'Carrot Incident'

All driving instructors are weird. Not all as weird as that fruitcake though ... Dirty old perverts should be rounded up and shot.
Lmao! Brilliant. Weirdo driving instructor

I doubt he did make a move on the other girl, probably just another person trying to make their claim to fame
Aaah, the carrot incident. That brings me back...
did he peel it, because thats just wrong if he didnt
I saw this in my local newspaper (yes I live in Teesside). I thought it was pretty damn funny.
I can't believe you guys were just talking about peeled or unpeeled carrots in that...sense...

well done though.

Also lol story.
Unpeeled carrots enjoy penetrating the earth more than peeled ones.
When police arrested him they also found naked photos in the glove box of his Vauxhall Corsa.

Heh, when I first read that I thought, "naked photos of a car?"
My driving instructor was a right pervert. But who cares? It's hilarious. And I can tell he wouldn't do it with women in the car. Some just take it too far.