Can this year get any worse...


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
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First one of my Uncle's dies, then my team (New York Mets) have a epic collapse, and now my Mom just passed. :(


If you want to know:

She died of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (A power, quick, and deadly form of cancer) in her Uterus. I prayed, prayed, did all I could do for her and this today at 9:30 AM this morning my worst nightmare came true. :(

Man, really sorry to hear things are so rough for you right now. :(

Here's hoping things turn around for you!
I can't imagine how you are feeling man.

I don't even know what to say... just don't bottle anything up, let it out.
It can only get better from here man. Just think back on all the great times and be glad you were able to have her in your life.
That is terrible :( I can't even imagine.
I wish you the best of fortune in your future.
my condolences. cant imagine how shitty you must feel. hope things work out man.
Ahh really, really sorry kami :(

Condelences to you and your family :(
very sorry man I hope it's gets better for you.\
man this is very depressing.
Thank you all for all your kind words! :)

Well at least she didn't suffer. Like a few cancer patients they only live for a few years (2-3 years) but have long restless nights and painful days. She went wthout much pain. I was hoping she'd be a cancer surviver, like my sisters mother-inlaw (Who had colin cancer 2x and ovarian cancer=3x) and beat this. I was hoping for some kind of luck, some kind of hope that everything gets to how life was before! Alas, it did not.

She had quite a big tumor, as big or even bigger than a pumpkin. As you know it was in the Uterus, but it went upward into her Abdomin, it was pressing against her Diaphram, and she of course had a difficult time breathing. Her blood pressure was going down because of the cancer eating up all the blood cells, and eating the blood in the bone marrow. :(

Yesterday, she kept taking off the oxygen, then I kept putting it back on her, and at one point she literally threw the oxygen mask!
I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

You're right, though; she is lucky to have a quick passing. If you have to look for something good (which people often do in times of deep mourning), that would be the key subject. I hope you can deal with this loss.
sorry to hear man.
don't have much to say.. may peace be upon her soul.
That sounds horrible, it even makes me teary. Hang in there, very sorry to hear this...
I wish I could offer some sort of comforting words, but the best I can do is say that is with you.
Ouch. Every time I feel sorry for myself, I'll remember of this. Well, I'm really sorry about all that. I hope that's some comfort... I know it probably isn't.

:( * 1/0
Sorry about what happened, some reason I think about death all the time. I wish I didn't (has nothing to do with obvious alias).
I'm so sorry. This year hasn't been peachy for me either but I can't imagine how it feels to lose your mother. Hang in there.