Can VALVe win this?


Oct 5, 2003
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I think lots of Community members can agree with me that the b est strategy for VALVe at this point is the simplest one. Get the game finished with the highest amount of work, in the shortest amount of time.
Dec. would be a great way to reclaim the spot atop the gaming platform. Not to mention hyped up sales, but also a huge increase in credibility. Currently A lot of community member have lost faith in the VALVe team. Aside from the recent hackings, VALVe was found to be false about the release date. Though VU (A not so trustworthy publiching co.) told us this, we weren't too sure. And the closer it got to the date with comments such as " is unchanged," "We'll see," etc., we began to beleive they could pull it off. Six days prior to the release date is was suddenly halted. A week later and Gabe validates that the Source has been leaked, but failed to mention it earlier when he knew something was going on. Then the community further loses faith when they announce only a small amount was take, not only because of the huge size of the supposed 1/3, but because VU announced a second delay, a not so big publication. From the beginning it seems as though VU and VALVe have continually contradicted eachother. And now with a pre-release beta floating around gamers are giving in. Valve has failed to not only release new content(other than a short video boasting Direct x 9.0), but they've also failed to release high-res videos as promised, the benchmark is missing, and they've alienated user with slower connection speeds...I'm luckt I have Cable.
Now with all of this it builds up the Publicity for the hackers...even subconsciously in some manner. Here we are, being dragged around by a large company, one that fails to deliver its promises, and here come these hackers who release a public beta. I've seen a large turn around in this community from absolutely tracking ahckers, to throwing up hands and practically singing. These criminals look like heroes.
And I'm afraid VALVe will lose significant revenue if the release in April.
Because during that month both Doom 3, and Halo 2 will be released.(Hopefully)
With both of these companies randomly releasing content, screenshots, interviews, etc., they've managed to hold hype. Though Halo 2 is exclusive to Xbox for the time being, it will receive the greatest applause. Here we have a game that was only announced over a year ago, and is going to be out only two and a half years after the first. Not to mention boasting the same graphical features as Doom 3, and some better than HL2. Though I'm sure this won't kill VALVe, it will be a devastating blow.
The only way to shock the community would be to release it before Christmas, even if its on the 25th itself. (Which happens to be a Tuesday.)
This could quickly crush the Hacker rebellion into simply another group of Crack makers trying to disrupt things, rather than them looking like heros who stood against a group of Corporate liars. Let's hope these guys show these hackers what real work is. For both the Community and VALVe, I hope they get this game out soon!
Good look, VALVe, we're counting on you!

we'll have to wait for their official statement i guess.

note for HL3: post all news on an official site. it saves us a headache.

oh and slightly off topic, do those big targetting reticles in Halo really annoy you? i just want to make a little mod to shrink it about 50 times. you can't even see what you're shooting!

anyway, if April is when it's released, and Doom III and Halo 2 both meet their deadline, we could see a clash of the titans type battle for floor space in shops. of course, HL2 is clearly the best of the three, but will stupid xbox owners know this?
I don't wish to flame people seeing as flaming gets people banned, but what a dum post. Post something we care about please. :dozey:

P.S. Good luck VALVe
Hey, I own an Xbox!
But you're on the same track none the less. It would be a big mistake to release it next real, and a devastating one to release it along side these two games. I've seen some recent videos of Halo 2, It seems the Elites(at least they) have reflective armor. This is a graphical feature I haven't seen in Hl2. If Bungie has more tricks up their sleeves, things could get very ugly with an April release.
Lemme just ask you thi.s Have leaked beta destroyed or delayed games severly before?
i think there was a source and beta leak for Falcon 4.0, i'm unsure as to whether it was delayed though.

example, the championship winning football team are starting a new season and they've had a new tactic in the works so they can destroy the opposition. somehow the new tactics are stolen, so everyone will know how to bypass all the little clever plays you've created. so essentially you have to revert to an altered version while you busy yourself creating another tactic. so potentially the game should and will be delayed, but i really hope it isn't.