Cathedral Size and Map Scaling



I've decided to do a map with a cathedral in it. Cathedrals are quite big. Using the dimensions for the cathedral in Cologne, I've come up with a rough box (this is just the main part, and not the towers or the transept) 15,372 x 12,600 x 36,288 inches in size.

That, my friends, is enormous, and takes up basically half of the default grid Hammer gives you. My question is how do I scale things so that I can work with the true cathedral's dimensions and not simply make a smaller version of it? I remember Valve mentioning scaling when asked about doing something like BF1942 size maps, but I don't know how to do that.
its a mod, you have to make a mod and get the coder to scale down the models so everything appears larger.
Ehh, well, I've realized that such efforts will not be necessary. Due to a mathematical error converting dimensions in meters to inches (I multiplied by 2.54 instead of dividing), the dimensions are GREATLY reduced in hammer units. :upstare:

The new dimensions, FYI, are a much more managable 2382x1953x5624 inches (199x163x469ft). The previous numbers lead to a box 1281x1050x3024ft!!!!!!!!! That was one large box.

I need a beer now. :cheers:
pfffff thats not big at all heck i got a sandbox map thats 8097668 square feet [1166064256.00 square inches] and i could make it 10 times that size with the empty space i got left in hammer.
Dude, this box was so big that it crashed vrad when I tried to compile it;)

While yours may be shy over 1billion cubic inches, mine is 7 trillion cubic inches--only a few magnitudes larger. 7,028,521,113,600 to be exact. :cheese:

Now, let's let my mathematical shame die the death it deserves in this forum ;)
One single large box so big is gonna fail to compile. While you can in theory fill the entire map size, you need to use a lot of tricks to pull it off, simply sticking something huge in there is gonna fail.
holy shizzer that map is hue-G!

mine as it stands is about 507,??? sq/ft, and I probably won't go over 700,000 sq/ft

remember bigger isn't always better. btw, is this a SP type map or a MP type? if your doing a SP, you may want to cut the map into sections and have it load the next chapter of your map a la HL2 SP.

you may want to look at this link
Dont get caught into 1inch=1unit, or your cathedral will look disproportionate ;-)