Chances of an HL2DM mod??


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Seeing that valve has announced there will be no "pure" HL2DM released with HL2, how long do you think it will be till some "smart" person releases a mod to that effect? and do you think that CS:S as the only form of HL2MP is a good idea? Sorry if this has been posted already....
An amazingly big chance. As of now, I believe there are 2 HL2DM mods in the developement forums.
It will happen someone will surely do it. But just play the single player for a week or so. I am, then i will check back to see if anything of interest is out there.
thats good news cos for my 2 cents HLDM kill CS.
i hope you're right..
for those of u who have heard of Adrenaline Gamer (AG), a new AG2 is in the making and started when we found out there will be no HL2DM

For those who have no idea what im talking about AG is the Pro Mod for HLDM.

It has everything NORMAL HLDM has with extras such as
Voting, enabled Bunny Hopping etc.

Used in the biggest HLDM league in europe

U can check it out here at

and a new AG2 site is underconstruction here and <--- are the forums

With in the 1st months something playable will be there.
I will make one just for fun when im on Dreamhack.. need to do something!
it's not like these magazines have played the final retail version either, or it would be gold already.

Some people dont think it'll change much, but with predicted November release dates, they have well over a month to improve upon a 96% rating. Now that would be intresting.
There will probably be a handfull of HL2DM-mods about 6 months after HL2 has been released.
yeah sure there will be mods, sure someone will probly create some sort of HL2DM, but do you think it will be as good as if valve had created it themselves? i say NO. i'm kinda disapointed.
actually with all the models right there, you should see primitive HLDM mods within 1 1/2 -2 months
hunter-killer25 said:
actually with all the models right there, you should see primitive HLDM mods within 1 1/2 -2 months
like Majestic said it should only be a few days. The only thing the modders will probably have to do is design maps.

Expect some ported HL1DM maps within a few days that have had some editing done to try and accomadate the physics.
Valve was hinting that they would release a HL2DM sometime after release.
so you're all assuming the SDK will be out on release day?
we haven't heard anything about it for a while, so i think it might not come out till a bit later -> so will the mods.
Seeing that valve has announced there will be no "pure" HL2DM released with HL2

Valve didn't announce that, unless I missed something big... :)
The Mullinator said:
Expect some ported HL1DM maps within a few days that have had some editing done to try and accomadate the physics.

Yeah but that would pobably only apply to those with silver+ packages would it not? (Half-life 1: Source)
KnifeKnight said:
Yeah but that would pobably only apply to those with silver+ packages would it not? (Half-life 1: Source)
Valve has said that you will be able to take maps already developed for HL1 and port them over to the source engine. It won't matter what version you have since all you will need to play them is HL2. HL1 source won't mean anything.