Change Cross Hair???


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
I want to change my cross hair to like say a red dot about the size of a rolly polly. Is there a way this can be done?
The crosshairs are hard-coded into the engine, so you can't really change them.
you can change the size, cl_crosshairscale "2200" is what I use.
cl_crosshairscale value

The higher, the smaller. Till a certain point where it can't get smaller. I played at 10000 (cant get smaller). Default is 1200 lol.

cl_crosshairusealpha 5 and cl_crosshairalpha 5000 make your crosshair less transcluent so you can see it better on dark backgrounds.

Personally I just started using a red dot painted on my screen combined with a green 3600 size crosshair. You still have the accuracy at huge ranges while your crosshair is still visible. The dot is great for unscoped scouting aswell.
DeathIncarnate said:
Personally I just started using a red dot painted on my screen combined with a green 3600 size crosshair. You still have the accuracy at huge ranges while your crosshair is still visible. The dot is great for unscoped scouting aswell.

But the dot's position on the screen depends on where you are positioned in relation to the monitor. If you lean to the left slightly, then your dot will be off to the right.
Reaktor4 said:
thats practically cheating

This discussion has been going on for ages and the conclusion was that is wasn't cheating afaik.

Anyway, yeah thats true about the position. There is glass in front of your screen. The distance between the glass and the actual screen is about 1cm. You can even see the differense in position if you look with your left or right eye. So basicly if you look at the game, you don't even see a single dot. That's why I also have a crosshair behind it. I use that crosshair for aiming. The dot is just to help me find the crosshair since I like them really small :p

And when scouting unscoped, even with heavy positional accuracy, it will still make you aim better than when you have to guess the center of the screen.
yeah I already use the tiny 10000 size cross hair and I like the results but I wish it were a bright ass red dot instead of little lines I can hardly see most of the time...Oh well I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Thanks