Cat gives birth to dogs

Guys, this is easy! You're not looking at the picture hard enough. Look behind the cat. What do you see? Tits. So the person holding the puppies and cat is a woman. What are all women? Lying, cheating, whores. Just like Jolene.

holy shit the event of the century

but seriously is that real?
I bet you this woman claiming all of this is some hispanic poor lady who hardly speaks english and has 10 cats.

"Yes my cat with dog had sex! Look at kittens! They look like dog!"

These days anything will make it to the news...
I wonder if the catdogs would land on their feet after being thrown off of the Eiffel Tower?
The only way it could be even more impossible, and it is extremely impossible, is if the father was a 200lb Rottweiler.

It would be like a man having sex with a goat and huoats or gomans being born.

I may just be stoned out of my mind...

...but that is f*cking crazy.

Is it wrong that the first thing that I saw in the picture was breasts?
You know what this means? HUMANS MAY BE ABLE TO- *flatline*
Give birth to dogs? Judging my some of my ex-girlfriends, it's already been done! BUH-DUM-BISH!
Give birth to dogs? Judging my some of my ex-girlfriends, it's already been done! BUH-DUM-BISH!
