Cause And Effect!


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
We're starting up a mod now and despite that we have a solid team we need some more members.
This is the current list:
*Sound Artist

At least that's what i can think of now..
You can check the mod out on OR you can pop in on our Qnet channel that just recently was put up: #CauseAndEffect


Edit: New positions in the list above!
Dont you think you have enough threads already?

And BTW, Sebastian, your sign makes me laugh :D
Majestic XII: I must be psychic, just earlier today i bet my ass on that you we're gonna post in this thread and add a remark :D

And BTW, Henrik, why do you think i got a :p after? *sarcasm* maybe?
Originally posted by zapher
Majestic XII: I must be psychic, just earlier today i bet my ass on that you we're gonna post in this thread and add a remark :D

And BTW, Henrik, why do you think i got a :p after? *sarcasm* maybe?

I can still laugh :)
I just thought i should mention that we now are searching for some more members, and that our new forum is up.
Surf in on our site and look up the news(our storyline has finally been put up !).
"Cause and Effect" I wonder where you got that idea from :rolleyes:

Where is the originality? As you have no story line i sense that your only inspiration is the Matrix Re-loaded, not a good start.

And if you don't know of the positions you need should you real be leading this mod?
1. I'm just, as Majestic XII said, the webmaster.
2. If you haven't even read about the mod don't say anything, because if you've had you would have understood.
The name is NOT inspired from Matrix, but the movie "28 days later" is the main source, only the basic concept though.
So don't judge it on it's name pls!

If you just read my previous message you'll see that i just printed "(our storyline has finally been up !)".
Since i'm just the webmaster i didn't join this team immediately, that means that the idéa was up long before.

Hope there's no hard feelings, but how much have you done on the mod? Didn't see a homepage in your thread.

Our basic idéa is the thesame, though when i read your thread i clearly see a difference with our mod.
It's the part where you start, which i don't think i'm allowed to say ;)
And offcourse there are some different weapons!
Like we say in Sweden: "Först till kvarn"(something like: 1:st position stands)

BioWave: Why does everything have to be unique?
So MOH and Battlefield sux 'cause they are about the same war?

Just for your information, we haven't copied the movie if that's what you think..
It's been altered in many ways, which i can't say, talk to my mod-leader for more info.
... don't take away my examples :p

You get the picture?

Biowave: If you don't like the mod that's fine, but we're doing it anyways :p
MadMechwarrior: I hope your kidding !
What virus?! I REALLY doubt that it was from my page.
I've scanned it several times, and above that it's just images and .html-pages.

Note: PC-Cillin is known to alarm when it doesn't should.
And nobody besides you have reported it.
But, i will scan my whole harddrive immediately!
my clanname is cae .. control alt elite .. lol :p was rather confusing :D
well SpoBo, you got it.

They took the letters from our bot 'CAE'
I really gave the ID to them.

So plz link to us :p

// BTW zapher, long time no see