Cause And Effect -- Members Needed


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Currently we're looking for some new people to join our team. If you can perform/create one or more of the following:

- Map Design
- Sound Effects
- 3D Modelling
- 3D Animating
- Skinning/Texturing
- Coding

then by all means, please contact me ([email protected]) or BeaT-Fl33T ([email protected]) and show us what you can do.
Well, the link is in my signature, but I guess I can give a quick overview here :p

Cause And Effect is a first-person single-player game. The gameplay could be described as action/horror/survival/realism, but in lieu of a long mixture of genres, you can think of it as 28 Days Later- or Dawn Of The Dead-meets-Half-Life-2. I'd very much like to keep the plot under wraps, so I can't tell you much other than that we're hoping to keep you completely immersed in a world full of infection and chaos, from the opening scene straight through to the final sequence.

The combat is going to be much more melee-centric than most first-person shooters. Ammo will be somewhat scarce, and as such you will be forced to find "creative" ways to dispatch your enemies. Think baseball bats, fire stokers, machetes, two-by-fours, and anything else you can use to cause some serious concussive damage.

Everything else is being kept out of the public eye. We want the player to be surprised and possibly intrigued while playing the game, rather than knowing half the plot from the start, and being able to guess the rest of it two hours into the game.
I saw the link a little after I posted, but since posts can't be edited after 15 minutes (which should be turned off, it's pretty pointless) I couldn't edit it.

So it's like a first person Resident Evil, but without the puzzle crap and without the Resident Evil. ;)
Anybody else find the words 'zombie' and 'realism' rather oxymoronic when put together??
Anyways, I've always had a like for zombies. Interesting to see how this turns out.

How can you hate mayonnaise???

-Angry Lawyer
Remember to make the zombies slow moving like in the resident evil movies, not marathon runners like in dawn of the dead!
Angry Lawyer said:
Anybody else find the words 'zombie' and 'realism' rather oxymoronic when put together??
Alright, I'll rephrase it: As realistic as a mod based around a zombie infestation can get :)

But seriously, we are looking for more members. Since the full SDK is coming out next week, we'd really like to get started on the mod ASAP. I don't want this mod to fall on the wayside, and subsequently out of everyone's minds.
I have skills in design, writing, mechanics, and other literal and mechanical elements of game creation (which has a much larger role in playing than you might think) as well as minor 2d art skills, minor mapping skills, and well-developed web design and forum administration skills.

If you don't need help in those areas (which I'm sure you do, even if you dont know it, cough cough) then I can still make some trailers and videos when you have a working build of the game (would be a fun project for us at Prospekt Films).
Well, that's not exactly what we're looking for. Sorry :)

But if we ever need of a trailer, which we most definitely will, I'll keep you and Prospekt Films in mind.