Cannister Rockets

May 15, 2003
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I'm sure most of you have seen the JBmod in which you can weld compressed gas cannisters to objects using the physgun. When you shoot these cannisters they fly off like rockets (like the gas cannisters in Max Payne), and hurdle through the air along with anything that's attached to them.

I'm trying to figure out how to do this in hammer...essentially, I'm trying to build a rocket sled. I have selected the cannisters as prop_phys and applied the appropriate world model. However these cannisters do not react to gun shots or any other types of damage. What properties do I need to tweak (I'm assuming the explosive settings will make it explode and not fly like a rocket), also, am I correct to set it as a prop_phys? Finally, if you spawn cannisters in the JBmod you can set the thrust force (which changes the colour of the cannister) and the thrust time....can I do this in Hammer?

Thanks in advance
There is a point-based "physics_cannister" entity. I've not played with it before, but this might be what you need. However, it's default World Model, "models/fire_equipment/w_weldtank.mdl", doesn't exist...

Perhaps you're able to use some other model (the one you're trying to use now?), but I'm afraid that's all I can help you with...
Thanks, actually I already found it and gave it a try with the model I was using (there are only two cannister models that I am aware of). It works but there is no flame animation coming out the back end. It also frequently crashes my computer (perhaps this is why it wasn't in the final game).

Edit: Mind you, I also tried putting in the blue physgun (using the env_global parameter "superphysgun is enabled") and got an error message, so that was likely the problem.