Celsius 41.11


I can't believe the one time you actually decide to respond to one of my posts you choose a satirical analogy and respond to it literally.

Oh, and what does "gimicing" mean?
Joey if you have nothing to say don't spam like that, Neutrino cornered you and once again you went completely offtopic.
This place is so uptight...
you guys have no sense of humor.

Yeah nuts! you sure got me! congrats you big college man!

party up in herr'''!!!period

A waste of time would be arguing against you. I don't dispute, i leave that up to the 2 main men themselves, because whatever I say i KNOW neut would just get all up in my face and disect my post word for word, which I don't really want to do.
why? why do you bother to engage in debates on politics when you can barely string a sentence together?
I dont understand how you can jump on one small insignificant point in the movie and ignore the huge issues staring you in the face ...unless that is you havent seen the movie which means you cant criticise it

Look at the article, it isnt one insignificant part, it is much of the movie.

Neutrino, as I said, I gather my information from sources (like CNN, ABC, FOXNEWS, Internet) that have reviewed this movie and critiqued it. Some were positive, some were negative. Your analogy doesnt apply and is quite immature.
seinfeldrules said:
Look at the article, it isnt one insignificant part, it is much of the movie.

how would you know when you havent seen the movie?

seinfeldrules said:
Neutrino, as I said, I gather my information from sources (like CNN, ABC, FOXNEWS, Internet) that have reviewed this movie and critiqued it. Some were positive, some were negative. Your analogy doesnt apply and is quite immature.

for the last time FOXNEWS is NOT a credible source .."fair and balanced" my ass
for the last time FOXNEWS is NOT a credible source .."fair and balanced" my ass

It is one of many. I mentioned ABC and CNN as well. Get some reading glasses Stern, you seem to need them.
You havent seen the movie

Asked and answered.
seinfeldrules said:
It is one of many. I mentioned ABC and CNN as well. Get some reading glasses Stern, you seem to need them.

Asked and answered.

it's funny how when I use those sources you ignore them. I have a whole whack of unanswered questions that you (and everyone who thinks the same way you do) avoids like the plague.

btw you have NO say in whether the movie is any good ...you havent seen it ...show me one positive article/review you've read
it's funny how when I use those sources you ignore them. I have a whole whack of unanswered questions that you (and everyone who thinks the same way you do) avoids like the plague.

Stern your favorite source is www.progressiveliberal.com or something like that. Forgive me for not taking it seriously.

By the way, if you keep every question that is unanswered then you need a life, there are plenty you dont answer as well.

btw you have NO say in whether the movie is any good ...you havent seen it ...show me one positive article/review you've read
Have you seen every episode of the O'Reilly Factor? Every speech Bush has made? Hmmm?
seinfeldrules said:
Neutrino, as I said, I gather my information from sources (like CNN, ABC, FOXNEWS, Internet) that have reviewed this movie and critiqued it. Some were positive, some were negative.

Some were positive and some were negative? So what do you think of the positive ones then? I haven't seen you mention them.

seinfeldrules said:
Your analogy doesnt apply and is quite immature.

No, I think it is very applicable. Explain to me how it isn't please.

And it's immature? Again explain just how it was immature pleasee. It got my point across well enough, which was my main intent.

I don't understand why you're so against seeing a movie that you obviously care greatly about. It's not like my position on this is unreasonable. All I'm asking here is that you see a movie before forming a complete opinion about it and condemning it. Seems pretty logical to me.
I don't understand why you're so against seeing a movie that you obviously care greatly about.

I have better things to do with my time.

No, I think it is very applicable. Explain to me how it isn't please.

Again, have you seen every speech Bush has made? Every episode of the O'Reilly Factor? No, you make your opinions based off what others tell you (media) and your other impressions of the person (interviews, previews). You treated me like a child that based his opinion off Johnny walking down the street, entirely untrue.

So what do you think of the positive ones then? I haven't seen you mention them.

Why would I, I read them, but they dont support my claim. Do you show positive things Bush has done in your arguments? Thought so.
seinfeldrules said:
Again, have you seen every speech Bush has made? Every episode of the O'Reilly Factor? No.

Do I condemn any of those speeches or episodes as a whole without reading or watching them? No.

seinfeldrules said:
You treated me like a child that based his opinion off Johnny walking down the street, entirely untrue.

It was just a loose analagy to make a point. Don't take it personal.

seinfeldrules said:
Why would I, I read them, but they dont support my claim. Do you show positive things Bush has done in your arguments? Thought so.

