can your system run hl2?

ffs plz search FOR THIS KINDA THREAD ( KLIK ON SEARCH) before you post this thread its already been posted for 3 times OMFG dont waste my time !
how many ****ing idiots have to post this each day??
Hey, you idiots flaming him, shut the **** up. He can post whatever he wants. You don't have to read every post on the board. If you see one you have allready read/rehashed DON'T READ IT!

Thanks for the link guy, it really helped me out.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Hey, you idiots flaming him, shut the **** up. He can post whatever he wants. You don't have to read every post on the board. If you see one you have allready read/rehashed DON'T READ IT!

Thanks for the link guy, it really helped me out.

Hey actually, you cant post whatever you want. So stfu obiwan
Yeah I had never seen it either, I can run at 1024 x 768 :), thats what my monitor can only go up to.
i love how the guys who start these threads always have under 30 or so posts.
The couple of guys who flamed do realise by adding your comments you're prolonging the life of the thread and therefore making the 'problem' worse, right? If you ignored it, it'd go away :)
o maaaaaaaaaaan i could of made the most kick ass gay joke there, but id of gotten banned dammit :p
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
how many ****ing idiots have to post this each day??

How many times do we have to warn people that posts like this are unacceptable?
Uh oh, as someone else said earlier, we dont have anything new to talk about here (dont mind my post count, have roamed these boards quite a while now until i decided to register). So why not talk about the old stuff? ;)
Keeps your mind a zombie butt
I haven't seen one of those tools before - thanks for the link.

I've gotta say though that I wouldn't trust it too much becasue there is a lot more to a grphics card than how much memory it has. It doesn't even ask what version of DirectX it supports!

By the way, Hudson - I've been around various forums on the internet for a long time and the number of posts that someone has made means very little. This guy has been a member on here for longer than you and the fact that he has only made a few sensible posts means more to a lot of us than those who post pointless comments in almost every thread to either point out the shortcomings of others or to simply build up their post count. That's not a personal dig at you, just something that I've come to realise over the years.
Yes, despite the falmers I have to thank you aswell, maybe I missed the 3 other posts of this, but now I know that I can play the game
I don't mean to burst your bubble guys, but this system check is very vague. Now I'm not saying you won't be able to run Halflife 2 or anything I'm just saying it doesn't take into account many things. But I guess it's reassuring somehow lol :)

If it says it will run "ok-ayish" or "fine" remember that by tweaking the settings the game will run smooth. So there's no worry at all :D
I hadn't seen this before either. Please either post positively or don't post at all. If you don't post it'll slip down the list quicker and you won't have to worry about it anyway ^^
They should do the same type of check that HL has on the sierra webpage!

Just look at the attached picture! Much prettier and... and... Oh wait, that's pretty insulting to my little brave workhorse...
New to me, flamers do my nut in.

Youve lost all my respect on anything you post in the future guys

Cheers for posting this dude.
i had not seen before either cheers for the post helps pass the time at least :)

maybe all the flamers need to just grow up and chill a little. its a forum and its meant for talking and chatting and shareing info.

I shudder the thought of 1 day people listen to the flamers and dont post new stuff. It will be the day I goto and only get 1 result back from a search :( . how else would I kill the day if I could not search thru 2000 crap results before I find what I'm actually looking for :)

BTW my system specs are cool... pretty much as i expected anyhow.

Budgie55 (a 27 yr old non flamer) :P
I usually don't post on these forums, but I've been reading them daily for several months now. Something has to be said, read on:

Originally posted by Hish
ffs plz search FOR THIS KINDA THREAD ( KLIK ON SEARCH) before you post this thread its already been posted for 3 times OMFG dont waste my time !

Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
how many ****ing idiots have to post this each day??

Take note, please:

Originally posted by Munro
Flaming, Bashing and Trolling

Hate posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated on the forums. Treat others on these message forums as you would expect them to treat you. Posting topics specifically designed to provoke a negative response from someone is also asked to be avoided.

