Canada exports SlutWalks to the US


May 5, 2004
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An international series of protests known as SlutWalks, sparked by a Toronto police officer’s flippant comment that women should avoid dressing like “sluts” to avoid being raped or victimized, is taking root in the United States.

hooray for sluts!

The police officer made his comments in January to a group of York University students at a safety forum. He later apologized, but his comments were publicized widely on Facebook and Twitter. They inspired a march in Toronto last month that drew more than 3,000 people, as well as SlutWalks since then in Ottawa, Dallas and Asheville, N.C.

In addition to Boston, marches are planned in other U.S. cities, including Seattle; Chicago; Philadelphia; Reno, Nev.; and Austin, Tex.

you can thank me later

the video contains a selections of walking sluts
I don't get it. The guy said that women should stop dressing like sluts because they get raped (what we call "asking for it") so in response they do just that? Why are people so ****ing stupid
I find this amusing/attractive/ironic. Its hilarious in the fact that these people are dressing as sluts to protest rape. But at the same time, I've heard chicks complain about guys staring at them while they wear shit like that.
I don't get it. The guy said that women should stop dressing like sluts because they get raped (what we call "asking for it") so in response they do just that? Why are people so ****ing stupid

because the cop is basically blaming the victem not the rapist
because the cop is basically blaming the victem not the rapist

I'm not saying that the rapist isn't at fault since he's, you know, a rapist, but it kind of is the victim's fault, too, in cases like this. If you're not taking care to protect yourself (not paying attention, not having a mace license, and/or dressing in a provocative way) then it definitely is your fault what happens to you.

Clint Smith said it best: "If you look like prey, you will be eaten."
because the cop is basically blaming the victem not the rapist

He's saying if you don't want want to be victimized, maybe you shouldn't dress as rape food.

And really, these people are idiots.

“It was taking the blame off the rapist and on the victim,” said Nicole Sullivan, 21, a student at the University of Massachusetts-Boston and an organizer of the SlutWalk planned Saturday in that city. “So we are using these efforts to reclaim the word ‘slut.”

What the ****? Huh?
I'm not saying that the rapist isn't at fault since he's, you know, a rapist, but it kind of is the victim's fault, too, in cases like this. If you're not taking care to protect yourself (not paying attention, not having a mace license, and/or dressing in a provocative way) then it definitely is your fault what happens to you.

Clint Smith said it best: "If you look like prey, you will be eaten."

if a jew dresses like a jew and gets beaten to a pulp by a white supremacist it's the jews fault for dressing like a jew

what's the difference here?

if I drive a nice car and I get carjacked it's my fault for driving a nice car?

if I dress in nice clothes it's my fault if I get mugged?
if I drive a nice car and I get carjacked it's my fault for driving a nice car?

if I dress in nice clothes it's my fault if I get mugged?

"Stop having nice things or I'll have to rob you."

Makes sense to me.
See: Defensive driving.

The officer's suggestion was unfortunately worded, but the protest is clearly just milking this. I also don't appreciate its insinuation that "Men need to be told not to rape", as if the the entire male sex is out to force themselves into you ****in' skanks.
HEY MAN, if they WANT to get raped, that's their business!
if a jew dresses like a jew and gets beaten to a pulp by a white supremacist it's the jews fault for dressing like a jew

if I drive a nice car and I get carjacked it's my fault for driving a nice car?

if I dress in nice clothes it's my fault if I get mugged?

So being slutty is a religion now?

I'd say there's a pretty big difference between a hate crime and other crime. There's another thread going on now where a Texan teacher suggested to a young girl that she must be grieving because bin Laden is dead. I'm not saying she invites that kind of treatment for being Muslim.

The mistake being made is the assumption that people are anything more than animals with base instincts. If you have things you care about, why wouldn't you want to protect them? Cars have locks, and ways of being tracked these days, simply because people can't be trusted.

I don't think there's that large of a difference between a criminal on the street and an uncaged tiger. If you want to say it's okay to invite that kind of pain/risk, be my guest, but I think that's just plain silly.
So being slutty is a religion now?

wha? where the hell did you get that from?

