
Well, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for an occasion where the minority is more important. I'll let you know when I see one...
Phisionary said:
I'm saying that the majority can sometimes fail to consider the needs of the minority. Occasionally, there needs to be rules that transcend the wants of the majority, so as to maintain a higher ideal...

I swear, if you even try to bring racism, segregation or equal rights into this....
Phisionary said:
I'm saying that the majority can sometimes fail to consider the needs of the minority. Occasionally, there needs to be rules that transcend the wants of the majority, so as to maintain a higher ideal...

So, we need rules to protect the "LOL GABE FATZ" crowd, the "OMG GAME NEVAR COMES OUT" squad and the cult of "DOOM 3 VS HL2 BBQ"?

Under the rules as they stand, the only "want of the minority" that's being oppressed is the want to use this site as a personal livejournal full of rambling, incoherent and oft-offensive nonsense that defys both common sense and any real connection to Half-Life 2.

The rules say that you can do anything you want, except harass and annoy others, go off-topic and flood the place with useless posts.

Any change away from that would cause the rate of spamming, trolling, and just general idiocy to increase. This website has been generously provided to us for free, and all that is asked of us in return is to simply not be asshats.

You don't scream at the waiter at Swiss Chalet, and you don't spam HL2.net.
geeze guys... all I said was that a majority opinion in itself is not a great reason to adopt a policy. I wont bring 'racism, segregation or equal rights' into this (but i was gonna :p)

so, if you read what i wrote, i was agreeing with the policies of this site. I support them. yay! for hl2.net. yay! for all the mods. yay! for banning all those loser spammers.
I don't think Phisionary was refering to this situation when he said that sometimes the needs of the minority need to be considered. It was more of a general statement. As he re-iterated, he agrees with the site policies and the decision to ban the user.
Oh man what a pathetic statement...

Pi Mu Rho said:
Well, we've been running this forum for well over a year now, and the member numbers just keep going up. So I think we'll stick with keeping the majority happy, rather than trying to cater to the needs of a few peurile trolls.

Or, in other words, Bye!

Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one. Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad. I hope you know Im not the only person who thinks this. For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life... Btw you may want to look at Chris_D for lessons on how a real moderator acts and handles himself... Really that was just sad....
Rellik Restam said:
Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one. Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad. I hope you know Im not the only person who thinks this. For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life... Btw you may want to look at Chris_D for lessons on how a real moderator acts and handles himself... Really that was just sad....

Yeah cause when they close threads its for immature reasons. :rolleyes: Gabe laughs at people that makes fun of him, cause he makes 500 times what they do, so I really doubt he gives a flying **** what people on here say. He posts in other forums because of people like you and all the other anti-VALVe people. Oh but I think he cares enough to host us, but you wouldn't know that. Yeah when banage usually happens, its for a good damn reason. Yeah all moderators have to act the same? Yeah ok buddy, if you don't like how things go here you can leave, no one is holding you here against your will, Pi is a fine moderator he barely ever does the dirty job of closing threads and banning people. But you wouldn't know that, would you?
Rellik Restam said:
Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one. Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad. I hope you know Im not the only person who thinks this. For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life... Btw you may want to look at Chris_D for lessons on how a real moderator acts and handles himself... Really that was just sad....

Maybe you'd like this site to be different. Maybe you'd like it to become the Gabe Newell Is Fat Forum.

But that's too bad, because it's not going to happen.

No, the moderators are not paid. They are chosen as those who exhibit the most common sense and intelligence. Common sense and intelligence that many people appear to lack.

It's common sense that you post something on a forum because others would like to read it. It's intelligent to make sure those posts are actually of value and not HOW MUCH DOES HL2 WEIGHT?

Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one.

"So what if this guy was making a useless, purile post about something that no one gives a damn about. So what if he had made post after post after post of similar nonsense, even after he had been asked to stop."

He was making the site worse.
This site is designed and operated by and for like-minded people. There's basically a sign out front that says No Morons Allowed.

If any morons fail to comprehend the sign, it is the job of the moderators to remove their idiocy, either through closing individual threads, warnings and, in the case of persistent idiocy, bans.

Maybe Gabe doesn't post in thse forums. Maybe he doesn't see this shit. But I do. Everyone does. And we don't want it here.

Just listen to yourself: "It's unprofessional to delete a thread just because it is designed entirely to insult someone who will never read it. If I ran the forums, I would allow every useless fat joke. because I'm professionable." How much more stupid can an opinion get? Oh, wait:

Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad.

That's not emotional sensitivity, and it's not sad. It's his JOB here, get it? "Oh those police are so emotionally sensitive because they dislike crime. That window cleaner must have an unhappy childhood because his job is to remove grime and mildew."
We don't want "silly" threads that make 90% of the people here angry. Those "silly" threads are spam, and are clearly prohibited.

If you want them, go to an all-spam forum and see how much fun that is but, in the meantime, this site will not get worse just to please the worst people who come here.

For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life...
For your sake, I hope you re-evalutate your confused opinion before you look worse.

