Carve A Pumpkin

This is going to be one of those scare things isn't it?

EDIT:SABOTAGE! I'm not finishing it now.
Its funny, not just stupidly frightening! :D
It might have been scarier if the monster mash wasn't still playing... haha
Excellent trick (besides the link name xD)

Usually they are obvious, this was a good setup
Knew something was gonna happen, there, but I was expecting a barrage of tiny penises to be shot at some unsuspecting clown (?).

Got me ;)
That made me laugh. At first I thought I messed up, so I was going to do it again....

i didnt have the sound on when it happened so it didnt surprise me

I actually really wanted to play that game. ;(
Good thing I didn't look at that one, because I didn't want to have to kill a third person. Thats what I do to those people who show me those things =)

EDIT: Looked at it, but its not like those other ones. so I don't have to kill you. Its your lucky day!