Can you make a model bigger?

Mr. Waffles

Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Can you take a model, say one of the premade cans, or bottles, or something like that, and make it bigger? Bigger as in bigger than the player? If that is possible, can anyone tell me how to do that?
you would have to decompile it then set the scale value to something higher

you cant do it in hammer if that's what you're asking
Waffles, dont give up just because you cant do it in hammer.

Decompiling the model, setting scale, recompiling is EASY.

Get GCFscape to extract model from HL2
Get Mdldecompiler (by cannonfodder) to decompile the model
Use notepad to edit the QC, edit the line that says "scale" or whatever (self explanitory), edit the line that says the output name - eg, bottle.mdl, rename to bottle_big.mdl
Use GUIstudioMDL to recompile the model, if you are too lazy to drag the QC onto studioMDL.exe

This should work. You will probably want to play with the physics settings as well though (when scale becomes 2, mass becomes double?)

Hope this helped.