Can you prevent sprays from being displayed??

But one downside to disabling chat/speech is that your disabling communication, and this is a multiplayer game. A person might merely be saying "Go over there and cover me," and then he can go over and kill the next guy who runs through the doorway to win the game. Then theyll say "good job" and he'll feel happy.
CarLBanks said:
Do I merely name it autoexex.cfg or just autoexec?

I didn't rename my file. All you need to do is add whatever lines to the config.cfg that you want, save and close, then right-click on the file choose properties and set it to read-only. After you do this your added lines won't mysteriously disappear everytime you quit the game.
ahardy668 said:
Is there anyway to prevent other players' sprays from being displayed onscreen? Some of them are just plain obscene, mainly consisting of some porn and crude language.

This does not bother me all that much but I have a 9-year-old you likes to watch me play and wants to try himself. However, I am reluctant to let him try because of this.

Also it would be nice to be able to disable chat so these messages would not be displayed while he is watching/playing as they are generally full of foul language.

If it's not possible then I'll live with it, but any help would be appreciated.

yeah im 12 and i have to say when i play on cs i dont see that many porno sprays but i agree there is allot of cuss words being said allot of the time.
MaD_cOw said:
There are also commands to disable blood and gibs.
violence_ablood 0
violence_agibs 0
violence_hblood 0
violence_hgibgs 0

The first two are for alien blood that i guess is only in HL2, but try these.

This game doesn't have gibs so why is that command there?

Porn sprays are really cool. There is no better ownage than spraying your opponents body with some nasty shit after you kill him. :naughty:
Yes, that would work, but you should turn off sprays, but anyways.
About chat, if you can find a good server (some decent ones out there) that don't allow swears, racism etc. and make sure that doesn't happen, he should be ok on there, but you would have to make sure that they do do something about the swearing, racism etc.
I started playing HL when I was nine and Doom around five. I may be seventeen already, but I'm sick of seeing pictures of two old men screwing each other or ones with racial slurs (No n*ggers, Down with ch*nks) on the HL games.

Most of them are rather tame but I'am repulsed whenever I see this crap. And turning all sprays or decals off just for one jackass is a little extreme. If only Valve would initiate a block player "x" spray option in the menu with the next update.
I don't really mind most porn sprays, there are some gross ones though. but i play on a well-admined server and anyone who uses a really sick spray will end up banned anyway.

How do I disable sprays?

To disable sprays, enter the following into the console: cl_allowdownload 0

This will disable your computer from downloading any sprays being used by other players.

To enable them at a later time use: cl_allowdownload 1

If you want to leave downloads enabled, you can remove any offensive sprays manually.

To do this, you would place the crosshairs over the the spray and then enter the following into the console: cl_removedecals

thats how u do it now u can play :)
if u c me give me a shout!!! Faithless|Pr!dE
How do I disable sprays when I am playing online?

How do I disable sprays?

To disable sprays, enter the following into the console: cl_allowdownload 0

This will disable your computer from downloading any sprays being used by other players.

To enable them at a later time use: cl_allowdownload 1

If you want to leave downloads enabled, you can remove any offensive sprays manually.

To do this, you would place the crosshairs over the the spray and then enter the following into the console: cl_removedecals

if u c me give me a shout Faithless|Pr!dE
Neutrino said:
Up to you of course, but I wouldn't let my 9 year old play a mature rated game no matter how well adjusted he is.

The way I see it, these are games of virtual paintball with more real looking guns and red paint. If anything, thompson should be putting down paintball, the sport that actually gives you baseball sized welts.

Back on topic...

If I was in your position (thank god atm i'm not) I wouldn't let him play cs:s. Maybe cs but not source. Reason being that with the physics of the source engine, the game has become much more violent. A body flying through the air, smacking into a wall, and then falling into a barrel with his face down, and back curling backwards as if to snap his spine is not something I would let my children (yet again, nothing i'm familiar with atm) watch or induce.

CS may as well be paintball with red paint though.
I spent more time covering up this guy's goatse spray than play the game last night.
Wow this is an old thread....might as well post my opinion...

No one has the right to tell how a father to raise his children, and I'll be damned if anyone told mine how to raise me. He introduced me to Doom at a very early age, and while yes, I became a suicidal serial killer as a result, I still love him.
Arggg, you're all making it too difficult, I cant remember the EXACT way to do it, but all you have to do is go into the options menu, goto the multiplayer tab, goto the advance button, then type in 0 where the slot states "Multiplayer Decal Limit".