I'd say there's a pretty big difference between a hate crime and other crime. There's another thread going on now where a Texan teacher suggested to a young girl that she must be grieving because bin Laden is dead. I'm not saying she invites that kind of treatment for being Muslim.

it's no different than saying wearing a skirt invites rapists to come a knocking

The mistake being made is the assumption that people are anything more than animals with base instincts. If you have things you care about, why wouldn't you want to protect them? Cars have locks, and ways of being tracked these days, simply because people can't be trusted.

so women should wear chastity belts? rape victems are not exclusively women who dress provacatively

I don't think there's that large of a difference between a criminal on the street and an uncaged tiger. If you want to say it's okay to invite that kind of pain/risk, be my guest, but I think that's just plain silly.

wha? I'm not following you at all

If people don't want to be injured from being shot by a mugger or burglar they shouldn't walk around without a kevlar vest.
if people dont want to be run over by a car/bus/bike they shouldnt be pedestrians

if people dont want colorectal cancer they shouldnt eat meat. all you meat eaters better stfu with the complaining when you get cancer "oooooh my hair is falling out" "ooooh there's blood in my stool" - freakin complainers deserve what they get

for the record: Yorick, I'm not trying to be condescending I'm just using over the top examples to illustrate my point
I'm not saying that the rapist isn't at fault since he's, you know, a rapist, but it kind of is the victim's fault, too, in cases like this. If you're not taking care to protect yourself (not paying attention, not having a mace license, and/or dressing in a provocative way) then it definitely is your fault what happens to you.
Are you ****ing serious?
Reclaim the word slut? What?

Will we have to start calling it the 'S' word, just like the 'N' word?
Slut is such a shit word. Slapper and slag are far better.

Edit: On my screen shit is not censored. I thought this was a family friendly forum?
Reclaim the words slut? What?

Will we have to start calling it the 'S' word, just like the 'N' word?

no it's like gays calling each other fags, queers or gays. by reclaiming the word they destigmatize it. same for the n word except i'll be quite some time before that's destigmatized
if people dont want to be run over by a car/bus/bike they shouldnt be pedestrians

for the record: Yorick, I'm not trying to be condescending I'm just using over the top examples to illustrate my point

No, I don't think you're being condescending, but I also don't think I'm explaining my point very well. I don't want to turn this into a huge quote-off, so I'll respond to specifically this example.

What I'm saying is that people who are concerned with being raped should take better care to prevent it. People who have been mugged get into the habit of learning self-defense, and that's the kind of thing I mean.

Every time you go outside, or hell, just by being alive, you're taking responsibility for your own body. And you should be taking care of it. In most cases that's as simple as being alert. I was mugged/jumped once and it was entirely my own damn fault for being on the phone and not paying attention.

If people don't want to be run over by a car/bus/bike they should watch where they're going, be aware of their surroundings, not wear ipods with blaring music. If you don't want to be raped, maybe you shouldn't walk alone through construction sites.

You wouldn't cross the street without looking and just assume that the cars will move because "they're supposed to". It's a matter of trust. Walking around half-naked is trusting people to respect your body and boundaries.

As far as chastity belts, I remember seeing something once that was made in a European country. I want to say Sweden or Germany but I could be wrong. But it was essentially a bear trap that would make it very unpleasant for a man if he tried to rape a girl.

Telling rapists "Hey don't rape" while wearing clothing that you think they are usually drawn to is just beyond stupid. If you want to make a difference, don't LOOK LIKE a victim, and better yet, carry a knife and the next time someone tries to rape you, stab them in the throat with it.
No, I don't think you're being condescending, but I also don't think I'm explaining my point very well. I don't want to turn this into a huge quote-off, so I'll respond to specifically this example.

What I'm saying is that people who are concerned with being raped should take better care to prevent it. People who have been mugged get into the habit of learning self-defense, and that's the kind of thing I mean.

Every time you go outside, or hell, just by being alive, you're taking responsibility for your own body. And you should be taking care of it. In most cases that's as simple as being alert. I was mugged/jumped once and it was entirely my own damn fault for being on the phone and not paying attention.

paying attention might not have stopped you from getting mugged. the point is that where do the precautions stop? should women wear sackcloths so that men wont be tempted? there's an overwhelming majority of men who can look at sluts all day and not rape them. slutty dress or not rapists are gonna rape. in no way is it her fault

If people don't want to be run over by a car/bus/bike they should watch where they're going, be aware of their surroundings, not wear ipods with blaring music. If you don't want to be raped, maybe you shouldn't walk alone through construction sites.

