[Central Topic] Half-Life 2 Multiplayer


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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Hi, I was thinking that we needed a central topic on the multiplayer issue, they're so many threads out there and they all say a different thing. Lets keep the discussion in one thread to avoid chaos.

The situations I've heard this far are:

- CS: Source is the multiplayer of HL2
- All mods (CS, DoD, TFC) aswell as HL are being ported to Source to be its multiplayer
- HL2 multiplayer hasn't been unveiled yet.

I hope it's the third, but I would settle with the second, but I wouldn't like CS:S to be the multiplayer, unless it isn't a straight port and stuff has been changed to the gameplay.

So what is your opinion on this?
i was really hoping to have a more hl2 themed multiplayer game, i mean yes cs on source is nice , but i don't feel it will make me want to play cs again ><

i'm hoping for 3 , but will settle with 2
theyll include cs:source as part of hl2's MP, but there will be other parts. what these will be i cannot say, but i know they wont be TF2 cos thats a standalone game.

hopefully the slow boring, deathmatch, lone-wolf gameplay of CS will die with cs:source....

roll on TF2
After watching the huge Gamespy movie I must admit that seeing CS:Source was one of the highlights for me. Sure HL2 looks awesome and I can't wait to gey my hands on it, but I've been playing CS since BETA and to see it brought up to date is a very good sign. I hope they''ve soirted out bullet penetration issues though, as I still get pissed off with all the tossers who spam-fire through a few feet of solid stone blocks/multiple walls. Most annoying part of CS in my opinion. The should make sure that the gunplay/accuracy is central. Map knowledge is also important but knowing which walls to shoot thorugh because that's where the nme camp/run through should be eliminated.
CS:Source = physics + MUCH MUCH MUCH better hitboxes.

Everything else is just eye candy to me.
I'm tired of this conversation already..let's not speculate or argue what the MP should be..we'll all see when the game is released ! Go out, there's a nice warm weather out there and have a beer. Cheers!
Polykarbon said:
Welcome...to city 17. It's safer here.

*Breen(?) silently adds* "Safer, as long as you stick to the rules otherwise a Strider might use you for shoes...Muhahaha *cough*"
Basing on what Gabe said in the video and the way CS:source was introduced, it surely seems like that will at the very least be a portion of the MP.

But I can't imagine it being ALL of it as that really limits things for many many players; there are many people who don't like CS after all (me included). I can't imagine Gabe/Valve being that short sighted with using just that as the MP.

But I also can't see it being just all the ports of old games (didn't they promise something "new" with MP after all?) So I think it might be a combo...maybe CS along with other ports, and then something new we haven't seen or heard about yet.
As previously said by bigun, they will include CS: S as part of HL2 MP. It would be completely stupid not to add HL2 MP. What I remember, HL MP was mostly about deathmatch.

But afterall this doesn't matter. There are several mod teams who are already made several concepts and even models. MP and SP mods.
A while back, Gabe said that Half-Life 2's multiplayer was something new and that he played it every day. Surely he wasn't talking about Counter Strike: Source, was he?
it seems that everyone wants there to be a multiplayer style more similar to that of the origional half-life, rather than having CS:Source only. But, if theyve re-done the origional half-life in source, in theory they would do the multiplayer side of that game to, so maybe that will be what you have to play is you want something resembling the old HL deathmatch style of play. At least thats the way i see it
CS:Source is being sold as a separate retail product, not with HL2. Maybe, in that big collectors edition box it'll be there, but it's definitely not HL2's mp. It was confusing the way Gabe introduced the CS:Source demo, and I understand why so many construed his explanation to be that CS:Source is HL2's mp, but it's not.
yeah that would make more sense, whatever hl2's normal multiplay is like, i doubt it will be anything like the origiona half-lifes MP. itll probably be just like it is in the single player game, running around all those old buildings - hopefully you could jump into a strider (possibly climb - which is more likely), i think that would be pretty cool, have either a free-for-all or teams of the resistance and the combine. although that might be quite similar to CS. as you can tell, i dont know. im looking forward to finding out though :E
Hoping for 3!, ide like HL2 MP to be themed on HL2 (E.G. weapons, and locations and gameplay that SP looks like it has)
If they don't do a HL2 themed deathmatch (and I don't think they will), it will be a major wasted opportunity. The physics, vehicles, and new weapons (manipulator match, anyone?) would make for some great fun. I don't give a crap about CS. It's its own game and doesn't belong thematically with HL2. Hopefully HL2 single player will be good enough to tide me over until some modders make a REAL HL2 MP component.
Manipulator Monkey Tennis!!!!

