Can't purchase more than one game through Steam with the same Credit Card? Solution.


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
I e-mailed Steam technicians about not having the ability to purchase more than one game through Steam with the same Credit card, here is the solution:

Unfortunately we only allow one order per credit card online at this time. This is to protect the cardholder from any fraudulent transactions.

However, we can unban your credit card if you send us your first 12 digits. Once your account has been unbanned you will be able to purchase another order online. Please also include your steam account name and package you are ordering.

For you guys who are having the problem - thats the solution (at least there is one) Also Valve said they're introducing more ways to purchase Half-Life 2 through Steam then just a credit card. They will give you an option as soon as possible.
I'm in the process of getting this fixed too. But we haven't heard anything over the weekend... Strange to go home after such a big release...

But this seems to be working. Hopefully I can confirm it tomorrow by buying GOLD :D

Harryz: Have they fixed yours yet?
I haven't sent my credit card details yet. I'm going to send them in about a hour, busy at the moment. I will post if my details go through and I have the package.
Good. If they can fix yours on a Sunday, They can bloody fix mine too (well not mine really) :) Tell them that ;)
I sent my details in and still have gotten no reply has anyone else got a reply yet ?
This counts as info from Valve and Steam support.
My friend just got a mail back from Valve. The girl (figures ;)) states that she can't find his account & that his creditcard number does not match the one that she have... But she could at least find his gmail.

/me wonders if she DID see that he had bought the game for himself. Just unban that number?

Edit: Seems I have struck some serious bad luck here ;( Gah!
Unlucky man.

She e-mailed me back and said my cards been unblocked. Although I can't enter the pin in yet since my brother has took his wallet with him and it has the credit card inside. I have to wait a lousy 2 hours!

Edit - lol, we have a Steam forum?
DAMMIT they emailed me back to say the card is unbanned and i tried to buy silver on mine and it ****ing says card used too many times BS I mean WTF
Ughghgh.. this is starting to get annoying. My bros card was unlocked today, but now Steam is stating that the Card number is invalid.
lol even more bad luck :D After some flaming of the girl at billing, she found my friend's card & was able to unblock it. Obviously we tried using it the very instant. But no. His mother had already used to card so there was to little money on the account (appears it's not an ordinary CC since the money can disappear?). Gah! So now I have to wait another day for more money to get in. This was at least last night so it will hopefully be fixed today. So with some good luck, cya out there laterz :thumbs:
good to know since my brother wants to buy the game aswell :) and if it won't work we'll still have like 3 other CC's to try :)
cool, however it was easier for me to simply use a relatives cc and pay them the cash.

(I purchased two copies of silver)
thank you for the information, might come in handy when I get my third pc.
Harryz said:
I e-mailed Steam technicians about not having the ability to purchase more than one game through Steam with the same Credit card, here is the solution:

For you guys who are having the problem - thats the solution (at least there is one) Also Valve said they're introducing more ways to purchase Half-Life 2 through Steam then just a credit card. They will give you an option as soon as possible.
I was under the assumption that they would NEVER ask for your personal information, esp. a credit card number. I sure as heck wouldn't have given it out unless I was absolutely sure and absolutely desperate.