Can We Have Too Many Games?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe its just me, I dunno.

It just seems Ive collected a ridiculous collection of games over these past 6 months (mainly because Im abroad so I havent actually played any of these games on the list yet as I havent returned home since leaving, and susequently have had nothing to spend my money on as theres ***k all you can buy out here);

Mass Effect 2
Bioshock 2
Final Fantasy 13
God Of War Collection
Demon's Souls
Bad Company 2
Just Cause 2
Red Dead Redemption (maybe)

I look at that list and see some truly great games, but then I think 'Holy ***t, HOW many hours of gameplay are there in that list!?!? I cant see myself getting through them all this year.'

Combine a new job out of Uni and UK work hours (albeit flexi-hours in the UK office where you can come in at 7:30-8am and leave..well..whenever you want within reason as long as you make up for it), its going to be harder to get through that list then it was at Uni when you had all the time in the world.

I seem to have this habit of taking a collection of games, trading them in and replacing them with the latest games. Then next year, I'll do it all over again, sometimes twice in one year.

So I ask, can we have too many games at times? Or more to the point, do some of us just buy a huge collection and ride it out till the end of the year when the big-hitters get released in September and around Xmas?

Are game developers just crapping out games too quickly?

Look at the list of truly awesome games THIS YEAR ALONE, and we're barely 5 months in;

Final Fantasy 13
Bioshock 2
Bad Company 2
Just Cause 2
God Of War 3

Theres...ATLEAST 300 hours of gameplay JUST IN THAT LIST.

FF13 is a good 100 hours if you want it to be.
Bad Company 2 will consume my FPS Multiplayer side which is countless hours of gameplay
Just Cause 2 is an open-world of mass destruction which will take the course of my natural life to get 100% in.

Its ridiculous!

So many games are adding value in terms of how many hours you spend on them, which is ***king great I think, and its about time. I hate linear games, I want that freedom. But at the same time, release them further apart surely? I know the developers arent all working together and that its all business, but surely they must realise that releasing a huge open world game from the likes of Rockstar (Red Dead Redemption) should have its release date reconsidered when they see something Just Cause 2 coming out with SOOOOOOOOOO many things to blow up on one of the biggest bits of land in a game ever released (takes you almost an hour to drive across it).

I know they want to make profit and alike, but dont the vast majority of gamers simply not have the time to burn through one huge game before the next one comes out, therefore cotemplating their next purchase, reducing developer's profit margins?
I know how you feel.

I'm really in the mood to just sell a bunch of titles I own that I haven't played through because it feels like I'll never get around to playing'em and for now they're just collecting dust.

I'm thinking about minimizing my gaming to very specific stuff such as open-world games ala Red Dead Redemption, sports games ala Fight Night Round 4(Boxing, MMA and such) and open-ended strategy games/RPGs.

I'm also in the seat of having more money than I know what to do with, and since gaming is my main interest it becomes easy to start buying mediocre games and losing track of my spending.
Dynasty said:
I hate linear games

Dynasty said:
Final Fantasy 13


Why must you lie to us so?

Also, just because you have them doesn't mean you have to play them all right now - take your time. Another thing, remember, you won't want to do just one game all the time, every time. Take BF:BC2 - sure, its going to soak up alot of time the MP, but you'll want to take a break from it at some point and go with a different style of game.

Honestly, why is it so vital that one game is done, dusted and completed to 100% before the next one comes along? This is entertainment, not filling in forms at the office! Take your time, enjoy the games for what they are and don't worry about keeping up with the joneses.
I look at that list and see some truly great games, but then I think 'Holy ***t, HOW many hours of gameplay are there in that list!?!? I cant see myself getting through them all this year.'
this year
implying it will take a year to get through:

Dating Sim 2
Undersea Parenting Simulator
Drunk Irishman in Black-and-White France
Cutscene Adventure LXXVII
Dante's Genderbending Quest: DO YOU WANT TO TOUCH ME? Edition
Shit shit shitty shit I'm not even going to think up a clever title for this shit Collection
Roll and Grind ++
Holdover Until BF3
Just the Same As the First Game
Hogtyin' and Bear-skinning: The Game
Stop being ridiculous. Most of these games won't even take a week. Some are only a few hours long.
To answer the thread title: yes, it's called being a casual.
Honestly, why is it so vital that one game is done, dusted and completed to 100% before the next one comes along? This is entertainment, not filling in forms at the office! Take your time, enjoy the games for what they are and don't worry about keeping up with the joneses.

