Can you escape from the room?

Ok I had to do it again to get URL code but IM finally out WOW !!!
hummmmmmmmm i carnt click on the pointer thing just keeps taking me back to the cd player :/
Fishy thats like the trickiest part you have to wait till the movie completly stops then click on the cross hair and a box appears on wall then click and safe opens.
I gotta say this was one of the better puzzles I have done, if it wasnt for the tips I would still be in that room hehe
That was pretty good, takes me back to the old point and click games I used to love playing.. Can't believe Prince of Space felt the need to cheat on it though, ffs lol
Sprafa said:
I've got all the items and I'm stuck

edit - Seen the tape. Not a clue what to do....

yea no clue here too
please help
Read the whole thread.......

When the movie ends, clik the pointer.

A box will appear.
You know what this tells all of us?

We are ALL bored as hell. Would any of you have played this game if Half Life 2 was out? Would you have played it if half life 2 was already out for a year and a half? I want HL2!!!! We are so lame right now.

He He.

Keep perfecting the masterpiece VALVe!! :D
i just got the screwdriver but cant open the door with it...what now? nm.....i got it :D
Fenric said:
That was pretty good, takes me back to the old point and click games I used to love playing.. Can't believe Prince of Space felt the need to cheat on it though, ffs lol

actually I didn't cheat....just as many others my impatience got me, and I was returned to the CD player.... I had already figured out that you needed to click the crosshair thing....but I couldn't be bother clicking the whole area thru to hit the exact spot(incase it was very small) and just hit the tab-key to highlight it.
pat_thetic said:
I cant find the other ring...

1st Ring is in bowl, 2nd ring click on the window curtains constantly until someting falls on floor. That is the ring.
Walkthrough: The point of this website is to enjoy a good puzzle. I suggest you try it on your own, but since the puzzle follows no logic and is unclear on many parts, you can look at this walkthrough I wrote for some help.


(USE) click on the items to get a yellow trace around them. Then click on object you wish to use item on.

1: Click on bowl and get the ring.

2: Click on top right-hand drawer. Go to that website in a new window/tab and remember the four digit number.

3: Click underneath the desk and grab the tape.

4: Click on pillow and grab the key.

5: Click on pillow again to lift it up. Now click on the corner of shadow that starts to go behind the matress and bed frame. You may need to try this several times. Grab the rod.

6: Use pillow key (gold) to open bottom left-hand drawer. Grab the cord in the drawer.

7: Use cord on speaker system.

8: Click top left button on speaker system to turn it on (it will turn blue).

9: Click on CD tray (slot underneath blue light). Grab the key.

10: Click on yellow window curtains and take the key from the mantle.

11: Click on curtains several more times opening and closing them. A ring will drop on the floor. Pick up ring.

12: Look at the bare wall and click on the far lower left-hand corner of the purple carpet. Get Battery

13: Use silver key to open the lower right-hand drawer on desk. Pick up red box.

14: Click on red box and start placing (using) the 2 rings and 1 rod on their respective slots

15: Place battery and tape in the slots. Now do not click on anything while the motherf***** dances. He will point at something, when he does place your mouse precisely over it and wait until the tape finishes and cuts off. Now click 3 times.

16: Combination is from step 2.

17: Use the last key left after combo is entered.

18: Use screwdriver on the doorknob's base.
thehunter1320 said:
i got out by myself... :|

Congrats. I would have too, but in absolutely no way does the guy dancing tell you that you need to wait until the movie's over to click on the cross area.
yea the movie is werid.....i can twait to the next one
I've got a great puzzle (longer) and just like this, but with less steps per room and tons of rooms. check my "mystery of time and space" thread
wahhhh, I want to play this but it's gonna take 85 years to finish loading.
I find it hard escaping from rooms with no am i supposed to get out of this?

Oh well..."I am shut up". Almost as good as "They have set us up the bomb.
I try to click the + in the video but it closes out the video....

I read the I see the problem...
Baal said:
I try to click the + in the video but it closes out the video....
Wait for the video to FINISH then click where the + is.......

That dancing guy reminds me of the Star wars kid :D

Finished with the help of the first page thanks guys, Id still be in there aswellif not, wait, no I wouldnt! id have given up and closed the window!!!
yay im out didnt cheat at all cept to know you have to wait for that dumbass movie to be OVER to click his point