Can't connect to friends network


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so i'm having some issues with running hosting online gmod servers (not dedicated, just you know. Me and a friend). The problem is, every time I get a server up and running while my software side firewall is on, my friend can't see the game. I opened all the ports and have it to allow hl2 and steam to connect to the web, but he still can't see my games. Turning off the firewall fixes this but I would like to know what I can do to keep my firewall on and still host games. I'm using NVIDIA Firewall.

Ok, that's not the real issue though. My main problem is, I can't connect to the steam friends network. I click the button, the friends network little box is displayed, telling me i'm not logged in, I click "Sign In" and it starts to sign me in. BUT, it never does. It'll try for a period of time, tell me it couldn't connect to the friends network, then tries again. I've tried this with my firewall off, and still not cookie. I really would like to get this working, because it would make it much easier to pull my buddies out of cs:s games, or a HL2 SP run, for a quick gmod game. It'd also make it much easier to contact them when the server we're on dies.
dont use friends list it never works its usually always down just use xfire
giant384 said:
dont use friends list it never works its usually always down just use xfire

Well, the thing with programs like xfire is that they run in the background, and use up valuable system resources.
I've been using Steam for a good 3 years and I can count on one hand the number of times Friends has actually worked.
Friends worked for one month only. Then, it vanished. :O
Friends also needs its own port forwarding... it doesn't use any of the other common valve ones (like 27005 for example)
Oh well, that's a shame. Would have been a nifty little tool.
xfire is better than talking on friends list it like never works and xfire dosent use much memory so y worry
Ennui said:
I've been using Steam for a good 3 years and I can count on one hand the number of times Friends has actually worked.

I can count on my left foot, which is the one with 3 toes. Yeh, you are better off with some 3rd party game messager like xfire. :bounce:
Well, I got xfire, and I must say it's much better than I thought it would be. The only problem I have with it right now, is those damn annoying message recieved noises. I like having a sound to notify me, but that rip, the bleeps, URGHHH! Is there ANY way to change them?
yea the nvidia skin noises are awsome o and u can turn off those annoying beeping sounds in options