Cell Architecture Explained! -The CPU Revolution- -MUST READ

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Jul 9, 2003
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"OSNews features an article written by Nicholas Blachford about the new processor developed by IBM and Sony for their Playstation 3 console. The article goes deep inside the Cell architecture and describes why it is a revolutionary step forwards in technology and until now, the most serious threat to x86. '5 dual core Opterons directly connected via HyperTransport should be able to achieve a similar level of performance in stream processing - as a single Cell. The PlayStation 3 is expected to have have 4 Cells.'"

The Article:


Just for a summary, me and my brother has read through large amounts of this information and heres what we conclude:

The Cell processor is worlds beyond the top PC chips of today. The old x86 chips are obsolete and these Cell processors are unlike anything you have ever seen. Data transfer and speed is worlds beyond anything out there and anything else planned. This is the chip that will render obsolete the PC as we know it.

For some reason, Sony has decided to stick this chip into the PS3 and when the PS3 game system is released in 2006 it will actually be worlds faster then the best PC. Imagine a game console that tumbles any PC. It's not a dream it's reality. Sony will then start to license this cell processor to high end server markets and will eventually make it to the home market.

Due to legal restrictions, only free software such as Linux, and the BSD's will be able to develope software for it. Unless Windows and Mac gives away their software. Sony does not want companies like Microsoft to make a huge profit off their product. In turn me and my brother believes that this will be the major turn in computers in the near future. The technology is unbelieveably better and Sony has something extremely powerful in their grasps. We believe that open source software will bloom when Cell grows big and thta game and software companies will develope for the Cell. The article link above is pages and pages a long explaining every known detail of the Cell and if you don't believe what I am saying here then I suggest you getting reading. This is big. Sony's PS3 system a long will blow away anything and will most likely be the hugest andvancement in gaming technology ever. Each Cell can hold another core. So if you have 5 cores you can easily add another.

Sony claims that this technology will be very cheap and affordable soon. For those of you skeptical or just interested I suggest you doing some major research because this Cell prossesor is going to be big and comapnies like Sony, IMB, and Toshiba are behind this technology. I will announce more soon and expect some major annoucements at E3 2005 in May.

Tell me what you guys think about this?


The first Cell based desktop computer will be the fastest desktop computer in the industry by a very large margin. Even high end multi-core x86s will not get close. Companies who produce microprocessors or DSPs are going to have a very hard time fighting the power a Cell will deliver. We have never seen a leap in performance like this before and I don't expect we'll ever see one again, It'll send shock-waves through the entire industry and we'll see big changes as a result.

The sheer power and low cost of the Cell means it will present a challenge to the venerable PC. The PC has always been able to beat competition by virtue of it's huge software base, but this base is not as strong as it once was. A lot of software now runs on Linux and this is not dependant on x86 processors or Microsoft. Most PCs now provide more power than is necessary and this fact combined with fast JIT emulators means that if necessary the Cell can provide PC compatibility without the PC.

It will not just attack the PC industry but expect it to be widely used in embedded applications where high performance is required. This means it will be made in numbers potentially many times that of x86 CPUs and this will reduce prices further. This will also hurt PC based vendors desires to enter the home entertainment space as PC based solutions [Entertainment] will be more complex and cost more than Cell based systems.

This is going to prove difficult for the PC as CPU and GPU suppliers will have essentially nothing to fight back with. All they can hope to do is match a Cell's performance but even that is going to be incredibly difficult given the Cell's aggressive Cray-esq design strategy.

Cell is going to turn the industry upside down, nobody has ever produced such a leap in performance in one go and certainly not at a low price. The CPU producers will be forced to fight back and irrespective of how well the Cell actually does in the market you can be sure that in a few short years all CPUs will be providing vastly more processing resources than they do today. Even if the Cell was to fail we shall all gain from it's legacy.

