[Central Topic] Half-Life 2 Multiplayer

TFC port would be great. I'd actually play the pyro more if it had good fire effects :D
I highly doubt that CSS is HL2's multiplayer. They stated that all the HL 1 ported materials would not be free. However, CSS is shipping the same day HL2 is, so whichever your fancy, you can get both and have the best of both worlds if you like.
groovy said:
Valve said that Sven viking or whatever his scandenavian name is, is working on Sven-Coop for hl2 already. so, we'll be expecting something RATHER JUICY from him! w00t

i loved sven co-op for hl1, and i'm sure he'll do even better for hl2. :D

i'm with ya :thumbs: :sniper:
I think HL2's multiplayer hasn't been shown yet because they might have some revolutionary ideas that will forever change multiplayer (I don't know) or they have some really creative and fun game modes that they don't want to spoil and give away to other game makers before the game comes out.
Ye, concjumping on the source engine must be mighty cool!
PatPwnt said:
TFC port would be great. I'd actually play the pyro more if it had good fire effects :D

playing pyro is not cool ffs :(
With Source and some imagination you can have potential MP mods and styles.
With mods I mean like DoD and Natural-Selection and with styles like Capture the Flag with some new tricks.
Lucifer said:
With Source and some imagination you can have potential MP mods and styles.
With mods I mean like DoD and Natural-Selection and with styles like Capture the Flag with some new tricks.

Ahh man u stole my Alias, jerk :sniper:
Lucifer Crass said:
Ahh man u stole my Alias, jerk :sniper:

I didnt know that here is already some Lucifers, so sry and no go away! :devil:
I wonder if they would say anything about the MP before the release
I still don't see the point in not revealing the MP beforehand. It's just weird. How can anyone make an informed buying decision without knowing a major component of the product. It's pretty arrogant to just ask people to place preorders on a game that is half a mystery. Not that we doubt...

Gee, Lucifer is such an original and unique name :rolleyes:

My thought is that HL2s multiplayer will be the same that Half-Life had.
Maybe a little updated with CTF and so on
Has anyone emailed Gabe to get a definitive answer on whether CS:Source is "HL2's multiplayer"?
I just sent off mails to Gabe and Rick. I tried to make the questions as clear as possible , so that yes/no answers will give us some kind of definite information. Here's hopin'.
damnit Fatboy that is Shuzer's old Avatar, bah its too early in the morning to see that :p

I want MP just to have "realistic" melee crowbar matches!!

run up to my friend on my lan, and whack him in the side of the head with a crowbar.. he then carries the force of the blow from my crowbar into his ragdoll death, and topples over head first to the side... hits a wall, rebounds and rolls backwards down some stairs... ROLLS... not slides.

edit: I also sent an email to rick and gabe, (from two different e-mail accounts, because they never answer my one .mail account I thought they may have it filtered) about 3 days ago when we first discussed it... and no answer. :/

perhaps they want people to believe it IS the MP aspect so they will shut up, and be surprised when HL2 comes out...
As the screen faded out I thought we were done, but Gabe had one more surprise for us. He told us that all of the original Half Life content had been ported into the new Source engine, and it would be included with Half Life 2. This includes the original Half Life game, Day of Defeat, and Counter Strike among others. Then he showed us what Source Counter Strike looked like.


So confusion all over again...

Maybe they misinterpreted it, but at least it shows that any claim by anyone can be false.
Goddam. This is getting really annoying. Can we just find out once and for all!! Common Gabe, we know you read these forums non-stop;) Just end the confusing!:)
PvtRyan said:

So confusion all over again...

Maybe they misinterpreted it, but at least it shows that any claim by anyone can be false.

in the ~700mb vid from gamespy, gabe said

"so a lot of people have asked us about multiplayer, and something we have been doing, is taking all we built for Half-Life 1 and making it work in the Source engine"

it kinda lead me to believe its not done, Im just hoping it doesnt cause HL2 delays, not that they would let it Im sure.

"this is something we expect a lot of mod makers to go out and do, and we have a pretty good process for them to make their mods work ("something something") stuff"
nice that its an easy process however, that way mods that might not make sequels (like The Specialists) might have their mod ported over anyway :D
I might be the minority, but I wouldn't feel let down if CS:S is the multiplayer of HL2. I don't think it will be, and I would rather have a HL2 themed MP, but CS:S would float my boat the same.
in myu opnion i think its great to get CS in source, lots of fun, AS LONG AS THERE IS NO BUNNY HOPPING :bounce:
FatboyTim said:
Still no verdict?
btw forgot to appologize.. I just reread my statement, I meant it as.

Damnit!, (argh) its too early for that, hey isnt that Shuzer's old avatar?

but when I read it.. it came of like..
Damnit hey thats Shuzer's old avatar.

thats what I get for posting first thing in the morning at like 5:00am

umop said:
I might be the minority, but I wouldn't feel let down if CS:S is the multiplayer of HL2. I don't think it will be, and I would rather have a HL2 themed MP, but CS:S would float my boat the same.
you arent in the minority, people are happy to see ports, but will be downright pissed if thats all it is (which it isnt)
Doesn't Gabe say something in the info thread about playing HL2 multiplayer all the time? Can anyone find it? I can't recall where it was in there.
What would really REALLY be awesome would be Combine Vs Resistance action :D on Assault mode :D with VEHICLES :D That would totally cane UT2004, but i doubt that.
Does anyone here have a Computer and Videogames Gold membership?

In a newsletter I receive it says:

Valve Software's eternally cheerful in-house marketing machine - aka Doug Lombardi - chats the latest on the most anticipated game of all time

But it's for Gold members only.

And the article about their E3 presentation, here: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/news/news_story.php?id=104665

It says:
However, additional reports on Newell's surprise revelations confuse things slightly as they suggest that Counter-Strike is to form the multiplayer part of Half-Life 2. OK, Deathmatch may be old hat, but we would expect at least that to be included in the package.

Our E3 team will be speaking to Valve later on today (PST obviously), and we'll take that opportunity to clear up any confusion.

So their probably refering to the interview above.
OMG, sucks we can only find out whats really up if we got a payed membership.

Lets hope someone on these boards has it and clear things up for us