You might think that the mods are here because the purpose of their lives is to hurt the "cool" kids who make the "awesome and hilarious" fat jokes, but in reality, they are the cleaners, and people who constantly act that way are the dirt.
It's their job to make it gone. There's no personal stake in this.
You might sympathise with the waste, but you're pretty much alone in that opinion.

And if the mods just banned people they personnally dislike for no reason, I'm sure you'd be long gone.
But, for whatever reason, the rules protect you.

Basically, everyone here would never want this site dumbed down and, if you think otherwise, you seriously underestimate the intelligence of those around you.

Sorry for not lowering our standards.
Rellik Restam said:
Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one. Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad. I hope you know Im not the only person who thinks this. For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life... Btw you may want to look at Chris_D for lessons on how a real moderator acts and handles himself... Really that was just sad....

Much as I would love to care about your opinion, I'm finding it particularly difficult.

I think maybe you should actually read my post again. I didn't refer to you as a troll. I didn't claim that you created the thread. I didn't close the thread. I didn't ban the poster.

Wow, all your "points" are just falling down like the house of cards they are. Nice try at the amateur psychology, though.

So now we've got past your ad-hominem attack, what actually was your point? Maybe you ought to "re-evaluate your life" if you're so sensitive and emotionally damaged that these things upset you so much.
Rellik Restam said:
Do they pay you to moderate? I really hope your a volunteer becuase your not even slightly professional.. First of Im not a troll I didnt post the topic I simply saw that one of you closed a thread for immature reasons.. Do you think Gabe would really be offended? Do you think he even cares about this site? He posts most of his news in other forums. Not this one. Second the fact that your obviously so senstive and emotionally damaged that you feel like its your obligation to close a silly thread then ban a member is simply sad. I hope you know Im not the only person who thinks this. For your sake I hope you re-evaluate your life... Btw you may want to look at Chris_D for lessons on how a real moderator acts and handles himself... Really that was just sad....
Another fine example of how we can't please everyone...

The other day there was a very large thread with a lot of complaints about me (admittedly only from a few people). But it just shows that no matter what we do, there will always be one person with a problem with a moderator.

But, of course, these things should be addressed in private. We're not ogres, and we're always happy to hear comments, feedback and concerns from the community. Especially if it's about a specific action. If we close a thread, and you want to know why or want to complain about it, just come and see us directly and we will explain our actions - and we can always explain our actions. We all follow the same formula of moderating that we have done for the last 18 months.
I have no complaints about the way this site is moderated. The mods are fair. The community seems to have a higher percentage of older, level headed and mature members than any other internet forum I've used. If a person is banned you can be certain that they have had fair warning prior to being smacked by the oblivion stick.
Very true -JeZ-

And just for everyone's information, we are very fair about giving people warnings and their bans.

How do we do that with so many members?

Well, we have a special forum hidden from you guys. Whenever we warn someone, we create a thread with their name. In that thread we document what action has been taken and for what reason.

If that person comes to be warned again, we will search for their name in that part of the forum and find their thread. We then log down the details of the next warning.

The next stage is generally a ban, and we've started temporarily banning people a lot more than just straight permanent bans.

We try and be as fair as possible, but, there are a lot of different people on this forum and we can't make all of them happy.

For example, if you've ever called a customer services call centre. One person may be absolutely disgusted with the level of service, whereas somebody else in the same situation would be delighted with it.

We just can't please everybody.
Well, you know how you wanted the character per thread limit increased....
Pi Mu Rho said:
Well, you know how you wanted the character per thread limit increased....

So ? That's in the thread ? That's a violation of anything ?

EDIT : I get it :frown:
That's comedy gold sprafa, don't take it personally ;)
I love the moderation here more than any other site that I have ever been too, obviously it isn't perfect but it is certainly excellent.

Oh and do I have a warning thread? :monkee:
Everyone who has a thread in there should already know about it if they've been formally warned in the past. Some minor things go unmarked, but it's normally the repeat "offenders" and serious things that go documented in there :)
The Mullinator said:
I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.
Your sig would be believable, if she had, supposedly, said "Mexico." Why would Canada stand out in her little teeny-boppn mind?
kurly said:
Your sig would be believable, if she had, supposedly, said "Mexico." Why would Canada stand out in her little teeny-boppn mind?
I have no proof but I got it from my calander "365 stupidest things ever said", every day has a new quote. From what I can tell they are all true quotes.

The one for today if you must know says the following:
On those Lazy Stay-At-Home Moms, One Senator's Take on:

[Stay-at-home mothers have chosen not to work because they] want to go play golf or go to the club and play cards.
Senator Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut)
Anyway back on topic now I think.
what do you mean, believable? I heard that quote on the radio months ago. It's a real quote...

Besides, she's probably toured in Canada. I dunno about Mexico.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Much as I would love to care about your opinion,
what actually was your point?...
This made my day!!! LOL, LMAO, oh Lord, that's beautiful retortmanship!
Phisionary said:
what do you mean, believable? I heard that quote on the radio months ago. It's a real quote...

Besides, she's probably toured in Canada. I dunno about Mexico.
It's real? You actually heard her saying that?
It just sounded so much like the urban-mythical ...