Cause of our extinction:

A lot of these causes don't make sense at all. How is overpopulation going to wipe out humans? It's frickin self-correcting. You get too many people they start starving to death and then you have fewer people. It's not like once we hit a global population of 20 billion everyone will suddenly starve to death at the same instant.

Disease is also self-correcting. If a disease is so deadly and infectious that it kills everyone infected then it will burn itself out pretty quickly because all of its vectors are gone. If it isn't %100 lethal than you get some people who are immune that repopulate and the entire population becomes immune to it.

Global warming/climate change? Unless all of our air disappears or the temperature goes up to 60 degrees celsius in a month I don't see how it's going to wipe out every single human. If we assume that climate change is caused by human industry, then if it starts killing people on a massive scale it will also decrease the amount of human industry. This in turn will reduce the climate change. Self correcting again. More likely it will be slow enough process that we can adapt to it as we go.

Racism. Umm you need people alive to have racism. If all the asian people kill all the black people and all the white people, humans still won't be extinct.

War. Same deal. Unless by some chance you have the entire world split into two perfectly matched sides and the last two soldiers left alive in the world shoot eachother at the same time it aint going to make people extinct.

Nuclear war. Nuclear war might involve at most maybe 20 countries or so. That still means that the majority of the earth will still be undestroyed. The remaining countries only have to deal with fall out and nuclear winter. There would be high cancer rates for a few hundred years maybe, but not global extinction. If for some reason Russia and the USA made a deal that they would spread out all their nukes to hit every inhabitable part of the world, yes then it might exterminate all humans.

Animals that go extinct is mostly because the environment changes and they lose their niche. The human niche is so big that if these types of environment changes can't hurt it. We don't rely on any single food source or climate or region to survive.

The only really believable one is meteor strikes which have wiped out most of the life on the earth in the past.
well i think that as soon as we are able to collectively move our eggs out of the same basket, i.e. begin colonies within our solar system and beyond. We can begin to avoid some of of the extinction issues.

Also i don't think its impossible to find another planet that can harbor us. If we can build a station in space we can build sealed stations on land. Stations become towns, towns become cities, cities grow, we get nations, and nations beget civilizations. Then once we figure out faster than light and terraforming things get a lot easier. The farther we spread ourselves, the less likely we are to get killed off in one fell swoop.

Now the difficult part is surviving and keeping our technological know how growing to reach the point where we are spread out without killing ourselves or building sentient rebellious robots in the process.
Raziaar said:
A satellite wouldn't change the orbit at all, unless it was significant weight/speed compared to the asteroid itself.

Actually, it did. On a minimal proportion, the trajectory of the asteroid has been slightly changed. If we intercept the celestial body soon enough, even the slightly change in the trajectory will cause object to deviate from its original destination.

Yes. The cause of the extinction of the human race as we know it.
AntiAnto said:
Indeed, Mr. Spock, indeed...

EDIT: And by the way, am I the only one who think that transportation would only make a new copy of you, but that wouldn't be you. You would kind of have lost your "soul", what makes you yourself.

:O I believe the exact same thing. A teleportation device would destroy you and make an exact copy of you at the destination. The copy would be identical to you at an atomic level so the only one that would know that the real you is dead would be well... you.

On topic. I believe we as a race are so damn stubborn an cleaver that nothing can wipe us out no matter how bad the situation. Might sound to optimistic but that's how I see things.
Global warming is still not even a scientifically accepted "as a whole" issue. It's not like evolution where almost every scientist is in agreement but religion stops it, global warming is a scientific issue where the debate is NOT over- don't let politics mold your view, go by the scientific community debating.

Please read this article.
'Climate of Fear
Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence. '
Mr. Lindzen is Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT.

That said it's true the environment is an issue that needs to be up there. But putting global warming as an option that could cause the "EXTINCTION OF MANKIND" is just really stupid. Don't let Al Gore alarm you into believing things that don't follow science. It's an issue that might negatively effect us a tiny bit if anything, but not something to put where you did.

As another article's title put it to those skeptics of global warming.
"The real problem with global warming “sceptics” is their unsupportable view of how science policy decisions ought to be made. Scepticism is fine. Paralysis is not. "

So yes, progress needs to be made on the environment, but stop being an alarmist and spreading lunacy. It's akin to the same people who print garbage like "Smoking marijuana will KILL you" etc
RakuraiTenjin, what I do know is that the earth's climate has changed more in the past 500 years than in the millenia before it. What do you attribute that to?
Guys, you know that the orbit of the Earth is slowly collapsing, right? Its the Casue of global warming.
99.vikram said:
RakuraiTenjin, what I do know is that the earth's climate has changed more in the past 500 years than in the millenia before it. What do you attribute that to?
Source for this?

North Atlantic temperatures have wavered up and down at a roughly 60- to 80-year pace.

We've had about 6 ice ages in Earth's history. Climate change IS natural. There has been a VERY, VERY slight warming trend in the past years after industrialization due to humans, but this is barely even noticeable when compared to climate change that leads to massive events like those.
As for the thread, if we don't get colonization of other planets before then on places that have resources to sustain us, an asteroid hitting Earth may do it.

Stern's thread comes to mind.

I highly doubt war or human actions would ever cause us to go extinct though! Cosmic events FTW.. er.. FTL
These types of threads depress me. :(

Our undoing : Emos.
I agree with you on Religion. Religion is the worlds n1 killer, i wish there wasnt religion, its creating so much conflict and death instead of peace.
How can global warming end the human race? At worst, you're looking at an ice age. But even primitive people survived an ice age, so I don't see a reason why the human race with all it's knowledge would go extinct over that. Ice ages only kill those that can't adapt to the new circumstances, the human species is the most adaptable of all creatures.

I doubt there's anything done by ourselves that can end us. There's plenty of scenario's where human population would decrease, but I think there will always be SOME that survive it, even a global all out nuclear war.
JNightshade said:
Read Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. It explains our extinction very clearly :p

I half hated half liked that book :sleep:

I mean, the picture of a naked 10 year old being a portal to a website? Has she ever even used the internet?

It started out better than it ended imo. The idea of those little tribes.
99.vikram said:
My vote goes to religion, which has a history of inciting ethnic clashes and starting wars.

Next most probable is "killing off endangered species". If the natural cycle is altered drastically, I think it will come back to bite our asses one day, and leave us with no food (or something like that).

I would vote religion too...its not too daft if you back through history at some of the problems