Not all companies will react correctly or in time, this will provide opportunities for newer, smaller and smarter companies. Big changes are coming, they may take years but the Cell means a decade from now the technology world is going to look very different.

Another thing is, if the x86 processors die out and Cell becomes big then theres a huge chance that you won't see a GameCube 3 or an Xbox 3 in the far long run since there won't be any advancements in the x86 chip platforms and since Cell will be controlled by Sony and their partners.
I saw that already. Thank you very much. I like my writeup better so I decided to share it to everyone thats interested. Mine touches on the subject much more.
yeah I can see more effort went into this post... but cou could just have posted this in the other thread...
Bah, this thread is better than mine.
85 degrees, ouch that is hot hot hot.

bah I have faith that amd and intel will surpass ps3 within months if not weeks.
OG's not an GTA joke. It's an accepted and often-used terminology in ebonics.

I would first like to see an actual tech demo then listen to bloated sales talk...
The Thing said:
I would first like to see an actual tech demo then listen to bloated sales talk...

You will... In mars.
Always trust AMD. AMD has soo many tricks up there sleeve. They probably have a whole damn army of hardware people etc.. working aroudn the clock in a underground secret lab figuing out new technologies!!
Or not!

I still trust PC's will easily push past them.
You forget they are still using a Graphics Card. This graphics card will come from Nvidia. Now lets think for a second.
The graphics card will limit the Cell Processor!
It's no diffrent than if I had a 6800 and a 100,000mhz processor. I wouldn't notice that big of a performance boost if I had amds next generation card.
The Thing said:
OG's not an GTA joke. It's an accepted and often-used terminology in ebonics.

I was refering to GTA... the charcter jeffrey that calls himself OG Lok...

Quite possibly the funniest charecter in the game... :laugh:
Kschreck said:
I saw that already. Thank you very much. I like my writeup better so I decided to share it to everyone thats interested.
Worst logic for a doubble post... ever...
Thats seriously fed up. Windows won't be able to run on it? **** that. I refuse to use linux...or anything else besides windows.
Well just wait..
if windows cannot be put on it(I WANT IT TO FOR THE LOVE OF GAMES!)
Microsoft will bitch slap then buy sony.
It will happen capn.
Death.Trap said:
Thats seriously fed up. Windows won't be able to run on it? **** that. I refuse to use linux...or anything else besides windows.
Personally that sounds like a very very stupid move on Sony's part.

A lot of people are not going to move OS just because they can get a Chip that goe OMGLEET! fast. So goodbye 95% of the potential userbase. :rolleyes:
Hmmm.... if its that good Microsoft will just buy Sony, simple :D
I heard the same blabber about the PS2's "emotion engine".

You're still screwed without a decent graphics card anyhow.
Yeah, the emotion engine was a flop, so I'll wait until something of substance comes. Microsoft will have battle plans for the worst case scenarios.
Ah yes...Seen that at the HardOCP forums.

Can't wait for this technology to come out and I hope the guys at redmond support it.
nutcrackr said:
85 degrees, ouch that is hot hot hot.

bah I have faith that amd and intel will surpass ps3 within months if not weeks.

Thanks nutcrackr....I was gonna say the same thing.

I'm sure AMD and Intel are about to let IBM even get a sniff of CPU market share. The Cell is a marketing ploy and if it's as revolutionary as they say, I guarantee that AMD and Intel already have formulated a response. They're not going to sit there and let IBM, Toshiba and Sony start stirring their Cool-Aid...no way.
Loke said:
You will... In mars.

You mean inside the actual planet Mars? :P I know you meant March i didint notice first cuz mars is March in swedish (but you already knew that!) :D
h00dlum said:
You mean inside the actual planet Mars? :P I know you meant March i didint notice first cuz mars is March in swedish (but you already knew that!) :D

Lol, sorry. :o :)
Yeah... To the starter, by the time PS3 gets released we will already be running on nuclear energy, and it will be like PS2 vs Top of line PC.
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