Can we have a Enemy Territority: Quake Wars forum?


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
I've seen we have forums for Battlefield 2 and Oblivion, why can't we have one for ETQW, it'll be just as big as BF2 is once it's released.
I agree, this game is BIG, and we need a sub forum just like BF2s one

where is your poll ?
Moved to correct forum; that would be Site Feedback.
I don't think so, somehow. But then, I'm anti sub forms altogether.
once more hype gets started..but now we just dont talk about it enough.
I think there needs to be quite some demand (shown through a lot of ET:QW threads being made) for a sub-forum to be made.

Although going by that rule a Wii sub-forum should be made by now.
I don't think it'll be as big as BF2.
Let's wait until it's closer to release when everyone is talking about it... We don't need one right now IMHO...