Cat gives birth to dogs

This is one of the first signs of the apocalypse, isn't it?
What the hell? Even if by some crazy freak of nature fertiliasation occured, the missmatchyness of chromosomes not adding together should cause them to die. Very VERY quickly.
very bizarre, shame the hybrids died. still, i'm sure they wouldn't have been the first new species to emerge from cross-species breeding.
very bizarre, shame the hybrids died. still, i'm sure they wouldn't have been the first new species to emerge from cross-species breeding.

No... the article says that the hybrids survived... the non hybrids died.

I think its fake, but if its not... how cool would that be? We could call them Docats... Or Cadogs.
No, we shall call them, Catdog!


My experiment is a success!
I read this in the paper this morning and was hoping to find out more, and delivers. I'm stroking my chin in confusion, I'm not sure I buy it. Nature has ways of stopping this from happening, which seems to have completely been bypassed. Mebe dis iz a clevar kat!?
geneticist from the Passo Fundo University plans to take blood samples from the animals to verify the claim by Cassia and her husband Rogerio that the puppies are part of Mimi's litter of six, of which the three that were born with cat features died soon after birth, leaving the surviving three dog-like offsprings. REUTERS/Edison Vara (BRAZIL)

The kitties died and the cat adopted the puppies. It doesn't mean the cat gave birth to them.
The kitties died and the cat adopted the puppies. It doesn't mean the cat gave birth to them.
What? You don't know that, Henry. Until this genetecist feller gives his verdict, it's silly to make stern statements like "it is impossible".
Well it nearly is, it's probably millimetres away from impossible, but that means this is possible :P Lets hope it didn't really happens so those poor things don't get medically dissected :(
A huge WTF by myself.
The only way it could be even more impossible, and it is extremely impossible, is if the father was a 200lb Rottweiler.

It would be like a man having sex with a goat and huoats or gomans being born.
I bet it was the same disgraced South Korean professor who said he had cloned a human.
A pun like that was waiting to happen :)