Cannot even fathom a sequel.


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
After playing this game, does anyone feel this way? The game seemingly wrapped itself up unless you had chose to be evil. But even so, even with a new story line, imagining a sequel is very difficult, what about the 40-50's art deco? The Big Daddies? The 40's-50's advertisements plastered all over the walls? but most importantly, how do you beat Rapture.

And going back to Rapture doesn't solve the problem either, that would just be repetitive. Games like HL had an obvious opening for a sequel, but Bioshock? I don't see it.
I'm hoping for it to be a prequel, it's the only possible way I can see it working. Seeing Rapture at it's prime, then descend into chaos and destruction would be thrilling and moving, especially if we got to witness some characters from the audio diaries, or even see the events of the diaries unfolding before us.
I don't like the idea of a sequel. I thought Bioshock was a damn fine game with a great story and narrative, but any thought of either a story extension or a prequel just scream "cash in".
lol, I read it as "Cannot even fathom a squirrel".
A prequel would work, to take part in the unraveling of Rapture's sanity.
They could probably do something like a modern-day expedition to Rapture, kind of like the beginning of Titanic. Exploring the dead husk of a city that has more or less settled on the seabed, rather than running around a city that is actively falling apart. It would be a different style of game for sure, but I bet it could be made interesting. :)
Actually i heard rumors of a Boshock 2 and Bioshock 3 already in the making as well as a Bioshock movie
A prequel would work, going with Ryan vs Fontain or Ryan vs Atlas.

If they continued on from the bad ending (an army of Splicers and Nukes under Jacks control) then a sequel might work.

Either way they are getting the money for two sequels so they'll think of something.

Actually i heard rumors of a Boshock 2 and Bioshock 3 already in the making as well as a Bioshock movie
They aren't rumours.
Thought I'd just ask this here since it's the most active thread. Anyone know how I can access the textures? I would like to find a good poster from the game to make into a shirt.
Sadly, I think the why of a sequel is far too easy to fathom, and I don't like it. Bioshock is clearly a one off, and even a prequel just seems extremely tedious (it'll just be a name dropping session. Oh look, here's Sander Cohen, isn't he a Happy Chappy! Don't kill him though, you might chose to do that in the next one! It's one Big Gay Time Paradox!)

The only way a sequel to Bioshock can be made is to take the Aliens approach. Basically, if they try in any way to emulate the formula of the original (in all its Cistern Shock glory) and significantly interact with anything more than the broad themes or splicing premise, it's going to suck. Think how Aliens takes no more than a few elements from Alien (the Protagonist, Antagonist, Initial Setting and vague references to Androids going insane), flings it far into the future and makes it an entirely different genre of movie. That's what they should do with Bioshock 2 (or Bioshocks. Don't hit me.)

By making a game that isn't a quick, slow-paced Survival Horror FPS, they'd actually be doing the brave thing in admitting that they're cashing in, and showing some kind of respect for the property. The only way Bioshock 2 is going to rise above the original, is if it doesn't get angry at its smack talk and go head to head with it.

And if a deep-sea mining station finds a jettisoned section of Arcadia containing the remains of a clone of Fontaine, i'm going to cry.