Cat survives a 80' drop!

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I saw that on the news
Its not that amazing since they sky dive
Not unbelievable at all. Cats can fall from very high distances and not get hurt. At free fall they still don't get falling fast enough to hurt them. I'm sure if you threw a cat out of an airplane (bad thoughts! ;( ) that would be enough to disorient them and...kill them.
If you notice at ~25 seconds into the video, you can see that the cat has been doing the parachute position to slow himself down... until he clips something (another tree limb or a power/phone line maybe?) and spins out of control... making the landing a bit more rough than it should have been.
Now, the question is, can it survive a fall from the Eiffel Tower?

Who was saying it again? Someone had a theory that cats could survive falling from any height? Who said it? I think it was TheSomeone but i'm not sure.
That was one hell of a thread, And I believe we were proven right.
What I don't understand is if cats are such good climbers - why the hell do they get stuck up trees so much? I rock climb in my spare time, and I do conceed that climbing back down is harder than it was going up (for a start, your head is at the wrong end to see whats going on..), but I don't have claws, so I can't choose any old spot to grab. Cats are pussies. :cat:
here Korebolter - how come your post count didn't go up after your last you have special powers, Like Andi mcDowell in her L'Oreal ads?
Shame - can't you ask the nice moderators....after 3495 posts, you are a regular customer..: )
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