Car Crash Windshield?

Can a man fit through the hole 40 seconds in?

  • Yes - Of course he can.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • No - He can't possibly fit through that hole.

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

Okay... 40 seconds into the video. Me and Vegeta are having a heated argument.

He says a man can't have been launched through that hole, I say the man could have been.

Vote one or the other.

EDIT: I changed the text in this OP from what it initially was.

The cop did not explicitly say the whole body was thrown through the window.

His statement could be interpreted as simply his head punching through.
I didnt' want him to make a thread, tbh. I laughed when I realised Raziaar was seriously suggesting someone could fit through that hole, without instead tearing more glass surrounding it away.
No, his body couldn't fit through. I reckon only some of his head, not down to his kneck, that is only my opinion

In some cases when the neck comes to rest on the glass the throat is cut.
No, his head couldn't fit through. I reckon only some of his head, not down to his kneck, that is only my opinion

*searches for sauce*
That's what I was saying. I didnt mean his entire head. Though it's possible of course. Either way, it's still way too small for the whole body.
What I say, is how is his head possibly going to extend past the dash(which isn't possible while buckled in) hit the windshield with enough force to puncture a hole through it, and yet have the entire mass of the rest of his body be ignored. His head would only be the tip of the bullet figuratively and the true force of impact against the windshield would be the rest of his body.
My response to that is that most of the force of going forward is met with the dash and steering wheel, so only a portion remains... enough to puncture with his head.

Raziaar I really don't think we should be adding in statements like this because we'll just end up arguing back and forth just like we were :p
My response to that is that most of the force of going forward is met with the dash and steering wheel, so only a portion remains... enough to puncture with his head.

Raziaar I really don't think we should be adding in statements like this because we'll just end up arguing back and forth just like we were :p

Hey... we won't be arguing with Stern though.

Oh by the way, if I am wrong as Vegeta predicts later today... with the votes counted, I have decided the best way for me to retain honor is to commit seppuku.
He could fit through.
I believe the car is like 5x bigger.
Hey... we won't be arguing with Stern though

Thank god for that.

Oh also, even if someone could fit through that hole, he'd have a lot more than head injuries as said in the video. He'd be torn to ribbons. and there'd be a lot of blood.
I demand cowman makes his explanation of why he thinks that a man could fly through
Seatbelt on, and then too much strain on it thus cause it to break and him fly forward at a low speed but enough for just his head to shatter the window.
Raziaar tried making a comparison to how mice can fit through small holes.

Not even the human skeleton could fit through that hole. He'd have several broken bones.
Raziaar tried making a comparison to how mice can fit through small holes.

Not even the human skeleton could fit through that hole. He'd have several broken bones.

I only said the mice thing to make an indication that larger things... SIGNIFICANTLY larger things can have the capability to fit through something much smaller in size. You know I wasn't making the parallel that a mouse/rat can fit through a small hole in the same way a human can fit through that hole...
Raziaar tried making a comparison to how mice can fit through small holes.

Not even the human skeleton could fit through that hole. He'd have several broken bones.

Broken bones before the crash that is.
Impossible for him to break every bone and then proceed to fly out that hole in one crash which would not make sense as a mass of broken bones and flesh would rather break the whole windscreen than just fit through a hole?

I don't even know whose side i'm on now :(
Mice and hamsters and such have specific properties in their body structure that they can do that. Humans, do not.
You guys are aware that just because there is a significant impact, that doesn't guarantee a bone breakage right?
That's not what we're saying. If a skeleton can't fit through that hole, bones would have to be broken in order for it to fit. In rough terms, the skeleton would have to be folded like a piece of paper fitting into a slot.

The odds of this, along with the flesh of course, is just impossible.
That's not what we're saying. If a skeleton can't fit through that hole, bones would have to be broken in order for it to fit. In rough terms, the skeleton would have to be folded like a piece of paper fitting into a slot.

Do you know the size of the driver? Do you know how the impact happened? I mean you can't just say the skeleton can't fit through without 1. Knowing the size of the driver... and 2. knowing how he impacted the glass. a person may have broad shoulders, but if their arms are extended in front of them as might happen to a person driving holding a steering wheel, then the profile of their shoulder is diminished and the widest part of their body becomes their waist.
Vegeta897 said:
That's not what we're saying. If a skeleton can't fit through that hole, bones would have to be broken in order for it to fit. In rough terms, the skeleton would have to be folded like a piece of paper fitting into a slot.

The odds of this, along with the flesh of course, is just impossible.
Considering the fact that the man survived.
*Puffs pipe*
Unless there's some kind of infant driving epidemic in the US I'm unaware of, no.

Oh by the way, if I am wrong as Vegeta predicts later today... with the votes counted, I have decided the best way for me to retain honor is to commit seppuku.
Youtube material!

Can we vote multiple times? :D
Another thing... We can agree that it's impossible for a man to hit that part of the windshield without being uprooted from his seat. And if you sit in your car and try to touch your head to that part of the windshield, you will see that the bulk mass of your torso will be above the steering wheel already, and your feet will follow along the path of your spine, and once that's happened, it's not like you're crashing into the steering wheel at a 90 degree angle, you're sliding along that baby to hit the upper part of the windshield and the rest of your body is trailing behind, because it's not going to be stopped by the steering wheel and certainly not the dash(which is often below the steering wheel) at that angle.
Hey raz, you don't know how tall the man was. Maybe he COULD reach the window.

Sorry, I was mocking you.

I do believe you just got done telling me on AIM how strong windshields are. It was enough to stop the man's force.
Hey raz, you don't know how tall the man was. Maybe he COULD reach the window.

Sorry, I was mocking you.

I do believe you just got done telling me on AIM how strong windshields are. It was enough to stop the man's force.

You mean how they're so strong that a person cannot fly through it without taking the entire windshield with him, because they're Shatter Proof?
I've stayed up way too late to go to sleep. Maybe I'll just stay up and have a nap later in the day.


Funny Image. Hehe.

Anyways... Vegeta is a good friend. He was offering me the chance to avoid his gloating once he wins if I admitted he was right and I was wrong and so I could avoid the embarrassment.

I'm not going to admit that... but I just wanted to say that I won't be embarrassed either way. This thread doesn't contain anything to be embarrassed about even if I lose.
I'd be pretty embarassed if I was in your shoes. Good for you though.
I'd be pretty embarassed if I was in your shoes. Good for you though.

What's there to be embarrassed about if everybody disagrees with me? This is ****ing is the number one platform for public embarassment, didn't you know? This will ruin your life.
Raziaar your argument was bad and you should feel bad.

Raziaar: -2 cool points.


EDIT: God damn, I just watched one of the related videos and saw a guy get launched like 30 feet on a highway and then run over when he land on the other side of the road. Ouch.