're quick you can actualy enter the same portal that Freeman uses. It kills you but comes up with the same kind of text screen. I'll try and remember what it said.

It was something along the lines of Shepard trying to create a "quantum paradox" or something along those general lines.