So like I asked, what do you think of them?
seinfeldrules said:
Stern your favorite source is www.progressiveliberal.com or something like that. Forgive me for not taking it seriously.

sigh, you havent been paying attention ....I've used quotes from everybody from Bush to Noam Chomsky. I've used sources from New York times, cnn, abc, CBC, BBC, - your so-called "credible media" ..you cant accuse me of not doing my research, I'm known for my anal use of links facts and sources ...I provide evidence with every claim I make

seinfeldrules said:
By the way, if you keep every question that is unanswered then you need a life, there are plenty you dont answer as well.

bring it on!

seinfeldrules said:
Have you seen every episode of the O'Reilly Factor? Every speech Bush has made? Hmmm?

sigh, what a weak argument ...I'll humour you. I've watched quite a few of his shows which is about 100% more than you've watched of Moore
Do I condemn any of those speeches or episodes as a whole without reading or watching them? No.
How can you judge a person then without seeing all of what he says? How can you call O' Reilly a conservative without knowing that the episode you didnt see was entirely Pro-Liberal.

So like I asked, what do you think of them?

I think of them similarily to the negative ones. Taken with an ounce of intelligence.
bring it on!

Sorry, I have a life. I dont archive every argument on HL2.net

I'll humour you. I've watched quite a few of his shows which is about 100% more than you've watched of Moore

I've seen plenty of interviews and articles done with and by Moore.
And Bush said one day that that the war on terrorism can not be won, and then the next day he said it could be.

Did you see Bush say that? How can you comment on it without actually seeing the speech.

*sorry for the slip up triple post, got too caught up to edit and it wont happen again*
seinfeldrules said:
Sorry, I have a life. I dont archive every argument on HL2.net


seinfeldrules said:
I've seen plenty of interviews and articles done with and by Moore.

notice the emphasis on the word "seen"
Why is it that every argument about politics turns into a meta-argument about arguing about politics?

Your head a splode :(.
you have a knack for tap dancing around issues ..I just fired a whole whacks of answers at you which you ignore ...at some point this becomes a lesson in futility and derides the whole purpose of a debate. Why debate if you're not going to attempt to counter each others point?
Why is it that every argument about politics turns into a meta-argument about arguing about politics?

Ah, now you finally understand what politics actually is ;)
you have a knack for tap dancing around issues ..I just fired a whole whacks of answers at you which you ignore ...at some point this becomes a lesson in futility and derides the whole purpose of a debate. Why debate if you're not going to attempt to counter each others point?

All that was in your post was "Sigh" and "Notice the emphasis on the word seen"
now you're just spamming (as am I) ..how many threads do you get locked again?
Political threads always end in flaming... we need sparfa... he's very intelligent. Where are wwoooo??!!??
seinfeldrules said:
How can you judge a person then without seeing all of what he says? How can you call O' Reilly a conservative without knowing that the episode you didnt see was entirely Pro-Liberal.

We're not talking about judging people here. We're talking about judging specific speeches, episodes, or movies as a whole.

If you judged that Moore was a liberal I wouldn't question that.

seinfeldrules said:
I think of them similarily to the negative ones. Taken with an ounce of intelligence.

If you think of the similarily than what makes the negative ones right and them wrong?

seinfeldrules said:
Did you see Bush say that? How can you comment on it without actually seeing the speech.

Heh, I don't think that was a very good example to use. I said that in direct response to someone talking about Kerry being contridictory and then used that comment to say that both presidents make slipups in the media, but that niether of them is dumb. So I was hardly even judging that quote by Bush one way or the other.

But yes your right had I been judging that I should have read the full speech to make sure I got the right context. I usually do try to look up the transcripts of speeches I comment on.
CB | Para said:
No, he clearly stated he has better things to do... like arguing in here. ;)
damnit damnit damnit, i just read through all 8 pages and was going to quote him with that.....lol you beat me to it. :thumbs:

Nice points fellas! (esp Stern and Neutrino)
seinfeldrules said:
Neutrino said:
I don't understand why you're so against seeing a movie that you obviously care greatly about.
I have better things to do with my time.

It's rare to see someone so doggedly pro-ignorance.
I don't mean that offensively, but not watching the movie before judging it is ignorance by definition.

Neutrino: Shouldn't you better understand your argument before you make it?

Seinfeldrules: I have better things to do than understand what I'm talking about. Now watch me talk!

Neutrino: I'll have trouble accepting your opinion then.

Seinfeldrules: Why? Lots of people don't understand things. I'm fully entitled to not understand things too.

As for not having enough time, you've been arguing on and off about why you don't like the movie for a full day now. The movie itself is only about two hours long. Just watch it, please.
liberals on these boards (actualy.. every board) seem like such :asshats:

Since when was hate seen as caring Neutriono?

And its funny how neut is always in the political threads.. same with all you other guys... right away, it's all of you. (Mech, Neut, Kabuki (who registered just to say shit about me :laugh: ), Sai, and Stern.)

Dem points.

mech, you can ruin a movie by reading what its about.
Joeslucky22 said:
liberals on these boards (actualy.. every board) seem like such :asshats:

Since when was hate seen as caring Neutriono?

And its funny how neut is always in the political threads.. same with all you other guys... right away, it's all of you. (Mech, Neut, Kabuki (who registered just to say shit about me ), Sai, and Stern.)

