Causes of Death in Britain in 2009 the handy little chart


May 5, 2004
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pretty neat. wish they had this for other countries for comparison reasons.

some of the factoids are neat; you have a far greater chance of dying from falling down your stairs that you do falling from a building or structure. deadly british stairs
Is there a bigger one? Its hard to read the smaller text.
By the way, where is the murder situated on that chart?
dam those violent videogames reducing the murder rate!
It's pretty amazing that child birth, was the leading cause of female deaths, 100 years ago, and now stairs are more dangerous.
I like charts. It would be cool to compare various countries. I don't see anything unusual or unexpected here though.\

some of the factoids are neat; you have a far greater chance of dying from falling down your stairs that you do falling from a building or structure. deadly british stairs
Why is it a surprise that falling down stairs is more likely than falling out of buildings? Do people in Canada frequently fall out of buildings?
virustype2: I'm not taking your bait. it's self explanatory. if you cant figure it out that's tough noogies
It's not bait, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't make any sense unless you live in a world without stairs in nearly every home, and buildings that frequently throw you from them. I'll admit, there is much I don't know about Canada.
More people died from falling down stairs than heroin? That's just a bit suprising. It's nice to see that only 200 died from disease in the male genital organs.
More people died from falling down stairs than heroin? That's just a bit suprising. It's nice to see that only 200 died from disease in the male genital organs.

Apart from prostate cancer.

More like you can't admit that what you pointed out is not peculiar/surprising at all.

right forgot you're a mind reader. actually when I think of falling to your death I dont think about falling down a flight of stairs. I mean unless the stairs look like this:

Maybe that's what stairs are like in britain homes.
some of the factoids are neat; you have a far greater chance of dying from falling down your stairs that you do falling from a building or structure. deadly british stairs

Why is it a surprise that falling down stairs is more likely than falling out of buildings? Do people in Canada frequently fall out of buildings?

virustype2: I'm not taking your bait. it's self explanatory. if you cant figure it out that's tough noogies

It's not bait, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't make any sense unless you live in a world without stairs in nearly every home, and buildings that frequently throw you from them. I'll admit, there is much I don't know about Canada.

I guess it's "tough noogies" then

More like you can't admit that what you pointed out is not peculiar/surprising at all.

right forgot you're a mind reader. actually when I think of falling to your death I dont think about falling down a flight of stairs.

Thread of the month. Round of applause for Stern please, a wonderful performance.

Stern, you silly mule, this is an image showing and comparing rates of death. It is not indicative of how dangerous an individual cause is. No shit falling off of a building is more lethal than falling down stairs. But about a million more people use stairs every day than stand on the edge of a building. And I'm guessing most of the people who die from stair falls are elderly (such as yourself), meaning they are more likely to fall and more likely to sustain greater injuries from it.
The vitriol emanating from threads with Virus and Stern involved is approaching epic proportions.

It's a ****ing death chart, Stern makes a facetious comment, and now everyone pounces on him for that? At least hammer on him for a legitimate reason, instead of taking any excuse to rip on each other.
Nobody pounced on him. The fact is, when he is wrong about something he simply pretends you are wrong.
Heart Disease is one bad mother ****er. Always killin' us first worlders like it's nobody's business.
Heart Disease is one bad mother ****er. Always killin' us first worlders like it's nobody's business.
The main arteries in the heart can get clogged over the years and there aren't any backup routes. It could have been designed much better.


We need to stay physically active to keep our circulatory system in shape, so the heart has an easier job. We also need to watch what we eat to prevent clogs. Also, smoking hardens the arteries, taking away elasticity that never returns.
Ah for fuck's sake. Why do you plonkers always have to fight?
When mommy and daddy fight it makes little jimmy cry
Where's the figures for people actually in need of treatment dying as a result of having to wait for all the OAPs over 80 seeing their NHS doctor every time they sneeze to get a flu shot?

Apparently in the next couple of years, depression is going to be the number one ''disease'' doctors will have to treat. Or psychiatrists. Or whatever. I can see the ''Why Suicide Isnt Always The Option'' book sales going through the roof.

Also, smoking hardens the arteries, taking away elasticity that never returns.

Awwwwww. Those poor smokers. I feel slightly sorry now when I kick people into the street when its raining when they hang around building entrances smoking. Morons.
I have a hard time understanding why people smoke anymore, unless you were already addicted to begin with. I'm mostly thinking about people my age who grew up after smoking ceased to be cool, and who probably had full knowledge of the health risks before they started. At the math/physics building on campus (back in Texas), the patio was totally littered with cigarette butts. I still have no idea if random people all decided to aggregate there to smoke, or if it was a weird math/physics thing. Also, what's up with all the people smoking at live music shows? I never understood that connection.
What becomes socially taboo because "cool" like you're brave enough - or masochistic, and usually use it as a social crutch to go outside and chatter or bum them from each other. There's plenty of reasons, read a great article about it recently in Anthropology class.