As some people have already said CS:Source is a multiplayer game using source, however it is NOT HL2's multiplayer component. There will be more I'm sure.
Let me put it like this;

If you caught part 1 of the 'interview' that HLRadio did with Gabe, he said "For multiplayer, we decided to bring DOD, TFC, CS, and DM to Source". That's not an exact quote, but he definitely said 'DM', meaning there will be an HL2DM.

You guys who keep saying CS-Source is definitely not HL2MP don't know what you're talking about. Just because it will also be sold seperately doesn't mean it won't be included with HL2.
Half-Life Radio: Outstanding. Tell me what's going on with DoD and what's coming up with that.

Gabe Newell: Well, for the first time we're talking about what we're going to be doing for multiplayer for Half-Life 2, and what we've done is, we've taken all the original Half-Life 1 content.. so Half-Life 1 single player, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, DeathMatch, Day of Defeat, and we moved them over to source. We are showing that to people... so that you can see what De_Aztec looks as people are playing it. So that you can see how we take advantage of shaders and ... physics...to create a better environment for the multiplayer games which are about 90% of what's being played online.

So guess only old ports will be the MP. Such a shame. I was hoping for HL 2 dm/ctf/ vehicle mode in City 17 like maps, with HL 2 guns and combine vs restistance. Not old games with new gfx :(.
(posted this in the wrong thread before, it belongs here)

HL2 MP cant be JUst the ported stuff
that would be completely underwhelming, and Gabe said he has been playing HL2 mp for ages and "that it rocks"

besides Gabe didnt want to mention anything about MP because they didnt want to spoil it.. that made it sound like the MP would be revolutionary... not evolutionary.

also long ago Gabe said porting things to source was as easy as pie, and expected modders to do it.
now they cant be expecting us to be blown away by them saying "ooh we ported HL1 content to Hl2 = awesome multiplayer" :/

I know info is contradictory when it comes to what Hl2 mp will be, and Valve dont help matters, so its another "wait and see" issue.
This makes the most sense I guess:

Iced_Eagle said:
Okay there's starting to be too many rumors. I'll just sumarize this.

Doug said that CSS will not be included in HL2. He did NOT say which version would include it, but rumor has it that it will be included in the special edition.

All the updated content like Half-Life, OpForce, BlueShift, etc etc will be at a budget price. Again, rumor has it they are included with the special edition.

Gabe only said that this is something they've done with multiplayer. They've only had this CSS up and running for like 2 months and they would want to do a little more polish because they must go through each map and update it with new graphics and add new exciting physics things. He merely was showing some sort of Source engine multiplayer. He did not come out and say "This is Half-Life 2 Multiplayer right here." Cause guys guess what... you didn't watch the videos carefully!!! He EXITED Half-Life 2, and then opened CSS which is seperate from HL2....

Here is an exact quote from the 700meg fileplanet movie..

"A lot of people have asked us about porting Half-Life to the Source engine. Well, here's Counter-strike"

In the interview they said that they took some guys who were not working on Half-Life 2 and then made them port CS over to Source... Well they weren't working on HL2 and moved them to CSS which means that CSS is not part of HL2 or else they woud have been working on it.

So guys we can now basically figure out that CSS is NOT Half-Life 2's MP... It is merely a showcase on how you can take a Half-Life mod and port it over to Source. CSS will be great and I will probably spend the extra 10 bucks or whatever it is to buy it. Everyone please please please stop going around saying CSS is HL2's MP mode! Gabe simply put it in bad wording and the press took off on it (*cough* Shacknews *cough*) and now everyone won't look at the facts... Mmmkay? :D thx for reading this all.
however Gabe says
"so a lot of people have asked us about multiplayer, something that we have been doing is taking everything we built for Half-Life 1 and making it work in the source engine"
- from the 700mb fileplanet download
Yes: "something we have been doing." Not "what we did" or "what we're including with the normal HL2 retail package."

Now here's a question: why would they list "multiple players in vehicles in MP" as a feature if there wasn't going to be a game mode featuring vehicles shipping in the game? Obviously they've been playing around with that feature: but in what game? If the HL1 content is all straight ports, then there are no drivable vehicles in any of those.
Well, truth is, we dont know 100% one way or the other, but I'm going to be seriously pissed off if the HL2MP is just a flash looking version of a game I got for free and already played to death long ago.
Apos said:
Yes: "something we have been doing." Not "what we did" or "what we're including with the normal HL2 retail package."

