Changes in Vampires. (trailer)


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
I noticed many new changes in the new trailer (3).


1) Jeanette has changed (the white skirt vamp)

See the trailer.

2) Vivi has changed (the red haired, thong vamp)

See the trailer

3) This dude has changed (don't know the name)


NEW: See the trailer


All now have slightly more detailed models. The ghoul on the couch, Venus and Fat lary look the same though.
damn this game looks good, and the changes are pretty good, though i think i liked the old Jeanette better, yet with a little more detail, the newer model isn;t quite as good
Icarusintel said:
damn this game looks good, and the changes are pretty good, though i think i liked the old Jeanette better, yet with a little more detail, the newer model isn;t quite as good
Instead of looking like a dirty whore addicted to heroine, she just looks like a dirty whore now. :P
Is that bleeding guy on the couch hurt or is he always like that? The only way I've ever seen him is like that.
Yees, I was wondering about those changes. They're for the better though, IMO. :)

EDIT: I'm wondering about the guy on the couch too. "Do whatever you people do". Sounds like he isn't a vampire, doesn't it?
I remember that guy in the couch, Gamespot talked about him in a preview.

He might be human, but I remember you had to get somethig from him that was robbed.
Sprafa said:
I remember that guy in the couch, Gamespot talked about him in a preview.

He might be human, but I remember you had to get somethig from him that was robbed.

He is a ghoul.
Sprafa said:
He might be human, but I remember you had to get somethig from him that was robbed.
Explosives from the beachhouse.
CreamOfetus said:
wow, vampires have big titties. am i allowed to say titties?

It must be Vampiric hormones, because every female vampire in every vampire orientated game seems to have large breasts, it must have been something I missed in the Dracula Novels.
Pressure said:
I'm feeling sexy right now.

Good, spend one bloodpoint to get a hard one. :P
Official WW rules.

By the way, there is a vampiric skill in which you can adjust flesh and bone, calles flesh(and bone)craft. It is a Tzimisce(zhee-mee-shee) skill. :)
mortiz said:
It must be Vampiric hormones, because every female vampire in every vampire orientated game seems to have large breasts, it must have been something I missed in the Dracula Novels.

Dracula had some HUGE tits!
She's got some damn nice.. um.. fingernails. Yeah, that's it, fingernails!
Hmm, that trailer actually made me lose a bit of interest in the game.
I'm just waiting on this thing. I wonder if they stamped yet. I know the box art is done(gamespy top10 box arts.)
Hm, this trailer plainly sucked, and not just cause its a vampire game. :\
The only thing I really liked was the male Brujah.
Milo 7 said:
the game looks pretty crappy

I really can't stand it when people base a game on it's visuals. I thought you people would of understood by now that visuals are probably one of the least important elements as to how good a game is.
Atmosphere. Lets be honest, when a game looks non-convincing it loses a lot of atmosphere.
And allthough I am certainly o buy this game, the trailer isn't really great in my eyes. :)
Fileplanet calls it a "Bloodlines Character Movie." Which basically means that this movie is meant to show off the different personalities in the game. Which it did a good job of doing. Its not meant to show off graphics (which are the best I have seen when it comes to RPGs) its not even meant to show of gameplay. Just the different people you'll encounter in the game.

I thought this was obvious?

And if you don't like the game why are you here? You don't see me visiting the CS forum do you?
Cause I am a V:TM LARP player?
But it is still a movie, they could post pics for the chars though. :)
Forau said:
Atmosphere. Lets be honest, when a game looks non-convincing it loses a lot of atmosphere.
And allthough I am certainly o buy this game, the trailer isn't really great in my eyes. :)

No it doesn't, atmosphere comes from immersion, immersion comes from gameplay. If you've got a game with great graphics but it has unrealistic characters or a story you don't really care about you're likely to be taken out of the game world because your mind wanders. If the story's good and you believe that the characters could exist, then your pulled in.

Take a look at older games like Silent Hill and even Half-Life 1, now by today’s standards their graphics aren't that great, but people can still play them and have a great time.

Polygons and super-high res textures don't make a game, if you've got amazing graphics in your game but characters who act stupid then it's like watching one of those stinking new action movies with all the special effects, where if you've got depth to your game it's like watching one of the old black and white movie's like Casablanca, just because it doesn't look as good doesn't make the game worse.

/end rant.
Aren't most women overly endowed in games these days?
They changed Jeanette ??!?!?!?!??!?! Well hope they do her better now...
nooooo I much prefered the old jeanette nooooooo! she was like 10x better :(
It is a combination, and to be honest, to me the characters look like clowns for now. Which loses a lot of atmosphere, gameplay or not.
Combination? You can use/see both Jeanette's?

Anyway the original models were excellent, very dark and atmospheric the new one's look Disney-like.
Atmosphere is a combination of charactars acting and graphical resemblance. You see, during the days of the SNES and NES you could imagine your own character around the 8bit (or 16 indeed) sprite on your screen. Now however the characters are greater in detaill so so must cope with the characters resemblance as to how they are in the movie. And they look like shit to me. Still, I must admit, I am surely to get this game on its releaseday.
But they used to look excellent, the new models look terrible, esp. Jeanette's! :(
Blad3 said:
But they used to look excellent, the new models look terrible, esp. Jeanette's! :(

Um... Jeanette looks a hell of a lot better than she did before.
No she had a dark, perverted look about her, now she looks like a Disney character (OK Ill watch it again to make sure.)
well the new one has better textures :p

anyway we all saw her for like .5 of a sec wait for longer vids :)
ok, waiting for longer vids. Though you can just pause :P