Can you shoot out the lights ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DarkSkies
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Nope, you can't, enviroment shadows are static.
No I think maybe you can. Watch th Strider video and you'll notice the Strider shoots out windows. I'm thinking maybe lights will have the same effect?
heh i wonder that, i think so i mean why not most games these days u can..
I thought it was a mixture. That kinda sucks having having all that interactivity and not being able to shoot out lights.
No, bleh, I mean you can, but it won't effect shadows of enviroment so much :)
If they incorporated all of the fancy dynamic lighting stuff that doom3 has, you'd need a 5 ghz machine to run it ;)
Erm... you could shoot out lights in HL1... but you could only do that in Hammer. But you needed quite a fast comp to compile it using Valve's tools :P

errr, Chicky, most of these ppl have seen vids I havn't... etc .. but i think you can shoot out lights, it will have basically the same effect as doin it in HL1 :)
i read it in a preview that is was possible, you could swith out the lights in HL1 so i think they probably thought of that
Originally posted by Chicky
how do any of you know this?

Look at the E3 video with the allies in the streets. Towards the end they are walking through a dark room with a light shining in at an angle. As the people walk through the room, they step into the light. When they step on a bright spot, the whole model lights up. When they step out, it goes dark again. The light doesn't shine on only part of the model, it's an on-off thing. There are some games, (like doom3) that have fully dynamic lighting that will do this properly - with very dramatic results.

Who knows, maybe when they release the HQ one over steam it will have dynamic lighting. Maybe the final released game will.

Only Valve really knows :)
You could shoot out the lights in perfect dark for the N64. Don't give me this "you'd need a 5 ghz comp to run it!!!111!!!" bullshit. Unless of course, you mean to say that the N64 is far more powerful than today's PCs. ;x
No, not to shoot out lights. Hell, you could make level lights turn on and off back in doom or quake.

It's pretty easy to script shooting something to turn lights on/off.

I'm talking about fully dynamic lighting.
You CAN shoot out lights in Source. It's a design decision, not a technical one. Just like it was in HL1.
exactly...its up to the mapper to use dynamic or static lighting.
Best way to go imo. Doom3 has fully dynamic lighting...but I can almost guarentee you cant shoot out every light in any level.
Originally posted by Parasite
exactly...its up to the mapper to use dynamic or static lighting.
Best way to go imo. Doom3 has fully dynamic lighting...but I can almost guarentee you cant shoot out every light in any level.

Any light can be turned on/off, moved, or manipulated in any way in real-time.

I'm sure the level designers will make some lights invulnerable, however, for gameplay reasons.
and you will have a flashlight to help you navigate. i think it would be really funny to be able to shoot a player's flashlight in multiplayer and he would have to stumble around bumping into things.
LOL that would be great! take location damage one step farther and be able to shoot out their flashlight or shoot the gun out of their hand, like a real duel! that would be sweet!
hehe break their flashlight, shoot their gun out of their hand and then shoot off their glasses and then laugh your ass off as they trip over stuff trying to find their gun.
Originally posted by Adam
You CAN shoot out lights in Source. It's a design decision, not a technical one. Just like it was in HL1.
Absolutely, it's a design question. The real issue is whether having the light on or off would make any difference to the computer AI. Shooting lights out with a silenced pistol was a standard procedure in Hitman 2, as you could then walk stealthy past guards who couldn't see you in the shadows. It'd be cool to have this in HL2, but it would have to be an intentional part of the design for it to work effectively with the level design and character AI.
I imagine that lighting is in the AI, as the game does take place in dark areas. The question is whether the AI reacts to dynamic light, and if it's not in there I'd bet the barn you can add it.
i played the d3 alpha a few days ago, and, WOW. The dynamic lighting just adds an amazing atmosphere to the game, having a light swinging back and it finally landing on a zombie which was right in front of you and you didnt know it!!!! totally dynamic lighting would of been great in HL2.
No, this is not Splinter Cell or Halo 2. I don't think stealth is a part of Half-Life 2's design.
The ai reacted to lighting conditions in AvP (as an alien you could break all the lights in a room and attack people in the dark without them seeing you). Kinda odd how this doesn't work in the sequal.

If HL2 puts an emphises on the lighting for tacticial reasons then the AI will need to react according (otherwise it would look rather silly).

The antlions seem to react to smell more than anything else so they probably wouldn't be effected, same deal with headcrabs and probably all the alien enemies. The combine soldiers may be to able to see in the dark anyway...
I think you can, in hl1, if you set it up, so when the light bulb gets destroyed, it triggers the LIGHT and the light turns off, and the shadows change. It has like, multiple light maps. Remember the strobe lights in hl1? And light switches....
look man an uptodate game must have a damynamic shitows. ok. becuase without the shitows there is no real time gaming effects.
a few things, Gabe has already said that HL2 has dynamic shadows.

Adam Quote:
You CAN shoot out lights in Source. It's a design decision, not a technical one. Just like it was in HL1.

Arby Quote:
I'm sure the level designers will make some lights invulnerable, however, for gameplay reasons.

This is probably the best sumarisation provided.

Anyway, its not a shadow map for non world objects, watch the kliener vid and noticed the light shining off Alyx's collar bone