Change on hl2.php



Ok maybe this happened before, but I was beating around the old site seeing if something changed, and oddly I did find something odd. If this is old news please feel free to just eliminate this post, but I couldn't find anything on it with a quick search.

Here's the new text under the move=truth:

You guys all rock. :)

We'll continue this another time.

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

Also, we think Yombi should be closed.
The last part confused the hell out of me. I know there's a member named Yombi here. So I don't know if this is sigificant or not. I tried some new stuff, but I couldn't find anything.
Been like that for awhile. Though I never did keep track on WTF Yombi was.

*points to his avatar* Pretty much me right now trying to figure it out.

Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.
Yombi said close the Hl2.php thread and Valve replied by 'Also, we think Yombi should be closed.'
So... Yombi is a person?
Fecal mater?

Im so freaken confused :(

Yombi is a person. A forum member.
Probably other people have found this, but I couldn't help but notice the way 'time' was emphasised and repeated in that post. So I tried it as a move. I suspect this is where we'll see a change when something new (either php or third test related) has appeared:
Paravel said:
Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.

Limey, yum.
Pentadact, yes; you're not alone in the universe. People figured out the time move as well.
Paravel said:
Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.

Go play in the road ya fat piece of shit :naughty:
Paravel said:
Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.

You get the hell out. Don't speak to another members like that.
Paravel said:
Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.
You make me sick...
So is it confirmed that these things on HL2.PHP are changing or is your attention span to small to stay on task?
Paravel said:
Your damn the happening before part. Welcome to the forums you disgusting limey bastard, get the hell out.

Paravel, what was your purpose in stabbing a new member? Your post provided no value to any of us. Thanks for nothing.

Oh and Cadaveca, interesting find mate :cheers:
Last time I checked Yombi was a messenger program very similar to Steam. Friendslist and all..
Thread close...I'm new and even I'm sick of seeing people be like...wwoooo look what I found it's new. Yikes isn't there even a sticky on this!?
...ok you guys suck. I thought you were on to something new. Guess not.
Pentadact said:
Probably other people have found this, but I couldn't help but notice the way 'time' was emphasised and repeated in that post. So I tried it as a move. I suspect this is where we'll see a change when something new (either php or third test related) has appeared:

You're everywhere I am. Quit your stalking!
haha nice find indeed, but you guys have been seeing images for years that lambda have produced. So in reality its nothing new either =)