Dem points.

mech, you can ruin a movie by reading what its about.


If you're saying you're mad that liberals don't like you, maybe you should be concerned about the conservatives too.

blahblahblah said:
Joeslucky22, you make repulbicans look bad.


Joeslucky22 said:
liberals on these boards (actualy.. every board) seem like such :asshats:
Wow, you're a grown-up. Nice rebuttal of everyone's good points. Also, way to support intelligent statements made by your conservative chums.

Since when was hate seen as caring Neutriono?
Obviously you have a strong emotional reaction to the movie, and you haven't even bothered to watch it. Good or bad, you care quite a bit.

And its funny how neut is always in the political threads.. same with all you other guys... right away, it's all of you. (Mech, Neut, Kabuki (who registered just to say shit about me ), Sai, and Stern.)
Yeah, it's a conspiracy. A jewish conspiracy even.

Dem points.
Yeah, us "dems" are so stupid LOLOOOL

Nice complete sentence, by the way.

Was "Dem points." a question? A statement?

mech, you can ruin a movie by reading what its about.
Right, just like how you can totally be overwhelmed by Sky Captain's graphics from the quotes on the poster.
'"Best special effects of the year"? Now I don't even need to see it!'

Stop trying to justify ignorance!
Joeslucky22 said:
liberals on these boards (actualy.. every board) seem like such :asshats:

Hmm. Liberals on "every board" seem like asshats? This is of course is about our reprehensible behaviour right? It wouldn't have anything to do with the little fact that our opinions differ from yours now would it? No that couldn't be it.

Joeslucky22 said:
Since when was hate seen as caring Neutriono?

Well let's see, since it fit the definition of the word perhaps?

v. intr.

a. To be concerned or interested

Saying someone "cares" about something doesn't have to mean they like it. It merely means they are interested in it, which is the meaning I used when I said it. Does that answer your question?

Joeslucky22 said:
And its funny how neut is always in the political threads.. same with all you other guys... right away, it's all of you. (Mech, Neut, Kabuki (who registered just to say shit about me :laugh: ), Sai, and Stern.)

Wow, just like you huh? The person who started this thread. Do you even have a point with that statement?
I was about to watch this stuff, but then I read the posts below the starter post and quickly closed the window. Is it really that sick?
Tredoslop said:
I was about to watch this stuff, but then I read the posts below the starter post and quickly closed the window. Is it really that sick?

Well, the worst part was seeing a person's fingers beign cut off, which was pretty horrific. But that was the worst part by far. Other than that, it might be disturbing, but there's nothing extremly explicit.

Oh just as an addon for Joey:

Instead of just trying to insult us "liberals" why don't you try to debate things with us? If you want your opinions to be heard then why not explain them and then defend your viewpoint? This is after all a public forum where we have political discussions. No one forced you to post here.

Frankly, it just seems like you want to state your opinion, but not allow anyone else to question it. Well I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. If you don't like your viewpoints being questioned you are more than welcome to defend them. But you can't expect to post your own politcal opinion and not expect others to post theirs as well.
There are only a couple of scenes of disturbingly violent acts... but there are a lot of scenes of disturbingly retarded people (specifically, the people they pick off the street to interview)... and there are a couple of disturbingly stretched half-truths. Overall, it's generally disturbing... but not disturbingly disturbing. :E
michael moore is piece of mother****ing shit

What better things do I have to do with my time? How about soccer practice after school every day, homework to do, checking forums for about half an hour a day, hanging out with friends, and a job soon. Happy you all know why I dont have time now?

Now, I have seen most of the scenes I take offense to. I have seen the scene in which Moore interviews the congressmen, I have seen most of the other scenes that Moore uses his half truths in as well. A similar situation to Neutrino.
seinfeldrules said:
What better things do I have to do with my time? How about soccer practice after school every day, homework to do, checking forums for about half an hour a day, hanging out with friends, and a job soon. Happy you all know why I dont have time now?

how convienent that they just happen to coincide with when you're losing a debate

seinfeldrules said:
Now, I have seen most of the scenes I take offense to. I have seen the scene in which Moore interviews the congressmen, I have seen most of the other scenes that Moore uses his half truths in as well. A similar situation to Neutrino.

that is a sorry excuse; cant say I'm surprised you threw in Neutrino's name in an attempt at justifying your ignorance surrounding the movie ..."well if Neurtino did it so should I".

You still dont have a leg to stand on because you are taking each scene out of context. It's exactly like when those religious nutjobs that were burning Beatles albums in the 60's after John Lennon said "we're bigger than jesus". They took what he said out of context and used it as a propaganda piece against the "evils" of rock and roll. Looking back now that argument looks rather silly dosent it? ...much in the same way your justifying what you say based on little snippets from the movie and articles written by blattering right wingers. There's no balance to your argument.

edit: merc stay out these debates unless you have some facts to back up your idiotical statement: "MM is a piece of shit"