"Cannot contact master server"


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong. When finding servers, it comes up with "Cannot contact master server". I refreshed the list but to no avail.

I tried connected through Steam, where I get to see all the servers, and try to connect through there, but same problem.

What s it that I am doing wrong
maybe some problem with your firewall/router blocking some of the traffic.
Well, hl2dm had conflicts with my firewall while CSs worked fine.

So I guess it could be that huh.
The master server is a list of all the servers running the game you are playing. You computer downloads this list, then pings the individual servers to get thier info.

Anyway, your error means that your computer is not downloading the list, so either its down (Which I doubt as I haven't seen any other threads yet) or your computer has a problem. I would suspect a firewall as DEATH eVADER said, as your obviously connected to the net (As your posting here)

Try completly disabling your firewall, then retry. If it works then you know its your firewall. Re-enable and make sure all ports HL2DM uses are unblocked. If it dosen't work you know its not your firewall and you must look elsewhere for the problem.

Do you have a router, or anything else that can effect your net connection?
When you create a server, it has to register with the master server also. Try creating it in LAN mode and see if you still can't do it. If you can, then you know its the master server issue.