Now here's a question: why would they list "multiple players in vehicles in MP" as a feature if there wasn't going to be a game mode featuring vehicles shipping in the game? Obviously they've been playing around with that feature: but in what game? If the HL1 content is all straight ports, then there are no drivable vehicles in any of those.

Why did he say this on the HLradio interview then?

'Well, for the first time we're talking about what we're going to be doing for multiplayer for Half-Life 2, and what we've done is, we've taken all the original Half-Life 1 content.. so Half-Life 1 single player, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, DeathMatch, Day of Defeat, and we moved them over to source.'

He doesnt mention anything about a new HL 2 mp, just old ports for Halflife 2 multiplayer :(
Apos said:
Yes: "something we have been doing." Not "what we did" or "what we're including with the normal HL2 retail package."

Now here's a question: why would they list "multiple players in vehicles in MP" as a feature if there wasn't going to be a game mode featuring vehicles shipping in the game? Obviously they've been playing around with that feature: but in what game? If the HL1 content is all straight ports, then there are no drivable vehicles in any of those.

where did they mention this as a feature?
Im know they have mentioned it somewhere I just cant recall.
I forget where the list is, but it's on the big feature list for the Source engine.

Why did he say this on the HLradio interview then?

Dunno. We are getting conflicted signals, I agree. Maybe they don't even really know yet?
For a start, they aren't "straight ports" you don't just press go and the entire map redoes itself and new textures appear along with shader effects, they've at least had to retexture every single item and redo every single map, so who's to say there aren't more secrets about the other ported games ( such as vehicles) down the pipe?
CS: Source = Makes me want to cream... :upstare:
They are straight ports: that's exactly what a port is, taking the basic game and plopping it on a new engine with better effects/textures, etc. All the basic gameplay will be the same on the ports.
New maps? New architecture, wouldn't that change the gameplay. Actually, tbh I'm busy right now so I can't really argue, just think about it a little.
I hope they didn't add de_dust or dust2.Those maps are to overplayed and should be sent into retirement.Back on topic...Maybe the mp isn't tdm or dm, but something like BF 1942 or Soldner.Who knows....
New maps? New architecture, wouldn't that change the gameplay.

They made no mention of new maps or gameplay changing architecture. I'm sure physics will change things somewhat, but the point is that they said it's basically a port that updates all the graphics and effects, not a remake of the old game with lots of new game content outside of graphics related things like models and so on.
Valve said that Sven viking or whatever his scandenavian name is, is working on Sven-Coop for hl2 already. so, we'll be expecting something RATHER JUICY from him! w00t

i loved sven co-op for hl1, and i'm sure he'll do even better for hl2. :D
Apos said:
Now here's a question: why would they list "multiple players in vehicles in MP" as a feature if there wasn't going to be a game mode featuring vehicles shipping in the game? Obviously they've been playing around with that feature: but in what game? If the HL1 content is all straight ports, then there are no drivable vehicles in any of those.

I remember that, it was actually in the Source engine SDK FAQ that was released quite a while back. The engine itself supports multiple people in vehicles, for mods and stuff, but they never actually said they would do that themselves.
Gabe Newell: Well, for the first time we're talking about what we're going to be doing for multiplayer for Half-Life 2, and what we've done is, we've taken all the original Half-Life 1 content.. so Half-Life 1 single player, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, DeathMatch, Day of Defeat, and we moved them over to source.

HLRadio: Wow, that's great Gabe, you win a t-shirt... hey wait, look at those girls!

Gabe Newell: Oh geez, I almost forgot, we spent two years producing a completely new and revolutionary MP game too. I can't believe we forgot this when we made the hype demo for E3! Oh well, who needs marketing, right? It's REALLY cool. It's so cool, in fact, we don't want you playing it, or knowing about it. There won't even be a menu item for it, you'll have to hack Steam just to find it!

HLRadio: HARCORE! BTW, everyone keeps asking you about the release date, and you keep saying 'Summer'. There's another t-shirt here for anyone who tells me what the release date is!

Gabe: Summer. In the meantime we'll continue to mislead the public about HL2MP, saying that it's a bunch of warmed over HL1 mods. We'll never be able to fool the fanboys though, they can read our minds! They don't even have to quote interviews or articles to know exactly what the HL2MP will be. In fact, they're playing it inside their own heads right now! Go Team Denial!

HLRadio: Oo, I just thought of something, this would be a great chance for me to ask you about TF2-- hey look, there's a PR guy from UBISoft! Outta my way, four-eyes!
I think the TFC port will be cool. Better graphics, physics, etc. Can't wait.