You wouldn't cross the street without looking and just assume that the cars will move because "they're supposed to". It's a matter of trust. Walking around half-naked is trusting people to respect your body and boundaries.

it's a matter of trust; you trust that a driver will not run you over while crossing the street at a light but it still happens all the time. only surefire way to avoid that is give up being a pedestrian. it would be a shitty existence what with people driving on the sidewalk, in the mall etc

As far as chastity belts, I remember seeing something once that was made in a European country. I want to say Sweden or Germany but I could be wrong. But it was essentially a bear trap that would make it very unpleasant for a man if he tried to rape a girl.

gotta wonder at the type of person who would wear this on the off chance they'll raped. I'm sure they plan for all sorts of contingencies like beign struck by lightning (your fault for being a conductor) or blown up real good (your fault for being a civilian)

Telling rapists "Hey don't rape" while wearing clothing that you think they are usually drawn to is just beyond stupid. If you want to make a difference, don't LOOK LIKE a victim, and better yet, carry a knife and the next time someone tries to rape you, stab them in the throat with it.

really you're advocating that women no longer dress in anything but a sackcloth because anythign that might be attractive is just rapebait. this is esentially what you're saying because rape is not exclusive to sluts
You guys know that 'sluts' are mythical creatures, like mermaids, right?

Yorick, I just want to let you know that I don't blame you for talking on your mobile phone on a public street. I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault. I hope we can move forward.
I'm not saying that the rapist isn't at fault since he's, you know, a rapist, but it kind of is the victim's fault, too, in cases like this. If you're not taking care to protect yourself (not paying attention, not having a mace license, and/or dressing in a provocative way) then it definitely is your fault what happens to you.

Clint Smith said it best: "If you look like prey, you will be eaten."

I'm sorry, but that's a really thoughtless statement. Try putting yourself in womens shoes. What if every morning you had to judge what clothes you put on by what effect they might have on some guy who might rape you?

Also, the only reason it's seen as "dressing in a provacative way" is because we objective women's bodies. As a man I can dress how ever I like and no one would call it provacative. It's a double standard based on our sexualization of women in general. The problem lies with society and the men who treat women as sex objects, NOT with women who wish to wear whatever clothes they feel like wearing, just like men.
If you ventured out wearing crotchless cowboy leathers, no shirt and a studded collar, that would certainly be provocative - I think the difference is in the manner of provocation and the extent to which men and women are expected to fulfil such images. Certainly such attire would not be an invitation to violence.

I know some guys who are hardcore sluts. Who you tryin to fool?
Didn't know you were a cryptobiologist.
I fully stand by the women's views that they shouldn't be criticized for dressing how they want. You don't blame the ****ing rape victim because they dressed sexily, and it's not at all their fault.
Attractive women should use makeup to give themselves fake scars, warts etc. or they're just asking for it. is weird. on the one hand we condemn muslim women for being covered head to toe even though one of their justifications is that they'll avoid being raped. and on the hand we tell women it's their fault for wearing clothes that dont cover them from head to toe. I'm confused are we supposed to do as the muslims do or condemn then for being backwards ass while at the same being backwards assed ourselves
Yeah, I don't think Yorick is referring to EVERY woman that dresses THE SLIGHTEST BIT SEXY.

I think he's referring to the ones that go around in practically nothing and act like total whores while they're out. I mean, I kinda see his point, these types of women pretty much objectify themselves.

He's not saying it's entirely a woman's fault for dressing sexily, he's saying that slutty women are rapist attractors.
Stylo said:
I think he's referring to the ones that go around in practically nothing and act like total whores while they're out. I mean, I kinda see his point, these types of women pretty much objectify themselves.

it still doesnt justify rape. it's not her responsibility to ensure men dont break the law
Yeah, I don't think Yorick is referring to EVERY woman that dresses THE SLIGHTEST BIT SEXY.

I think he's referring to the ones that go around in practically nothing and act like total whores while they're out. I mean, I kinda see his point, these types of women pretty much objectify themselves.

He's not saying it's entirely a woman's fault for dressing sexily, he's saying that slutty women are rapist attractors.

Thank you, that is what I'm saying.
Slut is such a shit word. Slapper and slag are far better.

