Can we get a better Gabe pic?

Mr. Bildo

Jul 10, 2003
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The "Valve Speaks" photo of Gabe is that really terrible one from the ATI launch, when he was obviously stressed and a bit intoxicated. Maybe we can find a better PR shot of the fearless leader? I mean, I'm no "small guy" myself, but that pic is nearly blob-like. And his head makes an odd comparison to the breast right above him. Just a suggestion...

-Mr. Bildo
I thought the same thing when I saw that picture.

There must be better pics of Gabe around.
What pic are you talking about Mr. Bildo?
There are a couple of shots around that don't reveal Gabe's blob-factor too much.
He's a cool guy, but he's not the next brad pitt. The pic is bad, but I've never seen a 'good' pic of Mr. Newell
bastard_loud said:
What pic are you talking about Mr. Bildo?
There are a couple of shots around that don't reveal Gabe's blob-factor too much.

The one on the main page, with "Valve Speaks" over him.

In any case, I just thought there has to be something better. Doesn't Valve have any Press Pics? I thought everyone did these days.

-Mr. Bildo
Can someone get a better fan art picture as well, the current one looks so freakish.
these are from shortly before HL1 was finished... so ...they are pretty old..

Looks like he has been doing a lot of eating and not much exercise since HL1.

kleinluka said:
these are from shortly before HL1 was finished... so ...they are pretty old..


Woah! They are old, yea gabe's a kool guy but he should'nt eat too much.
My vote is beer. I didn't gain a lot of weight until I started consuming a lot of alcohol...

--Mr. Bildo
it is better....except that's not what he looks like anymore.
That pic at the end of spitcodfree's tour with Gabe and him was pretty good I thought.
awwww, majestic, ur avatar picture is so qutesy :)

but on topic, Gabe is everything i want to be. Overweight, and plays games.

who cares if hes a bit...... chunky..... on the side. I still worship him. :angel:
I don't think anyone was implying that they cared if he was overweight :p
An image that portrays him better though, is what people are looking for I believe..
Unless he has a medical reason, I care. He's not overweight, he's obese (perhaps morbidly so!).

It's not healthy and I don't want him to get diabetes or have a stroke/heart attack or something.

I'm not exactly a stick figure...
I wonder what Gabe makes and if he gets a percentage of sales? Wonder if he would ever do an MTV cribs? :cheers:
eh, mtv? thats music television, there should be a channel with all games info type telly.
HybridM said:
Looks like he has been doing a lot of eating and not much exercise since HL1.

or just sitting at his computer playing hl1 / "making" hl2 :)
Yes, but I bet you can't get it in England. And if you can you have to pay for sattellite!
Well, hopefully Gabe will become slightly less portly...we wouldn't want him to die on us. My guess is after HL" comes out he might lose some weight. Then again, who are we to call him fat? It's disgraceful!
Whathuff?! Pauly?! When did you become LoneDeranger?! :eek:
MTV Cribs visits the homes of football players... and they did an episode that was all about the Cribs of guys from Jackass. It's not just musicians. Any rich person will do.
HybridM said:
He's a cool guy, but he's not the next brad pitt. The pic is bad, but I've never seen a 'good' pic of Mr. Newell

PC Gamer had an issue a while back when HL2 wasn't a twinkle in it's daddy's eye, entitled "Game Gods" I remember Gabe didin't look bad at all.
I already posted a picture of Gabe at his best a long time ago. Let me see if I can dig it up again. Ah hah! I found it:


Notice how all of the lights from the street illuminate the bottom of his chin so well...

PS: All in the name of comedy... not insult.
what is the point in that? you mentioned comedy, but i see none.