


Im looking into getting a new case... willing to spend around $200 and below... What cases are you all using, and can you give me any pros and cons of your case?

Ive been leaning towards the CoolerMaster Wave...but the cooling sucks on it. Anyone have any good experiences with it?

Thanks for any feedback :thumbs:
I have the CoolerMaster WaveMaster in black. It looks slick. I have an older revision where I use 80 mm fans instead of 120mm. Very elegant looking case that is well constructed.

I wouldn't use the case if you intend to overclock your rig heavily. Like you said, not the best cooling.
I'm currently on a Nzxt Guardian. Pretty awesome case. The HDD bays, mobo slots, and optical drive bays are all screwless. Has a patented fade-LED "eye" in the front, which is pretty cool, with a "flame-shield" side window. Came with a 420 PSU by Orion, probably one of the better of the no-name brands.

I like it, but it has gotten some negative reviews for some features. Too tired to type more.
cant belive nobody mentioned thermaltake tsunami dream case
for my new computer that im getting really soon it has an antec sonata.
Thanks for all the feedback guys :cheers: I appreciate it.

Has anyone bought the Thermaltake Tsunami case? I've read some good reviews on it, but I wanted to know if i should consider it over the Coolermaster Wave.

Also for all of you who have the Antec cases, any gripes? (Things you don't like about them?) I am also considering the Antec Soho with the clear side panel.

Keep it coming guys!
JHunter said:
Thanks for all the feedback guys :cheers: I appreciate it.

Has anyone bought the Thermaltake Tsunami case? I've read some good reviews on it, but I wanted to know if i should consider it over the Coolermaster Wave.

Also for all of you who have the Antec cases, any gripes? (Things you don't like about them?) I am also considering the Antec Soho with the clear side panel.

Keep it coming guys!

Nope, perfectly happy with my Antec, case stays very cool.
tsunami case is cheaper than coolermaster wave so...
if you want to spend extra bucks for nothing go with coolermaster..