This is a strange complaint, so forgive me if I word this wrong. Half of the posts in this forum seem to be similar or equivilant to the two posts quoted above.

Yes, it can be annoying when someone posts old information, but, is it really that painful to use your back button? If it is old information, just move along. There is really no need to be so hostile to an innocent forum browser, an avid Half-life fan, merely relaying information that he/she thought was interesting and/or important.

Again, yes, there is a "search" button. Folks, this forum is monstrous in size. There are 633 pages of 25 threads with a rough average of 25 replies a piece. I just ran a test search for "system specs" and the results turned up three pages. If it was my intention to post a new thread with (potentially) new information, I would just post it. I don't have the patience or time to browse nearly one-hundred threads looking for the post that references my information.

My request is simple. Please, fellow Half-life fans and forum readers, before replying maliciously in response to old information, or redundant news, either press your back button and resume browsing the forums, or politely inform the thread starter that this may be existing news to the majority of readers. Even so, with the post count so high, it is very easy to miss threads.

Stop being so harsh on these people. They don't deserve it. If this had happened to me and I was new to the forums, I may feel reluctant to post new information in the future. Or, I might post it on another site's forums.

Note: Please forgive the double post, it is my intention for moderators and new forum users to view this thread as a new topic, while being simultaneously being posted in the thread that inspired it.
i just got a 9800 pro and a p4 2.8 with 1 gb corsair XMS ram set for 3 years.
in 3 years ram speeds will probably be 1ghz processors will probably be 6-7ghz and vid cards will probably be running direct x 10 and have at least 256mb ram with agp 12x.


BTW all you flammers at the top of the thread I hope you all burn in hell forever. Espically this moron named [Hunter]Ridic
Originally posted by Peks
i just got a 9800 pro and a p4 2.8 with 1 gb corsair XMS ram set for 3 years.
Naaaaaaw... Unless you WANT a budget rated box then.

Though I shouldnt say that...

/me pets his Riva 128 and hope she didnt listen
:cheese: That test sucks!
You can't even choose your gfxcard...
my setup is for HL2 and WoW. yea in 3 years the p5 will be around 6 ghz
Actually I believe in that system checker, because Gabe just told someone that their AMD Athlon 1800+ would run it just fine.
Well, I never seen this before, so all you flamers STHU (I am mature not to say STFU).

Anyways, I thought it was kind of funny that they said MAYBIE I can run it okay (they spelt maybe wrong which leads me to believe it was designed by someone with poor english skills) and suggested I upgrade my video card to a Radeon 9800 pro or a Geforce FX 5800 Ultra... Well, it will be a shame for anyone to upgrade to a 5800 since they are not in circulation anymore and the new 5900 Ultras are alot better then it's noisy brother. I have a 128 meg Radeon 9700 pro, which should be good enough to go with my 1.8ghz Athlon Xp 2500+ and 1 ghz of PC3200 DDR400 ram. If the game doesn't run 'OKAY' in 1024 x 768 you can rest assure the game will be going back to the store because I just paid 500 bucks for my video card.
The HL2 test is kinda stupid (very inaccurate), though no disrespect to the thread-starter, I hadn't seen it before and it kinda deserves it's own thread on the front page I think.
The HL1 test I hadn't seen before either, and I kinda liked it hehe, though a bar with an indicator arrow is a bit inaccurate too. At least woulda liked some more feedback apart from the blatant fake reccomendation to buy some stupid other gfx card.

TAZ: "and 1 ghz of PC3200 DDR400 ram" <-- lol
Sorry.. i type too fast sometimes :D

I mean, of course, 1GB of PC3200 DDR400

me dumb...
well i better start crossin my fingers, hopefuly my amd 848 with a geforce 256 will run this jsut barley.
Originally posted by The hotdog man
well i better start crossin my fingers, hopefuly my amd 848 with a geforce 256 will run this jsut barley.

lol its probably gonna take you like 10 min just to load the game.