CarmaGordon - Some pictures and a video.



For those who have not seen this posted on planethalflife, here is the latest pictures from CarmaGordon.

We now have two vehicles in game and working with our internal alpha:



We still need to make some nicer skins for them, but for the moment there fine :rolling:.

We also have a little video of our shiny mini in game:

Our Forum can be found here:

Enjoy :).
Love Minis :) and love the Volkswagen Combi :) - Can't say I would have put up that second screenshot, it really looks just terrible. Take it again on a better computer ^^; but the first shot looks REALLY cool.

Great work, i look forward to playing it :D
Flippage said:
Can't say I would have put up that second screenshot, it really looks just terrible. Take it again on a better computer ^^; but the first shot looks REALLY cool.

I believe that the ground only has very large textures....
like they've set it to "fit"
Btw... i love the work... hope u'll release the finished version soon
Yep, it's looking great. <3 the microbus, especially.

The video's nice... have you done anything to make it easier to drive than in HL2 though?
Very nice work, the models look stunning in my opinion.

The only suggestion I can offer is that maybe the vehicles' skins should have more contrast (Although I'm not quite sure as the first screenshot makes the models looks better). The skins themselves are very nice and it's nice to see models with such good effort put into them and I hope to see more from this mod soon.

Best of all, the mod has a very witty name. :)