Can you model?


May 3, 2005
Reaction score
The mod is stick deathmatch. You probably dont know about it but for those of you who do, we need a Modeler/Animator badly. Everytime i get one the always quit so i am looking for a Modeler/Animator who wont be stupid. Please contact me on msn at [email protected] or on aim at llama ross

- Rwk-Damage
By the way we do have a kickass coder and the game play is done
so your only interested in people that know about your mod? wouldnt it make more sense to tell people about it so they can learn about it and maybe join you?
no offence but as i said before no-one will want to play this game lol.
Guys i might be better off saying we need a modeler to help our mod buy making some models off stickmen and other stick weapons.... i dont care 9if u think this mod is bad u dont need to tell me, just if u can model please contact me.
I may be able to help you dude. You don't have MSN by any chance do you?

EDIT: Oh you do...woops
crackhead said:
no offence but as i said before no-one will want to play this game lol.

Except for Hollywood.
if you want to know how this mod started... the mod leader is about 15 or so and a boy at school told him hed give him 50 dollars to make a mod about stick men. months later he is still trying to do it. i know this because i joined them for a bout 5 minutes.

is there a problem with me getting 50 bucks? and i do not know if i have ever talked to you in my life... anyways all i have to say you guys can be quite negitive i mean if i was suicidal i would be gone.:sniper: :) <-- my head

anyways..... word.

Ok getting a tiny bit offtopic. So your making this mod because some kid said he'd give you 50 bucks? By the way, what exactly are the features of this mod? Just replacing the characters with stickmen!? OMGWTFBBQ!?!?
If a guy's offering you 50 bucks to get a stick-man esque mod, then why don't you download Milkshape and whip the models up yourself? It'd take five minutes to do.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer i already tried doing that but i sucked it up big time. Anyways since everyone keeps saying its hl2dm with stickmen its not really... there is going to be all new stuff.

For the characters we are going to make a selection of stickmen and stickwoman. It is going to be a very fast paced game with fun effect and variables.

Weapons are going to be:
-At least 5 Pistols
-A couple Smg's (You can hold double.)
-Gas Gernades
-Flashbang Gernades
-Smoke Gernades
-Explosive Gernades
-Steel bar
-2-3 Sniper Rifles
-Automatic Guns
-Timed Mines
-Proximity Mines
-Remote Mines
-Knifes (Throwable)
-Rocket Launcher
-Gernade Launcher
-Ninja Throwing Stars

-And Any Other Fun Deathmatch Area's

-Regular Deathmatch
-Team Deathmatch
-King Of The Hill

There are going to be more stuff added in later updates.

So for those of you who keep saying this is going to be gay, stfu and worry about your own mod... And for those of you that would like to help out it would be appriciated.

fast paste

you meen fast paced right?

so like do you have a coder to do all this hard work? are people really going to want to play a game where everything is black and white with stick men. i seriously suggest you consider writing a proper idea for a mod that doesnt invlove stick men. i meen sure the concept art is easyer lol but the game will, well suck.

stfu and worry about your own mod

im not worryed about my mod as im confident that people will enjoy to play it. when it is finished.
Yes i ment to say Fast Paced. Yes i do have a coder, and the game is not black and white. That is a stickman drawing. Your going to be able to have more then 1 skin.
this mod actually looks interesting.
crackhead you honestly have no say, your teeth are bad for one and for 2 stop flaming the mod.. if you dont have something positive to say to the mod then just uninstall xp then unplug your computer then go live somewhere OTHER then your parents house.. anyways gtfo if your being a shit..

but if you have ideas then atleast give him some suggestions to make it more peer friendly..

i like the idea rwkdmg but you should put funny sounds into it.. well thats all i have to say for now.
Crack Head your a retarded 15 year old who likes to correct internet typos and spams threads in this forum for fun. Go jump off a cliff and land in a punji pit you ass hat.

PS. If you want to check people's spelling, check your own! Here's what I found in your last thread!
meen x2

mean x2

Wow you suck, go die.
this mod actually looks interesting.
crackhead you honestly have no say, your teeth are bad for one and for 2 stop flaming the mod.. if you dont have something positive to say to the mod then just uninstall xp then unplug your computer then go live somewhere OTHER then your parents house.. anyways gtfo if your being a shit..

i really cant be bothered to try and defend myself in this thread as you guys clearly have no idea what your doing. yes i do live in my parents house as im 17 and havnt started uni yet. i dont know why your going on about my correctign his spelling as i wasnt insulting him i was simply pointing out a mistake to make sure i had read it correctly. but if you want to prove me wrong go ahead and make this mod and well see. and also the person that i have quated you have made one post and this must be that post. you are acting very childish are you not the person that is payign him 50 bucks to make it.
Rwk-Damage said:
Angry Lawyer i already tried doing that but i sucked it up big time.

Kid, nobody's going to make a mod for you so you can win a bet. If you want that $50, go and earn it. Stickmen aren't hard to model. They're just low-poly pipes assigned to bones and painted black.

-Angry Lawyer
If you tell me how to port the models from milkshape to halflife 2 then i will be able to do it.. now if your going to tell me **** all and just say you suck then i dont care
1. Make sure your model is rigged and textured. Use the Valve default biped for added easiness, because it comes with animations.
2. Make suree you have the latest version of Milkshape.
3. File - export - SMD
4. Make sure you're exporting as a reference, rather than a sequence. Press the "Set bone weights to 1" or whatever it is.
5. Decompile a basic player model from HL2DM
6. Stick your new Reference SMD into the folder you decompiled into. Edit the QC so that all LODs and the Reference are pointed at your new model.
7. Drag the MDL onto that compiler thingy that comes with the SDK, who's name I can't remember.

There. Done.

-Angry Lawyer
ok only that you cant just drag the mdl ove studiomdl. you need to open the comand prompt by doing start>run and type cmd. then you need to type "%sourcesdk%" < i think thats right > then type studiomdl ..\sourcesdk_content\ etc etc untill u get to yourmodel.qc and if you did everything right then it will compile the character to the right place according to where you put the output in the qc. remembering to set the source sdk menu in steam to be editing hl2 if thats what your making the model for. however i suggest you download xsi to do all this as its easyer than milkshape and its free and milkshape isnt lol. and also when doing the weightmaps it is so much easyer.
Milkshape is actually much simpler, but its quite limited. Perfect for low-detail models, props, and editing existing content, though.

-Angry Lawyer
but still its a better idea in my opinion to just grab xsi and learn the controls and do some tuts.
Or, even better, invest in real modelling software and buy 3DStudio :p

-Angry Lawyer
well xsi is real. i also have lightwave 3dstudio max 8 or 7 or whateva and cinema 4d release 9 but i find xsi to be the best and the easyest.
crackhead said:
well xsi is real. i also have lightwave 3dstudio max 8 or 7 or whateva and cinema 4d release 9 but i find xsi to be the best and the easyest.

TGB uses 3DSMAX to make the Zombie Master models. The awesomeness of TGB shines through it.

-Angry Lawyer