Can You See My Custom Player Models?

lord dubu

Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I've asked this question in a couple of other threads, and no one has answered it, so I thought it begged a thread of its own. I apologize if its already been answered else-forum, but I did a search and didn't get anything definitive...

So here's the question:

When UT2K was the shizzle, everyone was making custom models to play with online. When you connected to the server, custom models were downloaded so that your client could see the custom modeled goodness.

Does HL2DM support this or not? Outside of a mod, am I wasting my time if I create a custom player model, or will it been seen in all its low-poly goodness by others on the deathmatch server I connect to?
No it doesn't support it. If you have a custom player model only you can see it and no-one else.
yeah but u get to play online ..and get to shoot at players that are wearing ur model thats a good advantage i guess..

on a siden ote tho what if the model was spawned on the map and u had to download the model as part of the map could u then do some coding in the map to have it rigged to the players bone structure ? within mapping.
So how about this then...

My coworkers and I want to vent our collective frustrations toward each other in HL2DM. So we build custom combine soldiers models (sans helmet) with our faces.

How easy is it for us to use the existing HL2DM maps with our custom models?
It would be smart to have a client and server option to allow it, so lets say if the server has enough bandwith it can allow it and if the client doesn't mind waiting for the extra models download then he can set in the options that he wan't to download any custom models from servers.
or you could make a small mod which is simply a copy of HL2DM and then just add your own models. then distribute the mod between your friends and away you go. that would be funny too, cause you could play as one of your friends :p
yeah i agree with random ...
just make the mod like that ......
we shud make one for .......with our avatars in the players heads

Now there's an interesting idea. A combine soldier walking around with a bowl of Soon Dubu as a head.
I was looking for an intermediate to what you guys are talking about. I don't care if anyone else see's what I see but I wanted to have several different models for the players just so that I could recognize people without having to do a mouse over on them the to read the names... Same basic uniforms but with distinct variations to make them unique.. IE sleeves up / down... Knee pads vs none... Back pack, Camel back, No pack, Different side arm holseters, Knives etc.

Another thought on this is that I use the Aussies SAS model for my Urban CT forces. I would like to see a way to put their rank on the back of their helmet as the real US military does. IE Capt & LT Bars, Sgt Stripes, etc, etc... Tied to the game ranking.

I look arounbd at the start to figure out who I'm going with and who I want to avoid like the plague because I know they are going to do a jig in AWP ally, toss a nade on the door jamb, or place Smoke on the other team but it's hard to keep track if people are runjning helter skeltor.
One more thing to add about this... If player models were loaded with the map you wouldn't be able to find a game without a few people playing looking like powder puff girls, Clowns, hostages, purple dinasaurs, CT's playing the terrorist side, or visa versa... It would be funny once but it would ruin it for me.

So having it client side would be the way to go IMO. Then I could be having my Marines vs Talibans combat while someone else might be fighting the IRA as Brits... Or what ever. You get the point.
sgt_shellback ur idea would work for a private server or lan ....but playing on a private server would also make ur solutions pointless as u probably know the people ..
it wudnt work to well on other servers coz u just dont know whos coming on and off and plus people from outside would have to download ur mod to get in.
bowl of soup for a head would look amazing ...wit ha bit of steam coming off it wud kill.
The LAN solution works for us, since its just my coworkers and I who want to throw saw-blades at each other.
mindless_moder said:
sgt_shellback ur idea would work for a private server or lan ....but playing on a private server would also make ur solutions pointless as u probably know the people ..
it wudnt work to well on other servers coz u just dont know whos coming on and off

True enough when you come and go but I generally stick around for awhile and there are always a few people online who tend to stick around long enough for me to know their game play so there would be some benefit.

and plus people from outside would have to download ur mod to get in.

Nope not in my scenerio... We can already do this to some extent. IE my models for Ct and Terrorist are different from everyone elses. Look at the pics... No snow pants on terrorists and blue swat team on CT but that's what everyone else who was playing today saw... There's no download required for the other users. The only hang-up I have is that al my CT's look the same. Wish I could add in at minimum 16 different models for each team. So that at least for a while I could know not to go near the guy with the red and white checkered turban cause he's good with an AK.

bowl of soup for a head would look amazing ...wit ha bit of steam coming off it wud kill.

That's what I hated about HL1 Deathmatch. The worst were the 2 inch high models. They'd look like an rocket launcher laying on the ground ready to be picked up until you saw them start moving around and fire it.
Yeah, wtf happened to the SAS, GSG-9, and GIGN?
(Along with the Pheonix, Leet, and Arctic for you T's out there.)

I think it is kind of annoying to see 4-16 identicle models per side...

It would be nice to find a way to make it like CS 1.5 ...