Cant get achievement



I got the half life orange box and am having trouble getting an achievement. its the one where you have to stay off the sand. It says to cross the antlion beach in chapter sandtraps without touching the sand. now im guessing this starts from when the two guys are trying to stay still but get munched to the point where you are about to drop down into the area with the queen antlion. anyway, ive got across using doors and planks on several attempts without waking any antlions but i dont seem to get the achievement. can anyone confirm how far im supposed to go without touching the sand or whether im gdoing something else wrong?


did u figure this out matt?

i also had same assumption re: start and end points.

only sand rumbling would be that created by the pounding thing, and that doesnt trigger any ant-lions
did u figure this out matt?

i also had same assumption re: start and end points.

only sand rumbling would be that created by the pounding thing, and that doesnt trigger any ant-lions

if you step on the sand it will start to rumble, but if you get off quickly then no antlions will come. the pounding thing is called a thumper and it is there to keep antlions away.
this is one of the hardest achievements to get for me too. I get so mad when I even touch the ground, because then I have to start all over. I'm going to look on youtube and see if someone was kind enough to post a video of them getting it.
Quick question, will there be achievements for hl2 on the pc in the near future? :D
I was under the impression fully HDRed HL2 was included with the Orange Box
In the Non-PC versions only. The trouble is that Steam, being centralised, would force everybody who owns HL2 to redownload most of the game for an HDR upgrade they may or may not want. I wouldn't hold your breath for the upgrade. It took years for Valve to add in Gearbox's High Definition models as an optional extra.
In the Non-PC versions only. The trouble is that Steam, being centralised, would force everybody who owns HL2 to redownload most of the game for an HDR upgrade they may or may not want. I wouldn't hold your breath for the upgrade. It took years for Valve to add in Gearbox's High Definition models as an optional extra.

Well i e-mailed them about this a couple of days ago and they said they hope to release this update soon so they are doing it. My guess is it will be optional update sort of like the HL hi def pack
I made many many saves through this. Once I failed I'd load the last save and continued. So I thought I got it, but no! Does this achievement require you to cover the whole part without touching the sand, in a condition that no save is allowed?
The only time you are allowed to touch the sand is at the end when you fight the ant lion guard. Other than that it is mostly trial and error , I was lucky and got it first time as I already knew the layout.
Saves are allowed. If you mess up just reload and you'll be fine.
Please don't revive ancient threads/
ummm. If saves is allowed, and I got to fight the big antlion without getting the other antlion, how come I did not get the points? Just to my curiosity.
You must have accidentally brushed the sand. The antlions don't always come up when you touch the sand , especially when you just step on it for a second. They ususally take their time when surfacing.

Edit : also the sand in that little shack counts as stepping on the sand too.