Casemod !


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, after i saw the half-life2 casemod, i was thinking, what if i make 1 myself !

So i started and here is the result ! it was 2 full days of work !!!!

Click here for my Casemod

that is not funny enough.
it's quazi funny,
the semi skimmed of funny.

right. I like the use of masking tape thrown everywhere. truly a work of art *thumbs up*
|)OO(| DOES THAT L337 pi3ce of art work??

EDIT- i just realised the case looks like a standing scrotum (the skin that covers your balls)
Excellent work.

IT's so amazingly retarded it will win pity awards.
I like the display on the front with the handwritten 7 behind it :)

Darn, was i suppose to say it was handwritten? Darn! Now ppl will notice!
Ralfst3r said:
I like the display on the front with the handwritten 7 behind it :)

Darn, was i suppose to say it was handwritten? Darn! Now ppl will notice!

thats how high quality the display is, it LOOKS REAL :E
It has great cooling potential at the very least ;)

Needs more color though...maybe plaid?
its like the frankenstien of comps, build a mini version and call it igor. get like mini atx stuff.
Roach: ....... there! am finally finished!
computer: "type........... type type" ahhhh! they can see my bare wires!!! :O
Tarkus said:
|)OO(| DOES THAT L337 pi3ce of art work??

EDIT- i just realised the case looks like a standing scrotum (the skin that covers your balls)

i dont know what YOUR balls look like... but mine sure do not look like that.

anyway, nicely done on that case mod :thumbs:
That's one of the more original pieces I've seen! You should suspend the hard drives with duct tape, functional and ...practical. Maybe try and colour everything that is still beige (like the CD rom) completely with alcohol markers....?
:dozey: Oh man, nice case! Must have taken you forever, by the looks as well I bet it offers ELITE COOLING!