Cannot Get Zombicidal Maniac Achievement >:(

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have finished a few campaigns on expert. Surviving all five chapters, I still cannot get the achievement. Sometimes, I got killed in the campaign, but then every other teammates died with me so the chapter restarted. That means I have never being resurrected from a closet. I formally walked through the whole campaign alive. I still cannot get the achievement. Must I not die not, even if the chapter restarted afterwards?

I don't really want the achievement that badly, but I hope my hard work is being recognised.
I got mine just fine, even with deaths and chapter restarts.

How is your connection to the servers you use? I've heard a laggy start can mean that the game doesn't recognize that you were there from the beginning (I'm assuming your talking about multiplayer rather than singleplayer). If that is the problem you can fix it by voting for a campaign restart as soon as you get in.
Vote restart... I'll try this out next time. ;)
It is hard to find good teammates to finish an expert campaign again, tho.

p.s. Wait a minute, instead of Zombicidal Maniac, I get Limp 2 Slaughter instead...
Yea i had this issue.... just keep trying... it'll trigger eventually!
oh :( that sucks. You seem like a nice chap.
Play with internet friends then
if you can't get any join a small forum where the community is probably tighter
I have finished a few campaigns on expert. Surviving all five chapters, I still cannot get the achievement. Sometimes, I got killed in the campaign, but then every other teammates died with me so the chapter restarted. That means I have never being resurrected from a closet. I formally walked through the whole campaign alive. I still cannot get the achievement. Must I not die not, even if the chapter restarted afterwards?

I don't really want the achievement that badly, but I hope my hard work is being recognised.

Game with me, I'm trying to get it too. Add me, FagBallz_McGoo. :D

Lets game. >: )
I'll help you out mayne. Been trying to get an achievement campaign goin. The name's..... Corp. Sheepo. Add meh!
I've been trying to complete all 4 campaigns on expert mode, I've managed to do 3 so far but Death Toll is giving me problems. The 3rd map (and to a lesser extent, the 4th) is an absolute bitch.
After never having the achievement, I got 2 of the Campaigns finished on Expert the other day with Glenn, AciD and Brick. It was cool, even though it took us 2 hours to do Death Toll >.>