Can you manipulate the flow of time - Braid


Sep 4, 2004
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<p >Number None's popular puzzle-platformer, Braid, is on sale at 66% off ($4.99) this weekend on Steam. To help get the word out we are giving some keys away to this fun game on Steam. I will make the contest very simple. Tell us what you would do if you could time travel. I will send you a private message so you can enjoy this awesome game. I will randomly select 5 lucky winners. Good luck to all!​

Braid is a puzzle-platformer, drawn in a painterly style, where you can manipulate the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. From a house in the city, journey to a series of worlds and solve puzzles to rescue an abducted princess. In each world, you have a different power to affect the way time behaves, and it is time's strangeness that creates the puzzles. The time behaviors include: the ability to rewind, objects that are immune to being rewound, time that is tied to space, parallel realities, time dilation, and perhaps more.
Kill myself as a baby, proving once and for all that time is fluid.
I like how it says 'If we like what you have to say' and then 'I will randomly choose'.
I would attempt to tinker with tiny details at certain points in time to completely change some social norms for our current time. This would include everyone wearing top hats instead of baseball caps, people owning rocks instead of pets and ostriches being used as a main form of transportation. I would also have been the secret lover of Theodore Roosevelt's wife and build secret rooms in the White House, disguising myself as a plumber. If you go to the White House now, you will find a colony of dodo birds in one of the secret rooms (it expands a few acres; I screwed around with the law of physics as well).
I would go back to 5 minutes before this got posted, and tell myself the winning entry!
Go back in time and prevent myself from getting into the time machine.

I would just travel to the date episode 3 is released :D and then rest in peace... or play ^^
I would go back ten minutes ago and stop myself from purchasing the that entering this contest would actually have a point.
I'd go have a chat with Nikola Tesla and see if he really had those contraptions that could cause earthquakes and affect the weather... you know, the stuff that those wacky conspiracy theorist types always go on and on about. Plus, talking to arguably one of the brightest individuals of the last few centuries is an opportunity I'd never want to miss. I just hope he'd not be too antisocial, though!
I would time travel to the future when he picks the winning entry, then I will improve my comments to increase the chance of my winning.

I would convince bluewolf's grandmother to become a nun.
I would go back in time and give myself the ability to control time.
I would travel back in time to observe every single historic moment and how they actually happened. Including the great mysteries such as who assasinated JFK and whether ancient people really had the power to wield magic.
If I could time travel, i'd travel to when episode 3 get released.
I would go back ten minutes ago and stop myself from purchasing the that entering this contest would actually have a point.

Since that one is already taken by Hades, I would instead travel back through time and in every single thread on every forum on the internet post "FIRST!" before anyone else has a chance to reply/comment!
All the way up until this thread where I now post:
and achieve max internet coolness in the world..
Have sex with Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton was hot back in 80s, no kidding).
I would time travel back to the few seconds before I timetravelled, and get glimpse of myself from behind, and by that to see if the coders of Portal were right about how it looks when someone sees themselves trough a portal.

I would rewind time back to another time that I rewinded time and trap myself in a rewind cycle forever.
I would pick a specific moment in time, it doesn't matter when as long as it is during a period in which I can survive. For simplicities sake, lets just say it's during a contemporary time period. Let us call this moment Time 1. Assuming I can also travel in space, I would pick a point, it doesn't matter where as long as it is survivable and of the same habitability of Earth; it also has to be an open space.

I would travel to Time 1 and this point and immediately wait the shortest amount of time that has any significance (1 Planck time, if I remember correctly), whereupon I would travel back to Time 1 and three shoulder-lengths laterally away from me to the right and a bit forwards, with myself turned approximately 30 degrees counter-clockwise. I would repeat this process, moving each individual MFL slightly as to create a Fibonacci spiral when seen from above (the previous measurements might need to be changed to compensate for this pattern, but I'm a reasonable enough fellow so I'm sure I would comply for the sake of this process).

When there 10,000 MFLs, I would pick up a chair and throw it, thereby insuring a massive 10,000 MFL brawl. Naturally we would all fight until there was only one of us left alive. This last MFL would start the process over. This cycle of violence would repeat until the 10,000th repetition. The surviving MFL would repeat a version of this process via testing in each of the different sciences, arts, and magics known to reality. Only the best survives.

