Sep 27, 2003
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Ok, i am making a model of a gun, and i am trying to get rounded edges on the handle and other such areas. But when i go Editable Mesh > Edges > Chamfer. It works shittily, and it wont actually round the edges. Can anyone help me please?
making the assumption that its max. Chamfer doesn't round edges it turns a right angle int to 45's. to make it apear round you have to adjust the smoothing groups. Even adusting the smoothing won't neccesarily solve your dilema. if it's abosulutely neccesary that it be completely smooth then your gong to have to insert poly's and round it out manually.
and how do we go about adding polygons please?
yes, its 3DS Max 6
ankalar said:
Chamfer twice?

PS: Use Editable Poly.
That's what I was thinking.

MINDA said:
and how do we go about adding polygons please?
yes, its 3DS Max 6
Chamfer. :|

Or you can use Cut to create an edge (thus dividing a poly into two).
chamfer does wierd ass things to mine. just plain screws it up. ill get some renders in a while for u to look at.
The best option I would say is to increase poly count manually.

edit: afaik chamfer is not designed to create round edges and it has never worked for me.
well, can anyone please tell me how i can make clean rounded edges?
mesh smooth is the only tool that will round your edges, you can apply that seperately, other than that using the chamfer option a few times on one edge can smooth it quite well. aslong as you set the size of the chamfer correctly inside the first chamfer, usually a third try, on one edge is good enough to give it a rounded appearance.(if you set the size of the second chamfer larger than a certain amount they will overlap and look crappy. :P . so use the little tool box to the right of the word chamfer if you cant scale the chamfer size, sounds like your just applying a default chamfer which would definately make it overlap the first chamfer, but im not too sure :) )
ust use editable polys. They have more features. Also a lot easier to work with.
Chamfer is the damn best tool around, id be lost without it. I spose it would be easy to get lost with it though. I did tutorials that included Chamfering thats how i learnt it maybe you guys need to find some tutorials.

Just make sure your in editable poly with edges sub object menu selected. Remember how and what the chamfer does as it will need an end somewhere, it may even invovle welding some vertices when your down, so dont expect it to be perfect.
you can always avoid welding polys if you know how, remember its about making things as simple as pssoible for yourself. only weld if you have to. there are usually a couple of ways around something when it comes to making complex shapes. :)
an explanation of what i said earlier. Suppose we have a cube and we chamfer on edge. the gives us two 45 angles from our original 90. Use the edge cut tool to make a edge at the midpoint of the new 45's. then switch into vertice mode rab the verts fom our cut and pull them out slightly. Adjust the smoothing groups and voila a perffectly rounded edge using only six poly's
Yeah you can do that too. I did it two ways in the video I linked to.
some times it dodges up if there are holes in the mesh. try selecting all the vertex and welding on 0.1 . or puting the cap holes mod on then edit mesh again