changing player models is bullcrap

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Nov 7, 2004
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this shits getting out of hand i cant even play on a server ne more without some asshole comming on who thinks hes a ****in genious by changing his player model to something like a headcrab. god i hate people. burn in hell all of u
can some one tell me how to get different player models?... :cheese:

you have to tell what teh exploit is so valve could know. :rolleyes:
Valve will already know, there's no point spreading the madness further :hmph:

At least you can kill the head crab! People could be doing what I did today, that is, going around as inanimate objects. The best part is if someone manages to kill me it boots everyone out of the server. It's so much fun watching people come up to try to collect me if I look like a health pack, and then bam!, shotgun blast to the face. Ha!
Don't get your panties in a bunch

For some of you that are a little slow, my point is that the headcrab thing is not a big deal. I found it to be a fun departure from the normal hl2 dm characters. If you don't like it there are plenty of other servers out there for you to play on. If admins don't want it happening on their server all they have to do is take the damn head crab out of their map! Also, I'd like to make it clear that I only changed my character model a few times to get a chuckle, after that I resumed normal play-as it gets boring very quickly.
well if you find DM so 'boring' why bother doing it at all? im sure all of the other players on the 'few' servers you messed up were not chuckling

If you had half a brain you'd know that server admins do not have the ablity to just remove the headcrab or other objects from maps to stop morons messing up there servers, they unfortunately have to rely people having a certain level of maturity and play fair.

Admittidly it is partially Valves fault, but that doesnt excuse people from being an ass.

It hasn't affected me yet but I can imagine it being a big pain in the ass thanks to people like you. You havent done yourself any favours by calling the many DM's in here 'crybabies'.

Anyway thats all I have to say on the matter.
The first time your killed its funny. Your like WTF?! But after that it's just annoying.

I have only come across it the once.
Originally posted by brisk1
If you had half a brain you'd know that server admins do not have the ablity to just remove the headcrab or other objects from maps

I guess your trying to say that Valve did not release the source file for the 'steamlab' map? If so, then thats funny! If they have released it then server admins should be able to modify it in SDK, correct?
the admin does have the ability to remove the entity from the map, its a prop
Once I saw a dude who was in a Gman model, then switched to a Zombie model, then a Dr. Breen model :rolling:

It would be really sad though if somebody was in a weapon model though..

"Hum, I'm gonna get that Rocket Launcher!"
"Oh no you dont!"
*player going for Rocket Launcher dies from player 2's rocket*
"LOL"..and so forth.
Volatilesquirrel said:
I guess your trying to say that Valve did not release the source file for the 'steamlab' map? If so, then thats funny! If they have released it then server admins should be able to modify it in SDK, correct?

JohnnyJigglez said:
the admin does have the ability to remove the entity from the map, its a prop

No, no no...
1) if the admin removed a player entity like JJ is suggesting, it would most likely crash the server.
2) a)Its not normal to release map source for a game
b) If the admins modified a map in the SDK, everyone would need to download the whole 22mb file everytime they joined a server with a slightly modified map
c) modifying the map will in no way change this bug, its part of the engine, not the map.

anyway, theres no point other than trolling that we would need to discuss how "funny" it is to cheat/exploit in a game. Closed.
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