Once this has been accomplished, the Paragon MFL will create a copy of himself for each and every single fertile human female that has ever existed, seduce them, and impregnate them. This will not be done for any females who have an obvious chance of genetic disadvantage through combination (ala immediate family couplings).

The offspring will then be taken through the same process that MFL was taken through, and then enough copies of the surviving Paragon Generation 1 will be made so that each individual will be matched against each other individual at least 10,000 times for each of the tests. Then the surviving individuals will be set against each other surviving individual in the same manner until there is only one remaining. This Paragon G1 Survivor will cloned and made female.

Upon her birth she will be set in the exact time period in which I myself was born. I will then transport myself to the time wherein she is the same age as myself. I will attempt to woo her, and assuming I succeed, she will be my companion as I travel amongst all that this universe has to offer me. I will have perfected myself and given everything to her, eyah?

Edit1: Paragon G1 survivors will also be terminated through an unspecified set of standards based around physical appearance. Sounds shallow, but when I've got the entirety of the human race of females to choose from, why the hell not?
I would travel back to just before MFL posted and introduce him to the concept of paragraphs
I'm nothing compared to Hemingway, but for your damned eyes, I'll edit it, which I suppose is just another way of time travel. Lewl.
I would eat cake and fastforward to the time that I need to go to the toilet, after the toilet visit, I would rewind back to the time I'm going to eat the cake...and keep doing that..
Till I have enough and fast forward to the end of all things!
When I enjoyed it long enough, I would travel back in time and starting to tell people about what I saw.
they think I'm crazy and lock me up in an mental institution.
and they're starting to brainwashing me and letting me think it was all in my head that I could time travel...but the lie is a lie...
But luckily, they give me long I succeed at their test levels!:cheese:
I would take all the Valve games and technology back in time to them just when they were thinking about making Half-Life so they would be miles ahead (more so than useual ;)). Of course this would probably end up making Valve a lazy company and they wouldn’t have a clue how to use the software. That and by taking the games back they would have never been made meaning I couldn’t have taken them back meaning that they would have still been made the original way meaning I would take them back and...
See this is why time travel doesn’t work (for me at least) :(
I'd probably use it to get a lot of money winning a lotto or something...
I would study the moment in which I attained this ability until I knew how I had received it! And then I would market it to the world.

Oh the chaos that would ensue with everyone trying to manipulate time at the same time.
I would go to places like Roswell in 1947 to see if a UFO actually DID crash there.

I would time travel a couple of years ago to before the WoW BC expansion was released.

I would time travel to the night my cat was hit by a car and shut her inside.

Finally, I would travel to the time of my early teens when life was easy and I played Team Fortress classic all day and night.
If I built a time machine, I would go back in time in order to tell myself how to build a time machine.
I would go back in time to major historical events and bring back important people for a history presentation.
I'd take three or four PCs back to the 1940's and jump start the tech revolution, so that we're now living after the singularity.

I'd also give Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Issac Newton, and Leonardo Da Vinci laptops (the latter two also get generators in case you're wondering). I'd also tell Leonardo about tanks and helicopters, and give him a copy of Photoshop.
I would go back in time to major historical events and bring back important people for a history presentation.

Is your name, by chance, Theodore Logan? :p

I would go forward to see what we end up doing with technology, medicine, the economy, etc.

If I like it, I will stay. Otherwise, I will go 10 years in the future so I can honestly answer those job interview questions about where you see yourself in that time.
I would travel to be beginning of the creation of Earth, take a picture/video, come back to the present and disprove creationism.
If I could time travel I would go back to the first day of earth's creation and convince our creator to give us 4 hands, ability to fly and teleport, telepathy, telekinesis and many other nice things ... or maybe ... wait ... I would convince to give this powers to me plus immortality and I would rule this planet for eternity (buahahaha).

Sometimes I'm scared of myself :)
Fight myself from 5 minutes ago. To see who's the ultimate fighter.
Also stop braid from being made. Just to create a paradox.
I would travel to 1943 and convice Hitler to make working prototypes of Landkreuzer!! mahahha!
I'd go forward to after I finish writing my papers, then come back and give them to myself.