I'm sick of hearing John Carmack flaming so lets clear this up right now:
Once apon a time there was a company called Softdisk who created, with funding from a company called Apogee, the Commander Keen series of games. One member of Softdisk who worked on these games was John Carmack. After the success of the Keen games, some of the members of Softdisk broke off and created their own company, ID. In 1991, ID worked on a 3D game entitled Wolfenstein 3D, as part of a deal with Apogee. It was released in 1992, and essentially revolutionised the gaming industry. The main programmer behind this amazing 3D technology was, of course, Carmack.
As time went on, and ID's (Carmack's) engines got better, the world was treated to, among other games, Doom, Doom 2, and eventually the fully 3D, amazing, Quake, and later, Quake 2, which used hardware acceleration.
Meanwhile, an unknown game company, Valve, was working on Half-Life, which used, and expanded on, Carmack's Quake 1 and 2 engine code. Valve worked on the game with a lot of support from ID and Carmack. The game was successful, and if you're on these forums, you probably liked it.
Some years later, Carmack and Valve are now working independantly on their new games, with their own new technology: HL2, and Doom3. Without Carmack's breakthroughs in 3D gaming, Half-Life would most likely never have been made. Valve's new source engine, and HL2, owes it's existance to Carmack and his engines - Valve learned what they know by using Carmack's code.
So essentially, if you are flaming Carmack, you're flaming the one person that made the existance of HL2 possible. If you truly are a half-life fan, you'll have a lot of respect for both John Carmack AND Gabe Newell, and the other members of both companies, reguardless of what you think of them as individuals.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope some of you out there who didn't know all of this now realise the significance of the role Carmack had in Half-Life's creation.
If I'm wrong about anything, correct me
Also, add any interesting gaming history if you know any.
Once apon a time there was a company called Softdisk who created, with funding from a company called Apogee, the Commander Keen series of games. One member of Softdisk who worked on these games was John Carmack. After the success of the Keen games, some of the members of Softdisk broke off and created their own company, ID. In 1991, ID worked on a 3D game entitled Wolfenstein 3D, as part of a deal with Apogee. It was released in 1992, and essentially revolutionised the gaming industry. The main programmer behind this amazing 3D technology was, of course, Carmack.
As time went on, and ID's (Carmack's) engines got better, the world was treated to, among other games, Doom, Doom 2, and eventually the fully 3D, amazing, Quake, and later, Quake 2, which used hardware acceleration.
Meanwhile, an unknown game company, Valve, was working on Half-Life, which used, and expanded on, Carmack's Quake 1 and 2 engine code. Valve worked on the game with a lot of support from ID and Carmack. The game was successful, and if you're on these forums, you probably liked it.
Some years later, Carmack and Valve are now working independantly on their new games, with their own new technology: HL2, and Doom3. Without Carmack's breakthroughs in 3D gaming, Half-Life would most likely never have been made. Valve's new source engine, and HL2, owes it's existance to Carmack and his engines - Valve learned what they know by using Carmack's code.
So essentially, if you are flaming Carmack, you're flaming the one person that made the existance of HL2 possible. If you truly are a half-life fan, you'll have a lot of respect for both John Carmack AND Gabe Newell, and the other members of both companies, reguardless of what you think of them as individuals.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope some of you out there who didn't know all of this now realise the significance of the role Carmack had in Half-Life's creation.
If I'm wrong about anything, correct me