Edit: On my screen shit is not censored. I thought this was a family friendly forum?
We censor anything you wouldn't do around your family.
Yeah, I don't think Yorick is referring to EVERY woman that dresses THE SLIGHTEST BIT SEXY.

I think he's referring to the ones that go around in practically nothing and act like total whores while they're out. I mean, I kinda see his point, these types of women pretty much objectify themselves.

He's not saying it's entirely a woman's fault for dressing sexily, he's saying that slutty women are rapist attractors.

Who cares if they go and act and dress like that. Acting like a whore should not invite non consensual sex. Whores are in the business of consensual sex, not being raped.
Who cares if they go and act and dress like that. Acting like a whore should not invite non consensual sex. Whores are in the business of consensual sex, not being raped.

Put it this way. If you go out at night with a bulb on your head, you will likely attract moths and you should be aware of this.

If you are a female and go out half naked, you will likely attract perverts. As we all know, amongst perverts are a fair amount of sexually aggressive men. You should be aware of this.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is. The whole thing is not about piling all the blame on either the rapist or the victim. It's more about being aware that we live in a world in which shit happens and sometimes, you should be cautious about inviting that shit to happen.

People are f**king horrible and the world is not all sunshine and rainbows. Rapists exist. They can be tempted easily.
she could wear a goddam sign around her neck that says "please rape me" and it's STILL not her fault. no one needs an invitation to commit a crime; they know what they're doing is wrong
it still doesnt justify rape. it's not her responsibility to ensure men dont break the law
Who cares if they go and act and dress like that. Acting like a whore should not invite non consensual sex. Whores are in the business of consensual sex, not being raped.

Oh, you guys.

Nobody is saying rape is justified. That's a strawman you're throwing out to anybody who might suggest the officer has a kernel of validity to his statements, and I'd rather you put that shit to rest now. It's not about who is at fault for the crime. The assailant is obviously the one criminally responsible. But altogether I'd just rather not be raped, just as I imagine most people would. Again, defensive driving. The other driver is at fault if he swerves into my lane of oncoming traffic and collides with me, but I'd prefer to avoid the crash entirely. If you dress in a way to attract attention (or dress in a way that you know will attract attention), you will probably also draw the gaze of unsavory people. That's not a condemnation of fashion sense or the expression of sexual identity, it's just a plain fact. In the same vein, somebody who gets mugged in a bad part of town for carelessly flashing hundred dollar bills doesn't deserve his attack. The mugging is of course not justified. But the cautious use of discretion could have avoided the situation nonetheless. That's true for millions of situations and not just rape, so I don't want anybody accusing me of singling out the female sex. Some people would probably like to beat my face in for wearing my ironic "JESUS SAVES" t-shirt, which is why I don't don that sucker when hitting a bar anywhere in North Carolina.

It's about being aware of your own personal safety. I don't have a problem with "slutty" clothing, visible cleavage, bare midriffs, or women trying to look sexy in public. I like it. I'm not a prude. And I don't think women need a scolding on what's appropriate to where in any situation, which is probably what the officer sounded like. They are their own people and can decide that for themselves. But in the real world where people break rules and rapists don't really care about your rights as a human being, exercising a little judgment could spare you some problems.

Dr. Wallace Breen said:
Be wise. Be safe. Be aware.

There are definitely people out there who do blame the victim in instances of rape. Newsflash: We're not one of them, so stop. I'm sure this post was all for shit since I'm just going to be called a misogynist or rapist-sympathizer by somebody on this forum, but oh well. If that's the case, then whatever

**** those bitches, they were asking for it.
she could wear a goddam sign around her neck that says "please rape me" and it's STILL not her fault. no one needs an invitation to commit a crime; they know what they're doing is wrong

Ignoring for a moment the concept of absolute right and wrong, an invitation to do it makes it more likely. A robber is checking out this neighborhood for potential targets. This guy comes home, all in a rush because he forgot his keys, and pulls out his hide-a-key from under the potted plant in front of his house. The robber sees him do this, and knows there is a key kept there now. Do you really not think that there's going to be even more incentive now?

The point that I was trying to make earlier is that people are animals. Many animals will attack you if you let down your guard. I'm not saying you need to be on edge around people 24/7, but being aware of your environment helps keep you safe.

[edit] What Absinthe said.