For me, I reckon it's related to my OCD, I feel compelled to make sure I've played through every game in my shelf, if I don't I start getting anxious.

But it has become more prevalent lately, why I do not know, just last year gaming was a form of pleasure that was on my terms, now it's become something like a chore that I feel like I have to do.

I'm hoping to find my way back to the entertainment-part though.
For me, I reckon it's related to my OCD, I feel compelled to make sure I've played through every game in my shelf, if I don't I start getting anxious.

But it has become more prevalent lately, why I do not know, just last year gaming was a form of pleasure that was on my terms, now it's become something like a chore that I feel like I have to do.

I'm hoping to find my way back to the entertainment-part though.

Im kind of in the same boat. If I have a game, I like to get that 100% so I can lay it back on the shelf and KNOW I have completed it. I dont think its an OCD thing, just the knowledge that youve done all you can with it.

I could never play a game like Borderlands to the end though, as that is so MP focused.

Maybe its also a consumerist urge in me, like I HAVE to have x game when it comes out. Then I get it, finish it, and move onto the next new game.

Its not like I buy every game out there, just the ones I know are good and ones that get great reviews. If I see a game gets over a 9 overall on something like Metacritic, I just have to get it. I want that experience.

Maybe it stems from my WoW days, where I had the need to show off my gear by doing what alot of people do; running back and forth between the Auction House and the mailbox to pass time, or sitting on my Bear mount so everyone could drool over me in the best gear and best mount (at the time).

Same applies to trophies maybe, that need to finish the game and prove it to people.

Im sure its an almagamation of all said factors.

And yes I said I hate linear games but bought FF13; FF13 is only linear until a certain part of the game, then the world opens up.

Almost every game is linear so theres no getting away from it, but I hate the linearity of say CoD when compared to something like Just Cause 2; Just Cause 2 may have a huge open world, but theres still a story to funnel down. Youre just not forced to follow it, you can break away and do other things. Its still linear, but I see it as open-world and therefore more, you know, FUN.
I just finished the story missions in Just Cause 2, to find to my dismay that I can't lower difficulty in Mercenary mode, so I'm stuck on Hardcore, and decided not to do put that game down for a while.

Now I have to ponder what game to play next, but can't find any motivation, sucks given that I own a bunch of games I 'need' to beat/finish.
i have too many games, but collecting them is part of the fun too. tomorrow on my day off i'm going to try and finish one of them
dynasty why are

your posts

so overly!

Most games I don't even find time to finish.
I haven't bought a new game in over a year.
dynasty why are

your posts

so overly!


Its not my best attempt at dramatic.

Its not like im screaming this stuff from the rooftops. I like to add energy to conversations instead of being sat talking to people youve just met about the bloody weather.

Grrr everytime someone tries to fill a silence with talk about the weather I just start laughing.
For what it's worth, I like your not-best attempt at dramatic!

Makes it a bit more spicy to read :p
No, there aren't too many games. What the hell else are you going to do when you retire?
If you play most of those games on your list you'll realize most of them are shit. And why do you feel that many games come out near each other that you can't just try them later? Not like you have a week after release date to play a game.
I have no time to play games anymore, at least ones that take a long time to accomplish anything (or where I perceive that it will take a long time). This mostly applies to shooters and strategy games. I don't even attempt to play anymore.

Over the past year, I've only made it through three games: Darwinia (replaying), Portal (replaying), and Braid. Probably because they're all really short overall, and distinctly broken up into tiny sections.
Every game on that list is hardly amusing enough to be considered entertainment, please be serious. I could sell you a bag of awesome rocks for $60. You can throw them, kill buzzards, etc. If you play on master chef level, you can take on Goliath.
I always make a huge list of upcoming games I want at the beginning of each year that grows through the months, but I only buy a few of those by the end of the year. Most of the others I wait until Summer to rent.
Every game on that list is hardly amusing enough to be considered entertainment, please be serious. I could sell you a bag of awesome rocks for $60. You can throw them, kill buzzards, etc. If you play on master chef level, you can take on Goliath.

Go back to your beloved Oblivion fag.

To answer the question, no. We can't ever have too many games. Perhaps 15 years ago I would have said, yes, considering all games came on cartridges and disks, and therefore we could only have a finite amount of games, but now that we have digital games, no.