Changeing .mdl or 3dsmax file to prefab?


Sep 22, 2003
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How do you convert a file into being a prefab?

Like lets say i make a book inside of 3dsmax. How do i export it into a map file? Worldcraft atleast from what i can tell only wants and a new weird .os.

How do i get these to work inside of worldcraft?
when adding an "ing" to the end of a word, first remove the "e." I hope that helps
Believe you gotta wait for the 3dsmax exporters to be released. I know they are making one for character models and guns...I believe they will be doing it for prefab work also.
A "prefab" is a prefabricated assembly of brushes within Hammer. For example, you may have a particular style of column used a lot throughout a map, so you make it a prefab.

Static props are the meshes created in a modelling package that you can add to your maps. They are fundamentally the same as player models and weapon models - they will require the exporters for 3D Studio if you plan on using that to create them.